Deer Decoy Tactics


Position a buck decoy facing you so the real thing will be looking away when it approaches. (Bob Humphrey photo)

By Bob Humphrey
Want to play a trick or treat with the whitetails this Halloween? Use decoys to trick them into thinking there’s a treat.
Buck or Doe? Doe decoys might work most any time. Early in the season, the sight will put other deer at ease and may draw them nearer. During the rut a doe represents a potential mate, and a buck might approach, particularly if they can pick up olfactory signals like estrus scent.

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Raining Crows

By Glen Wunderlich

A business associate once told me that advice was only worth what one pays for it.  Well, here’s some advice that breaks that mold.

L-R, Matt, Shawn, and Glen and crows

When it comes to crow hunting, I’ve tried it all, but until recently, nothing seemed to help significantly.  Magnum hand-brewed shotshell loads worthy of bringing down orbiting space junk didn’t improve results.  Extra-full chokes, same thing.  Bags of motionless decoys?  Leave ‘em home.  The owl decoy everyone seems to want to interject into the action?  Not necessary.  Mouth-blown crow calls?  Good luck learning the language.  Heavy shot?  Save it for turkeys.

But, after years of experimenting, there appears to be promise for my crow-hunting comrades, Shawn Weaver, Matt Arnold and me, because our results have improved since we began our three-man hunts. Read more