Michigan Conservation Officer Bi-Weekly Report

Sept. 30 – Oct. 14, 2013

Conservation officers are fully commissioned as state peace officers, with full power and authority to enforce Michigan’s criminal laws. They are a unique class of law enforcement officer, whose duties include enforcing regulations for outdoor recreational activities such as off-road vehicle use, snowmobiling, boating, hunting and fishing. For more information about the work of conservation officers, visit www.michigan.gov/conservationofficers.

Law Enforcement Division district map

District 1

CO Doug Hermanson located a pile of trash on public land and located a shipping label mixed in with the garbage. He tracked the subject down who turned out to be living in a camper. The subject was unemployed with no source of income. He was given the option of returning to the area and cleaning up the entire site instead of a ticket. He agreed and cleaned up the site.

COs Trey Luce and Jason Wicklund checked a well-used bear bait on state land. They located a non-resident hunter sitting over the bait while not wearing hunter orange. The hunter tried to hide the rifle in the brush but left the end of the rifle sticking out where the COs could see it. A check revealed that the subject did not have a bear hunting license and was ticketed for both violations. The subject needed to post bond and did not have the money on him. All three went back to the hunting camp where another hunter was arrested on a felony warrant.

The subject was lodged in the Marquette County jail. CO Ryan Aho checked a slow rolling vehicle and located an uncased rifle on the front seat. The female passenger was holding a two month old baby on her lap without any type of restraints. CO Aho explained the serious injury that could result if another vehicle collided with them. Enforcement action was taken.

CO Grant Emery investigated a complaint of a beaver trapper getting a jump on the trapping season, with several traps out along a creek in Marenisco Township. Upon contacting the trapper at his residence, CO Emery located several beavers, a raccoon and an illegal bobcat. Enforcement action was taken.

CO Dave Painter contacted an ORV operator who failed to obey “No Trespassing” signs in northern Iron County. Further investigation revealed that the subject was unlicensed and was transporting a loaded rifle on his ORV. Enforcement action was taken.

CO Marvin Gerlach responded to a trespassing complaint. The complainant stated that a subject had set up a tree stand and bait pile on his property. Upon investigation, CO Gerlach located survey stakes indicating that the suspect had actually placed his tree stand and bait pile on his own property by about five feet. The bait pile, however, exceeded the two gallon limit. Enforcement action was taken.

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District 2

CO Robert Crisp was off duty duck hunting when he observed three ORVs cruising around with the operators not wearing helmets, one with a pistol in a shoulder holster and carrying sacks of corn bait. He returned later that day while working and located all their hunting blinds with illegal baits, ORV trails to the blinds, and illegal tree cuttings. The following day he contacted the three hunters in their blinds. All had numerous violations and were issued tickets and educated about the violations.

While on patrol CO Robert Crisp observed tracks in the road where a truck had been spinning its tires and doing donuts. He followed the tracks and located the vehicle. The driver was intoxicated, his license was suspended, he had a warrant, was on probation and the truck he was driving had no plates or insurance. He was arrested and lodged at the Alger County Jail.

While on patrol CO Jeff Panich checked a small stream and observed a subject snagging salmon. A short while later the angler was contacted as he was hauling four salmon up the bank. When CO Panich asked the man how the fish were caught, he stated “all in the mouth.” CO Panich then showed the man the tear marks in the sides of the fish. Upon seeing this, the angler stated that the marks were made when the hook fell off in the net each time he caught a fish. The CO then advised that he was watching while the angler snagged the fish. When the angler heard this, he told the CO that he snagged the salmon. Enforcement action was taken.

CO Jeff Panich was checking a river for salmon anglers and came across a vehicle parked with a gun case inside. The CO walked towards the woods and heard brush breaking as two hunters walked within a few feet of the CO. After watching the hunters for a while the CO came out of the woods and identified himself. The hunters were both wearing tennis shoes and shorts and neither one was wearing hunter orange. CO Panich explained how hard it is to spot someone walking in the woods without hunter orange and how easily an accident can happen. Both hunters were issued reminders of the rules.

