Phoenix Man Killed Helping with Lost Dog Rescue

A 43-year-old Phoenix man was killed, while helping retrieve a friend’s missing dog.

According to Phoenix police Mathew Giannattasio apparently had found the dog and  was trying to get control of the dog when he fell out of his pickup truck and  got pinned underneath.

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D.C. Ordered to Pay $1M in Historic Gun Case

The District of Columbia has been ordered to pay  more than $1 million in attorneys’ fees as a result of the historic gun case of Heller vs D.C.

Dick Heller sued the city in 2003 over its ban on  handguns and the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the ban in June 2008,  saying it violated the Second Amendment.

A federal judge on Thursday issued an opinion  awarding Heller’s attorneys $1,137,072.27 in fees and expenses.   More here…

Salazar: Great Lakes Wolves No Longer Need ESA Protection

“Gray wolves are thriving in the Great Lakes region, and their successful  recovery is a testament to the hard work of the Service and our state and local  partners,” said Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe. “We are confident  state and tribal wildlife managers in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin will  effectively manage healthy wolf populations now that federal protection is no  longer needed.”

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