Kingfisher Pushes for Spring Weather

By Glen Wunderlich

As a lifelong birder, it’s easy to be misunderstood in the outdoors, while in mixed company.  Immediately following a blank stare into surrounding nothingness in the middle of an otherwise sane conversation, it goes like this:  “Wait!  A red-bellied woodpecker!”  Response:  “Huh?  Where?  I don’t see anything.”

While the uninitiated remains confused, I’ll concentrate on a distant bird call, ever vigilant for a glimpse of movement.  “See.  Over there.  Looks like a male.  Sorry.  What were we talking about?”

Just last week it happened again, but at least this time I was alone.  Normally we see migratory birds returning to our area the first part of March, give or take a few weeks.  But, this familiar call sounded like a belted kingfisher.  No, it couldn’t be.  It’s way too early.  So, I blew it off, thinking to myself maybe I was hearing things and went about my business. Read more