CO Kyle Publiski contacted two subjects fishing salmon in Mackinac County. One of the individuals fishing with a spear was determined to be a tribal member exercising his tribal rights. The other angler casting a spoon was asked for his fishing license. The angler advised it was back at his house. When CO Publiski advised he could check his license via the radio the angler then remembered that maybe he hadn’t purchased a license for a couple of years. CO Publiski determined the individual hadn’t purchased a license since 2010. Enforcement action was taken.

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District 3

CO Andrea Albert observed three anglers snagging salmon on the Jordan River during the closed season. One subject was teaching his mother how to snag the salmon at which she was successful. The same subject waded the river and attempted to net salmon with a large landing net. The subjects were ticketed for their illegal actions.

CO Andrea Albert ticketed an ORV operator in the Jordan Valley which is closed to all ORV use. The driver had operated illegally on closed snowmobile trails all the way from Boyne City to the Jordan Valley. The CO advised he could operate on his private property, on the shoulder of open county roads at a maximum of 25 mph or on state land that is posted open for ORV trail riding.

CO Andrea Albert finally caught up to a bow hunter hunting over a very large pile of bait. The subject also had litter associated with the bait and had failed to put his name and address on his tree stand. A ticket was issued for the overlimit of bait which he was required to clean up.

CO Mark DePew contacted two bow hunters returning to their vehicle on the opening day of archery season. One of the hunters was in possession of a bow and the second claimed he was just sitting in the woods because he did not have a license. After a short interview the hunter finally admitted to leaving his bow in the woods because he saw the CO. He was issued a ticket for hunting without a license.

CO Mark DePew was working on the Boyne River watching a group of four anglers snagging fish. When he contacted the anglers, they became verbally abusive which later turned into crying. One of the subjects pleaded not to get a ticket since she was just arrested the night before for drunk driving. All subjects were ticketed for their violations.

CO Steve Speigl, while on a shining patrol, watched a dirt bike speed down a road without a headlight or taillight several hours after dark. CO Speigl stopped the bike and found that the operator had never applied for a driver’s license. The CO observed a very dim headlamp attached to the front fender which the driver had put on in lieu of a headlight. Enforcement action was taken.

CO Steve Speigl responded to a baiting complaint and found a pile of sugar beets estimated to be around 150 gallons. Further investigation led CO Speigl to a second pile of beets also estimated to be around 150 gallons. The suspect was ticketed for the bait and made to reduce the baits to the legal amount of two gallons.

CO Bill Webster was checking duck hunters on the opener when he heard an odd sounding gunshot. He was able to locate it and observe the hunters for a while. When he contacted the group one was hunting with lead shot. When the hunter was asked about possessing the lead shot he said he received a warning last year for the same violation and asked to receive the same treatment this year. The CO advised he obviously had not learned from the warning and issued him a ticket.

CO Bill Webster was checking duck hunters when he saw a boat being operated without displaying registration numbers. A stop of the boat was made and it was discovered the boat was not registered and the hunter had a loaded shotgun in the boat. He explained he was heading in from hunting and wanted to jump shoot some ducks on the way in. He was educated on the law and ticketed for his violation.

CO Bill Webster was flagged down by motorist who told him her father was drunk and needed to be arrested. She stated they took all of the car keys and hid them so he got on his tractor and drove to the store to get more beer. CO Webster contacted the individual driving the tractor along the county road with a case of beer on the floor of the tractor and had him perform sobriety evaluations. Upon completing the evaluations the operator was arrested and lodged in the county jail.

CO Bill Webster tracked a hunter to a blind on state land where there was a large pile of bait, an illegal blind, and where numerous trees were cut down. The hunter was also hunting without a license and told the CO he was surprised to be checked since he had not seen an officer for 12 years. He was ticketed for his violation.

CO Jon Sklba and Sgt. Greg Drogowski contacted a group of duck hunters on opening morning who were in possession of lead shot, unplugged guns, and no Federal waterfowl stamps. In addition, one subject didn’t have any licenses at all. Enforcement action was taken.

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District 4

Two weekend group patrols were conducted at Tippy Dam on the Big Manistee River to address numerous complaints of the illegal snagging of salmon. Numerous officers participated along with a team of Michigan State Police (MSP) troopers the first weekend. The first weekend resulted in 83 arrests with 1,224 pounds of illegal salmon seized and the second weekend resulted in 42 arrests with 395 pounds of illegal salmon seized. All officers reported numerous illegal activities and were kept busy making good cases.

