Why Should We Be More Like Europe?

So, the United States should become more like Europe?  The gun grabbers would have you belive that it’s so much better over the pond, but reality paints a vivid picture our left-leaning liberals don’t want us to see.  The facts are out, and if anyone thinks removing guns from citizens is the answer, why hasn’t it worked over there?

England’s violent crime record is the worst of countries in the European  union.

The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935,  Australia 92 and South Africa 1,609.

At the same time here in the U.S. the number of federally required background checks of prospective gun purchasers has nearly doubled in the past decade — not coincidentally when violent crime has been in long decline across the nation, according to FBI records.

Yes.  More guns.  Less crime.  It’s true.

And, just try to name a location where mass murders have occured, which is not a gun-free zone.  I’m waiting!

The good news is that people are beginning to understand all of this and Michigan is taking the lead in an effort to address the insanity behind disarming people in areas where whackos prey.  New legislation may be enacted and the story is here…

Hard to swallow?  So, is the poison the Obama administration is feeding us.  Details of the European crime report are here…