Silencer Central and Federal Ammunition Join Forces to Announce BANISH Speed K

Sioux Falls, South Dakota – December 18, 2023 – Silencer Central, America’s largest silencer dealer, is thrilled to announce the release of the highly anticipated BANISH® Speed K. Available to the professional market as well as civilian, the BANISH® Speed K is a revolutionary suppressor intended to address the unmet needs of law enforcement agents.

Designed and optimized in partnership with Federal Ammunition, the BANISH® Speed K is a 5.56 suppressor offering unmatched performance and versatility. With its innovative features, this suppressor is set to revolutionize the shooting experience for enthusiasts across the country. Read more

New Claims Filed Over SpaceX Launchpad Explosion

Piping Plover by Ray Hennessey.

BROWNSVILLE, Texas, December 15, 2023)— National and local environmental groups and the Carrizo/Comecrudo Nation of Texas, Inc., filed additional legal claims today against the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Today’s filing focuses on the agencies’ failure to fully analyze and mitigate environmental harms from the April 20 explosion of the SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy rocket and launchpad at Boca Chica in south Texas.

The April 20 launch resulted in the ejection of concrete and metal thousands of feet into the surrounding lands. This included sensitive tidal flats and other habitat for migratory birds and federally protected species covering an approximate 385-acre area, nearly 3 acres of which were sensitive dune vegetation that was severely burned. A plume of dust also blanketed a residential area more than six miles from the launchpad. Read more

Knife Rights Files Response to Fed Switchblade Act Case

Knife Rights has filed a consolidated Opposition & Reply Brief to the Fed’s Motion for Dismissal and Opposition to our Motion for Summary Judgement in our federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of portions of the Federal Switchblade Act.

Click to read Plaintiffs’ Consolidated Opposition and Reply Brief

Click to read Plaintiff’s Declarations in Support of our Brief

In their own consolidated brief, the Feds spent the majority of pages challenging Plaintiffs’ standing in their effort to get the judge to dismiss the lawsuit, which is SOP for such litigation efforts. We were well prepared for this and responded in our Opposition that shredded their wholly off-point and inadequate brief on the motion to dismiss. Read more

Cashing In During Late Antlerless Season

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)

Late antlerless firearms deer season is open now through January 1, 2024 for the entire Lower Peninsula of Michigan, whereas the Upper Peninsula is closed to this season.  If there is room in the freezer, hunters can turn those unused licenses into something far more beneficial than a bowl of zero-calorie tag soup.  If you’re going, here are a few things to consider.

For the most part hunters will opt to take a mature doe or two and will be wise to avoid buck deer without antlers.  These antlerless bucks to protect can be those that have already shed their antlers or buck fawns that have grown to the size of yearling does – often confused with adult does.  Although perfectly legal, let’s call it what it would be:  a mistake.  If we are attempting to balance the sex ratio between does and bucks, or simply desire to reduce the number of deer in the area, taking adult does is the goal.

Adult doe taken in late antlerless season 2023

The ability to separate live antlerless deer into two general age groups – fawns and adults – is obtainable for all hunters with a little knowledge and some practice. The three key characteristics are body size and shape, head size and shape, and animal behavior.  Highly recommended is a quick-study video on YouTube by the National Deer Association:  How to Identify Antlerless Deer in the Field.  Just make sure to tote a binocular afield for positive identification.

Since it’s all about the meat, it’s always best to hang a deer for a few days for aging purposes.  To take advantage of good hanging weather, overnight temperatures shouldn’t be so low as to freeze the meat.  To process a frozen deer, it will have to be thawed out; refreezing it afterward can at the very least make it taste bad.

On the other hand, if a deer is allowed to hang in warmer weather, the formation of bacteria can ruin it.  Ideal hanging temperature, therefore, should be between 33 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit.  If not, arrange for walk-in cooler or get to processing.

Even if you opt to take your whitetail to a local processor, don’t do so without first removing the inner tenderloins.  The vast majority of deer hunters fail to do this and unwittingly relegate the best part of the animal to be mixed into burger.

The deer tenderloin (also known as the inner loin or under loin) runs inside the back near the guts. There are two tenderloins per deer and they are very relatively small.  They can be removed easily when the deer is hanging and should be taken out immediately so that they don’t dry out in the open air.  Slice them into disc-like pieces and fry them lightly for a delectable sensation that can’t be topped.

Don’t forget to report your deer within 72 hours of harvest or before you transfer possession to a processor.  Learn more about deer harvest reporting requirements at and make sure to report your deer harvest at

TALO Introduces the Glock 25 to US Market

TALO Distributors, Inc. and its member distributors are proud to announce the introduction of the Glock 25 to the United States commercial market. The G25 is similar in size and makeup to the G19 and G23. The major difference being the G25 is chambered in 380 Auto. Available previously in other markets in the world, this version of the G25 is made in Smyrna, GA and available to consumers for the first time in the United States.

Because of its small dimensions, equal to those of the Glock 19, the Glock 25 in the low-recoil .380 caliber can be comfortably carried concealed. Because of the low-recoil firing characteristics of the 380 Auto cartridge, it can be easily and accurately controlled.

The G25 has a 4.02 inch barrel, standard 15+1 capacity, and weighs 22.75 ounces with an unloaded magazine.

Item number UI2550203 (UPC 764503055331) is now available in the market and ready for dealers to order from a TALO member distributor. Production and availability is limited with product continually arriving to our member distributors over the next few months. Read more

Return ‘Em Right Best Release Practices Manual for Recreational Anglers Now Available

The Return ‘Em Right Best Release Practices Manual, developed in collaboration with private anglers, captains, scientists and fisheries managers, will help anglers improve the survival of reef fish that are caught and released.

Each year, millions of reef fish are caught and released, and many die from the impacts of barotrauma. Barotrauma is a pressure-related injury fish experience when reeled up from depth. These dead discards negatively impact the health of the fisheries. Anglers have the ability to reduce mortality of released fish by learning and using best practices to support the fishery, the objective of the Return ‘Em Right program.

“Research shows using best release practices can dramatically increase the survival of reef fish. This manual is yet another tool anglers can add to their tacklebox,” said Dr. Marcus Drymon, Marine Fisheries Specialist, Mississippi State University, Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant.

In December of 2021, key experts from the recreational fishing community identified the best strategies to reduce mortality of released reef fish at a two-day workshop. The manual, a product of this workshop, guides recreational anglers through choices they make during a fishing trip to maximize the chances of fish surviving release. Read more

Milestone Reached in Continuing Arctic Grayling Reintroduction Effort

In early November, three Michigan lakes were stocked with Arctic grayling.

These fish are surplus from the establishment of a grayling brood stock as part of the Michigan Arctic Grayling Initiative. The initiative has been underway since Little River Band of Ottawa Indians and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources began a partnership aimed at reintroducing this iconic species to Michigan waters in 2015.

The full partnership now includes nearly 50 stakeholder and partner groups, along with the general and angling public.

Four hundred grayling were stocked at Alger County’s West Johns Lake, 300 at Penegor Lake in Houghton County and nearly 1,300 in Manistee County’s Pine Lake.

The fish were taken from the Marquette State Fish Hatchery in Marquette and represented year classes from 2019 and 2021. Read more

Turkey Researchers Plan for Upcoming Capture Season

Wild turkey genetics, nesting success, and brood survival are among the research topics in a 4.5-year, $2 million study launched in 2022 by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, the Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, and partnering with National Wild Turkey Federation, Turkeys For Tomorrow, Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Cherokee Nation, Choctaw Nation, and private landowners to address wild turkey population dynamics Following is a summary of recent study activities. Read more

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