COs Steve Converse and Sam Koscinski observed a young male net a salmon from the Big Manistee River across from the Tippy Dam State Park. The juvenile was with another older male subject. The older male was using illegal gear, inline treble hooks, for fishing. Upon contact, the adult presented a fishing license but could not provide a correct date of birth or picture identification. Further investigation revealed that the subject was using a fishing license that wasn’t his. Enforcement action was taken.

COs Steve Converse and Sam Koscinski observed and apprehended a group of subjects using landing nets to take salmon. The group was also using set lines. Enforcement action was taken. The very next group of subjects the COs checked was using M-60 weighted snag hooks. This particular group of subjects had 25-30 M-60 snag hooks in their possession in addition to the ones they were using.

COs Steve Converse and Joel Lundberg maintained surveillance across the Big Manistee River while CO Sam Koscinski and Sgt. Robert Torres checked subjects on the opposite side. COs Converse and Lundberg observed three subjects using unbaited treble hooks with weight attached below the hooks. They also observed the subjects smoking marijuana. While COs Converse and Lundberg waited for the other two COs to make their way to the subjects illegally fishing they also observed another subject catch and retain a salmon hooked in the tail. But when this subject saw the officers he ran to his stringer and cut it off, thus releasing the salmon it contained. Sgt. Torres went upstream and contacted the subject destroying evidence. CO Koscinski and Sgt. Torres then proceeded to issue tickets for the various fishing violations.

COs Steve Converse and Joel Lundberg observed three subjects snagging salmon in the area of Tippy Dam. The COs made contact and noted that the non-resident anglers had just purchased daily fishing licenses that morning and had 15 salmon on a stringer. The subjects had already taken 15 salmon earlier in the day and had taken them back to their camp. The subjects were ticketed for the 15 salmon over their limit.

COs Steve Converse and Joel Lundberg observed four subjects snagging salmon on the south side of Tippy Dam on the Big Manistee River. Two of the subjects were using lead torpedoes. The subjects were landing the salmon and then kicking them up on the shoreline. Upon contact, the COs discovered close to 30 salmon on shore. Additional COs assisted and more salmon taken by this group were discovered at their vehicles in the parking lot. In total, 41 illegal salmon were seized with numerous tickets issued.

COs Steve Converse and Sam Koscinski worked Pine Creek in Manistee County on the night of the trout stream closure. At approximately 10:00 p.m. the COs observed a male subject exit his vehicle and run to the creek with a landing net. The subject netted four salmon and then ran them back up to his vehicle where the COs were waiting. The subject was arrested for the illegal take of salmon with 61 pounds of salmon charged for restitution to the Game and Fish Protection Fund.

COs Steve Converse and Carla Soper received information about an individual who was selling salmon. The COs made contact and discovered that the suspect had recently sold approximately 35 pounds of salmon eggs. Further investigation led to the discovery of a deer hanging in the barn with a car/deer permit attached. Upon inspecting the deer it was determined that the deer had been shot with an arrow. The COs then discovered a large illegal bait pile behind the residence. The suspect admitted to shooting the deer at 3:00 a.m. with a spotlight over the illegal bait pile with a crossbow and then attaining a car/deer permit to cover the deer. Investigation continues with several warrants being sought.

COs Rebecca Hopkins, Rich Stowe and Justin Vanderlinde worked a complaint filed by a bird hunter of marijuana plants being grown on state land in Benzie County. The COs ran 24-hour surveillance and on the second night observed a suspect roll in at approximately 9:30 p.m. The suspect harvested the marijuana and then returned to his vehicle around 11:00 p.m. The COs contacted and arrested the subject with three large bags of harvested marijuana. The suspect was turned over to the local drug enforcement team for processing and follow-up investigation.

CO Jeff Ginn was able to locate a lost two and a half year old girl in a heavily forested area after she had been missing nearly 24 hours wearing only a tank top and a diaper. The search grid was conducted by Conservation Officers on ORVs, and along with CO Ginn included Sgt. Mike Bomay, Angela Greenway, Brian Lebel and Mike Wells. The two day search involved the Newaygo County Sheriff Department, MSP, US Forest Service officers, local fire departments and hundreds of volunteers.

