Arizona Moves Forward with Campus Carry Legislation

The Arizona Senate Judiciary Committee has passed Senate Bill 1474, which requires  public universities and community colleges to allow anyone age 21 or older with  a concealed-carry permit to carry a gun on campus. The schools can keep the guns  out of buildings, stadiums and classrooms if they provide secure gun lockers.

Read more:

Postal Service’s Right to Ban Guns Challenged

An interesting case is moving forward which challenges the U.S. Postal Service’s authority to ban guns in post offices.

Hmmm, and where did that term “going postal” originate?  If ever a law-abiding citizen may need protection, it’s on or near the post office.

How prophetic is the above?  Find out here…  For whatever reasons, this current episode of postal shootings is nothing new.  Neither is government’s role in perpetuating the myth that gun-free zones make any sense whatsoever.


Carrying a Gun Across State Lines

This from Fox News and John Lott after the House passed national reciprosity for concealed carry:

For decades, treating licenses for guns like those  for cars was something that gun control advocates wanted.

In his 2000 presidential campaign, Al  Gore promised: “We require a license to drive a car in this nation in order  to keep unsafe drivers off the road. As president, I will fight for a national  requirement that every state issue photo licenses [for handgun buyers]. We  should require a license to own a handgun so people who shouldn’t have them,  can’t get them.”

More Here…


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