Safari Club International Thanks Governor Snyder For Protecting Hunting, Fishing Rights in Michigan

Washington, DC – Governor Rick Snyder (Mich.) signed Senate Bills 288 and 289 into law today at a ceremony attended by many Safari Club International members. The new laws 1) state that the Natural Resources Commission has the authority to designate game species and 2) protect the right to hunt and fish. SCI’s Michigan Chapters, along with other sporting organizations in Michigan, advocated for final passage of both of these bills during this legislative session. Read more

Snyder Caves; Others Don’t

“I believe that it is important that these public institutions have clear legal authority to ban weapons from their premises,” he said in his written response to legislation that would allow concealed carry in gun-free zones. “Each is entrusted with the care of a vulnerable population and should have the authority to determine whether its mission would be enhanced by the addition of concealed weapons.”

Just wondering how we will ever ban whackos.

In South Carolina another proposal has been tendered in response to Sandy Hook:  Bill No. 3160, submitted Monday by Rep. Philip Lowe, R-Florence requires that each school employee wishing to carry a firearm on campus would be approved individually by that school’s board. Read more