CO Troy VanGelderen was patrolling the White River on foot when he observed a subject in the river with a landing net and no fishing pole. A second subject was observed upriver attempting to scare the salmon down into the net. CO VanGelderen observed this activity for several minutes before contacting the two individuals and taking enforcement action.

CO Troy VanGelderen was patrolling the White River when he observed a subject throwing a spear at salmon. The subject continued throwing the spear until CO VanGelderen made his approach. The subject then threw the spear into the brush. The subject denied possessing a spear until the CO told him exactly where he threw it and to go and retrieve it. The spear was seized and enforcement action taken.

CO Mike Wells was working an early deer baiting complaint and contacted a bow hunter on opening day. The subject was in the process of tracking an eight point buck he had shot over the bait that he’d placed early. The subject was hunting with a friend nearby who was also baiting early and placing more than the allowed two gallons. Enforcement action was taken.

CO Mike Wells received a complaint from a bow hunter of a subject shooting a goose from a vehicle. CO Wells located the suspect and collected evidence of the illegal take from the vehicle. Admissions were made by the suspect and the firearm was seized. A warrant will be sought from the prosecutor’s office.

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District 5

CO Brian Olsen’s patience paid off when he waited for a group of waterfowl hunters to make their way back to shore. It seems that in addition to not putting plugs in their shotguns, they also forgot to bring any non-toxic shot. Tickets were issued for the violations.

CO Warren MacNeill assisted local agencies in two different incidents. In one instance, he responded to a remote area unable to be accessed by local deputies. A hunter had a broken leg and was unable to get himself out. In the second instance, CO MacNeill assisted county dispatch with a group of lost youth. Dispatch was able to patch their phone lines and CO MacNeill was able to talk them out of the woods based on the information of the surrounding area that the lost youth provided.

While on patrol, CO Mark Papineau observed several ORVs being illegally operated on the shoulder of M-61. In addition, none of the operators were wearing helmets. The subjects were stopped and all were ticketed for the helmet violations. A total of nine verbal warnings were issued for additional violations.

Sgt. Jon Wood contacted occupants of two vehicles on a seasonal road in Clare County. At the time one of the subjects was walking down the road with a firearm and no hunter orange. During the ensuing conversation, one of the subjects admitted to shooting a hen turkey about five minutes prior to the CO’s arrival. The turkey was not tagged and was stashed out of sight underneath gear in the rear of the vehicle. The hunter was also not in the correct fall turkey hunting unit…there is not a fall turkey season in Clare County. Enforcement action taken.

CO Mike Hearn received a complaint of a person driving beyond a DNR gate to access state land, and located the suspect as he was leaving the area. The suspect was transporting a large amount of beets, and when questioned, admitted to baiting and setting up his tree stand. CO Hearn investigated further and located 15 gallons of bait placed prior to October 1st. The subject was ticketed.

CO Mike Hearn was working the duck opener when he checked one group consisting of dad, nine year old son, and 20 year old son-in-law. The group had multiple violations including no personal flotation devices (PFDs) on the boat, an unplugged shotgun, and no hunting licenses. Tickets were issued on the multiple violations.

COs Mike Hearn and Matt Liestenfeltz were on patrol at the Tippy Dam conducting surveillance on a group of three anglers. The non-residents were snagging, keeping foul hooked fish and keeping overlimits of salmon. The COs seized 215 pounds of illegal fish and tickets were issued.

CO Matt Liestenfeltz received a complaint at home from an off duty MSP lieutenant and off duty DNR employee regarding an individual shooting a swan on Reedsburg Dam.


CO Liestenfeltz responded to the scene where his investigation revealed a father and son shot multiple times at a swan, fatally wounding it. The father was issued a ticket for taking a non-game species and both firearms were seized.

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District 6

CO Joel Lundberg was on patrol and came across a vehicle driving recklessly on a two track on state land. The CO activated his emergency lights to pull the vehicle over. The vehicle then accelerated and passed the CO and collided with the CO’s truck. The CO pursued the vehicle and it stopped a short distance later. The occupants were intoxicated and had open intoxicants in the vehicle, along with a beer bottle that the CO saw thrown from the vehicle during the pursuit. Local deputies responded and assisted with the incident. Subsequently the driver and passenger were arrested and lodged for multiple violations. During the interview with the driver, information was obtained that he and a friend each shot a deer earlier in the week that sounded suspicious. After further investigation the two COs made a trip to the driver’s home and contacted his father at 2:00 a.m. The father advised the deer were hanging in the basement. He went on to say that he told them to tag those deer. COs Lundberg and Steve Lockwood found the two improperly tagged deer and added three additional charges for the deer.

