Late-August Michigan Crows
By Glen Wunderlich
Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)
It’s been a while since I’ve done any crow hunting, until this morning. My pal, Joe, came over and we took a fixed stand on the edge of burgeoning food plots. I waited about 30 minutes before calling, all the while hearing them discussing what they might get into this day.
I changed the discussion with a low-volume, crow-in-distress call and it got their attention immediately. Joe was toting a side-by-side 20 gauge, and since he was on my right, he would concentrate on anything to the right side of our small, upward shooting lanes.
A group of the black marauders came in low and looking for trouble. I managed to drop one with my old Remington 1100 in 20 gauge with modified choke and another in a second aerial rush.

Late-August Michigan Crows
The ammo was some factory old stock 8-shot with a K-Mart price of $2.99! Joe came up empty and we called it quits after two volleys. Good to get rid of the old ammo, while it was still good. And, good to get rid of a few varmints on a sunny Saturday morning in Mid-Michigan.