CCRKBA Says Obama Tells Mexicans “Half a Story on Guns Used in Crime”

BELLEVUE, WA – President Barack Obama was right when he told a Mexican audience Friday that many of the guns used in crime south of the border came from the United States, and he should know since his administration allowed thousands of those firearms to walk during Operation Fast and Furious, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms observed. Read more

Obama Justice Department Reveals Truth About State of the Union Claims

Despite long odds, on Tuesday night, Barack Obama managed to turn in a State of the Union performance that was filled with more theatrical pandering than the event is typically known for.  Once again seeking to capitalize off tragedy by opting for emotional, rather than reasoned arguments, the President reiterated his support for increased background checks and bans on common semi-automatic firearms and their magazines, which he referred to as “weapons of war and massive ammunition magazines.”
As usual, Obama’s remarks were short on evidence that his gun control proposals would work.  Of course, that evidence is sorely lacking–and who would know that better than the experts at his own Justice Department? Read more

Contempt Charges Prepared for Eric Holder

Republicans prepare comtempt of court charges in the wake of the Obama administration’s continued hiding of evidence in the Fast and Furious investigation.  Remember how Obama promised to be the most open administration in history?  Sure hope the door remains open so we can push him out this fall.  More on evidence hiding here…

The letter from Darrell Issa, Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is here…