CO Joel Lundberg assisted local deputies at a residence where there was potential illegal drug activity taking place. A search of a pole barn revealed an untagged male turkey in the freezer. An interview with the individual that lived at the residence revealed that the turkey was shot during the summer, out of season, and he did not have a license to kill the turkey. The turkey was seized and enforcement action was taken.

CO Dan Lee worked the Crow Island State Game Area (SGA) on the second day of waterfowl season. At one point the CO checked a group where one hunter had his firearm loaded in a moving motorboat and the firearm was unplugged. The next check, another moving boat, had three loaded shotguns on board. The very next check one hunter did not have licenses to hunt waterfowl. Besides those three consecutive checks, everyone else at Crow Island appeared to be behaving.

While patrolling the Pine River near Alma, CO Jeremy Payne checked a group of waterfowl hunters who mentioned they were with an additional group of hunters down river. The CO then saw that corn had been spread on the ground of the small island from where the subjects were hunting. The CO continued down river and checked the second hunting group. The CO again noticed corn at this location. The CO then waited for the two groups to reunite and made contact and took enforcement action for the baiting violation. The two groups harvested a total of 7 geese and 31 ducks from these baited locations. Ducks, geese and the guns were all seized. All were charged for hunting waterfowl over bait.

CO Jeremy Payne responded to the scene of an illegal burn in the City of Clare. In the attempt to clean up a neighboring abandoned property the suspect started a fire. The fire was located on the abandoned property where trash was burned. The suspect eventually admitted to starting the fire using gasoline and a lighter. CO Payne is currently working with prosecutor’s office regarding pending charges.

While working the opening day of waterfowl season, CO Ken Lowell attempted to talk with a couple of hunters who took off running when they saw the CO. Unable to locate the hunters, the CO started gathering their hunting gear, at which time the hunters returned to talk with the CO. Violations included unplugged firearms, no Federal stamps, and no small game licenses. Enforcement action was taken.

CO Quincy Gowenlock received a complaint regarding a subject posing on Facebook with two bucks, a spike and a five point. The five point only had three points on one side which is a violation of the antler point restriction. The CO contacted the suspect’s father who said it was his fault. He told his son over the phone to shoot the second deer, not knowing about the point restrictions. The CO then contacted the son who admitted to the violation. He said he shot a buck and it ran off but wasn’t sure of the antler size.

Fifteen minutes later another group of deer came in with a five point buck. He called his dad on the phone and asked him what to do and his dad told him to shoot it because he had two tags, so he did. Later he found the other deer and saw it was a spike. He didn’t find out it was illegal until one of his friends on Facebook asked if he shot both deer. When he responded with yes, the friend told him that he couldn’t do it and it was illegal. Warrants are being requested for the violations and the deer were seized and donated.

CO Joshua Wright was tipped off about a guy he arrested two years prior for manufacturing marijuana who was out hunting at the time and was in violation of his parole. CO Wright assisted his parole officer in locating the suspect and found him out in a tree stand. CO Wright issued a ticket to the suspect for hunting without a license and turned the parole violation over to his parole officer.

CO Joshua Wright received a Report-All-Poaching (RAP) complaint about a person trespassing on a parcel of State Hospital property. CO Wright was able to hide in the woods and wait for the suspect to come out. When the person did come out from hunting, he came within 20 feet of the CO. CO Wright turned his flashlight on the suspect and he hit the ground like he was trying to hide. This was the second time that this suspect has been caught on the same parcel of property. Enforcement action was taken.


While checking waterfowl hunters at their vehicles, CO Seth Rhodea was checking their firearms and located a loaded shotgun in one of the hunter’s vehicles. The CO had also noticed the odor of burnt marijuana when he first approached the hunters and questioning quickly led to one the subjects turning over a pipe and small jar of marijuana to the CO. Enforcement action was taken.

