Discover Michigan’s Weird and Wonderful Winter Ducks

Winter brings a fascinating cast of characters to Michigan’s waterways—ducks! As colder temperatures and icy winds freeze Arctic and boreal waters, an array of waterfowl (over 30 species!) migrate south to find their winter haven in Michigan.
Here are just a few reasons to love these winter ducks:
- They are beautiful. From the elegant northern pintail, with its dapper three-piece-suit plumage, to the playful surf scoter, which sports a striking orange bill, many winter ducks catch the eye of bird-watchers.
- They have unique adaptations and behaviors, which are a delight to watch. Surf scoters can dive deep for food amid cresting waves, while the common goldeneye occasionally shows off its quirky mating displays in the winter.
- They gather in awe-inspiring congregations. Up to tens of thousands of waterfowl can be seen on Great Lakes open waters! One species, the ruddy duck can often be found in large flocks, rarely mixing with other ducks, as they strut a punky tail and vibrant blue beak. Read more