MARYVILLE, TN. – Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ Global Select: SWBI), a leader in firearm manufacturing and design, announced today the start of its ‘Wheelgun Wonderland Rebate’. This offer is limited to one rebate per each new eligible S&W firearm purchased between February 1st and April 30th, 2024.
Select J-Frame, K-Frame, N-Frame, L-Frame, and Governor revolvers will have corresponding rebates of $50 or $75 available through online or mail-in rebate submissions. Whether it’s a classic Model 10 in .38 Special, a new carry option with an Airweight® J-frame, or a Performance Center® Model 629 Hunter for your next hunt, this rebate has a wheelgun for you. Take advantage of this great offer and add a quality Smith & Wesson revolver to your collection! Read more