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District 7

CO Mike Mshar responded to a complaint of illegal fishing activity occurring on a closed section of a local trout stream. CO Mshar was able to locate the subject, who was catching salmon by hand along the closed stream. Three fish were taken from the subject and enforcement action was taken for fishing a closed stream and by illegal methods.

CO Mike Mshar responded to a complaint of snagging at the Hamilton Dam and observed the subject snag and take possession of the foul hooked fish. Contact with the subject revealed two other foul hooked fish. The subject thought as long as the fish were hooked somewhere near the head that this method of take was legal. Enforcement action was taken.

CO Chris Holmes and Sgt. Jeff Rabbers conducted surveillance along a private lake in Kalamazoo County in response to a complaint of potential illegal waterfowl hunting activity. Contact was made with three surprised hunters at the end of their hunt. One claimed he had left his license at home and needed to go to the bathroom real bad. CO Holmes asked him if he was allowed to go to his residence to use the bathroom if he would come back out to show them his license. He responded that he would not, and that his wife would probably not be happy when they tried to contact him at his residence. CO Holmes then asked again if he had a license and he finally admitted to taking two ducks without any state or Federal licenses. Enforcement action was taken.

CO Gary Raak finished an investigation of a complaint received from the youth Liberty hunt where a father took his son and stepson hunting. Neither youth was licensed while one of them had taken an antlered deer; and the father had taken an antlerless deer during the early antlerless season without tagging it. The father was charged with allowing the youth to take a deer without a license and warned on the tagging issue.

CO Gary Raak and Sgt. Jeff Rabbers conducted a float patrol during the south zone waterfowl opener on the Thornapple River in Barry County. Contact was made with one surprised group who had taken five wood ducks and one mallard without any licenses and unplugged shotguns. Enforcement action was taken.

COs Steve Mooney and Jeff Robinette observed a group of juveniles in a closed trout stream chasing salmon with nets and sticks. The COs identified themselves and two of the subjects ran. After a short foot chase the two were apprehended. Local police officers arrived and advised that one of the juveniles was wanted on an assault charge. The two subjects who ran from the COs will be petitioned into juvenile court for the fishing violations.

COs Chris Simpson and Greg Patten responded to a RAP complaint in Muskegon County of a subject with untagged deer at his residence. After several interviews at the residence the COs located several hides, meat in the freezer, and a butchered carcass of a buck dumped behind the residence. CO Simpson recalled investigating a tarp with the remains of two does dumped on nearby property within the last week. COs were able to obtain admissions of the hunter taking two does and a buck within the last week while bow hunting. None of the deer were tagged, as he admitted he wanted to continue buck hunting. It was further established that he had dumped the carcasses, tarp and trash on nearby public lands several days ago. Enforcement action was taken.


CO Dave Rodgers waited on three waterfowl hunters the second evening of the season who continued to hunt past the closing time. The three started shooting 11 minutes after the closure and continued firing until 28 minutes late in near darkness. In excess of 30 rounds were fired. CO Rodgers contacted the hunters who had actually downed three wood ducks. Their dog refused to retrieve the birds and none of the hunters wore waders or had a boat. CO Rodgers ticketed the hunters for hunting after the closing time and also charged one hunter for using an unplugged gun.

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District 8

CO Rich Nickols was checking salmon anglers late Friday night when he observed two anglers pack up their gear in their car. It appeared that among the items was a fish in a plastic grocery bag. As CO Nickols made contact the subject closed the trunk and stated they had not caught anything. Both subjects had restricted fishing licenses.

When questioned about the fish in the bag, the subject stated it was just some trash but initially would not open the trunk to show it. After a short conversation the subject retrieved the bag which contained a steelhead trout. A ticket was issued.

While preparing to check waterfowl hunters on the opening morning, CO Rich Nickols began hearing shots 18 minutes before the start of hunting hours. CO Nickols approached the first group of hunters that he observed shooting and asked if they had any ducks down. One hunter mentioned they had one down. CO Nickols replied, “That’s pretty good since hunting hours officially start in two minutes.” A ticket was issued for the violation.

After working late waterfowl hunting activity, CO Rich Nickols was patrolling the RoseLake Game Area well after dark and drove by a parking area. CO Nickols observed a subject sitting on the ground by a gate in the lot. The subject stated he was waiting for his ride to pick him up and that he had been waterfowl hunting. CO Nickols asked the subject if his gun was still loaded and he stated that it was and proceeded to eject four shells from the gun. In addition to the unplugged gun and being loaded an hour after hunting hours ended, the subject had no Federal waterfowl stamp and was using lead shot. Enforcement action was taken.

CO Pete Purdy was patrolling the Grand River in Lansing near the Brenke Fish Ladder when he observed two subjects actively attempting to snag salmon. When CO Purdy approached the subjects they both broke their lines and claimed they had snagged a log. One of the subjects hadn’t purchased a fishing license, and enforcement action was taken.

CO Brian Fish was called to a complaint of a landowner using a backhoe to create a new road, nearly one-half mile long, along a designated trout stream. Upon reaching the site, he found there was sand and material going downstream. The landowner had removed all the growth, rocks, downed trees and branches along the south side of the stream in his effort to open the stream up to fishing. The material that was removed was then used to fill regulated wetlands and floodplain areas. The complaint was turned over to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for follow-up.


CO Derek Miller worked with CO Kyle Bader for the waterfowl opener. The COs kayaked into a remote lake and contacted occupants of a fishing boat later in the morning and found all three subjects were from out of state. A file check revealed that two of the subjects did not have fishing licenses and one had a statewide fail to appear warrant out of Michigan. Tickets were issued and the subject was followed back to shore and lodged in the county jail for his warrant.

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District 9

CO Ken Kovach assisted the DEQ with a complaint in Columbus Township. The suspect had been committing river bank destruction along the Belle River in order to make a boat launch for his personal use. CO Kovach was able to take the DEQ representative in by ORV to view the site, and meet up with the suspect. The suspect has been ordered to return the area back to as normal conditions as possible, and DEQ is now in charge of the complaint.

While checking waterfowl hunters in Harrison Township, COs Kris Kiel and Todd Szyska came across a father and son team out hunting. The duo had just bagged a mallard and had finished retrieving it. When checking the hunters, three lead shot shells were found in the wader pocket of the adult with his steel shot rounds. Enforcement action was taken.

While checking waterfowl hunters at the tip of Sunshine Point, COs Kris Kiel and Todd Szyska came upon and checked a party of four hunters using the brush on shore as cover. The four hunters had quite a few decoys out and no birds to show for it. CO Szyska contacted one of the hunters who had two loaded shotguns and an unsigned Federal stamp. When asked why the hunter had so many shotguns the hunter stated he was testing them out and he wanted to be prepared. Enforcement action was taken.

While checking duck hunters coming in off of the lake, COs Kris Kiel and Todd Szyska were talked to by a complainant informing them that a subject had been shooting at Cormorants all morning. As the COs were conducting surveillance on the subjects a RAP complaint came in about the same issue. The suspects were hunting an artificially created rock pile that separates the Clinton River from Lake St. Clair. The subjects were hunting towards the lake, and their decoys were visible. COs Kiel and Szyska asked a citizen for a boat ride to the rock pile and were dropped off. Contact was made with the hunters who were not only in a safety zone, but also had been shooting at Cormorants. CO Kiel asked the hunters if they knew they had been shooting at Cormorants and they replied no. The hunters explained that they had been shooting at big black ducks. There were no Cormorants present in their bag limit. The hunters were also educated about hunting within the safety zone of a residence and decided they were packing up for the day. Checks of the hunter’s licenses and gear revealed that both hunters did not have state waterfowl hunting licenses. Enforcement action was taken.

CO Ken Kovach was requested from the St. Clair County Drug Task Force to assist in the early morning hours at two residences under search warrant entry. In the search freezers full of game animals were found and they needed a conservation officer on scene. The seizure will be one of the largest marijuana drug seizures in St. Clair County history. There were marijuana trees that had to be removed with heavy tractors due to the large root systems. The game animals that were found at the residence totaled 12 untagged deer (bucks and does) and one turkey that had been shot by a firearm. The suspect was interviewed about the animals and he admitted that they were all his. CO Kovach had already run a license check on the subject, and there were more deer than tags. The suspect is a convicted felon and now faces multiple felony charges as well as the charges for all of the unsubstantiated game animals taken without licenses.

CO Mark Ennett received a complaint from a resident that his home had been peppered with shot all morning. Several groups of hunters were in the vicinity of the house in the Pointe Aux Peaux State Game Area (SGA). The closest group was investigated and they each had a violation, an unplugged shotgun and a PFD violation on their vessel. Enforcement action was taken.

While checking deer hunters at Pointe Mouillee SGA CO Dan Walzak came across a pickup that was stuck sideways across a rutted two-track near a diversion canal. The truck was across the road from the game area and about 35 feet onto private property. Contacting the driver, CO Walzak asked him why he was there with his vehicle and the subject stated that he was showing his girlfriend the canal because she had never seen it. CO Walzak asked why he couldn’t show her the canal from the road where he drove over it and the subject had no answer. After being told that he was trespassing on private property and operating a vehicle off road without an ORV license, the subject explained to the CO that a couple of guys told him that it was all right to go “mudding” at that location. CO Walzak advised the subject that the information was totally incorrect and enforcement action was taken. In addition, the subject had to pay $400 to have his vehicle towed out to the road.

CO Lacelle Rabon received a RAP complaint about waterfowl hunters hunting on the Detroit River within the City limits of Ecorse, on the Thursday before the season opener. Upon arrival at the location, CO Rabon heard shots being fired and observed the waterfowl hunters from a nearby launch ramp. CO Rabon attempted to get their attention using his patrol vehicle’s PA system. The hunters ignored CO Rabon and continued to hunt. Ecorse Police Department was notified and an officer responded. A citizen assisted CO Rabon and the Ecorse officer by taking them out by boat to make contact. The waterfowl hunters were ordered to return to the shoreline. The hunters were ticketed for taking waterfowl during the closed season, one of them was in possession of lead slugs, and they did not have a paper registration for their vessel. The two also received tickets from the Ecorse officer for discharging firearms within the City limits.

CO Mike Drexler pulled into a boat launch along the Huron River and observed two anglers fishing from shore. As he pulled up one angler set his fishing pole down and walked away from it. CO Drexler asked to see the angler’s fishing licenses which one was able to provide. The other angler that walked away from his fishing pole stated he forgot it at home after a brief check in his wallet. CO Drexler asked if he was sure he purchased a fishing license and the angler stated he had. An check of the license system revealed the subject had never purchased a fishing license. The CO informed the subject he would be receiving a ticket for fishing without a license.

COs Mike Drexler and Dan Walzak were checking waterfowl hunters at Pointe Mouillee SGA on opening day of waterfowl season. One subject had a loaded firearm on the dike and an unplugged shotgun. The hunter had a small spot of blood on the latex gloves he was wearing and stated that it came from a duck he shot, but when he grabbed the duck it flew away. The COs were not impressed with the story and continued investigating. When checking the hunter’s shot shells, CO Drexler asked to see a few pocket knives in the hunter’s pockets. Inspecting the knives revealed fresh feathers and blood. The hunter then stated that his religion requires him to cut the throats of the bird he shot but after doing so the bird flew away. An inspection of the grocery bag in the hunters pocket revealed six protected non-game songbirds. The hunter received a ticket for the unplugged shotgun and taking non-game protected species.

COs Mike Drexler and Dan Walzak checked four waterfowl hunters on the opening day of waterfowl season. Three of the hunters failed to sign their Federal waterfowl stamps, one hunter did not have any of his hunting licenses on him so a Federal stamp could not be confirmed, and they were in possession of loaded firearms on the dike. The hunters protested a few tickets and several warnings and couldn’t understand why the COs didn’t just “give them all a break.”

CO Brandon Kieft assisted the Bald Mountain Recreation Area staff on a deer complaint. Two male subjects acting suspiciously were stopped by park rangers and questioned. The subjects stated they were tracking a deer in the rain during the last few days in September. The rangers knew the deer season was still closed for these individuals and called CO Kieft for assistance. Both subjects had misdemeanor warrants for their arrest and were not properly dressed for tracking deer. When CO Kieft arrived and interviewed the subjects, the truth was eventually told. A third individual was located deeper in the woods at an illegal camp with cut trees and a ground fire. Enforcement action was taken.

While patrolling state land, CO Ben Shively located a vehicle from a previous RAP complaint that CO Brandon Kieft had responded to of a subject hunting deer with a firearm. Upon CO Kieft’s arrival, the suspect vehicle had already left. CO Shively had also received information of the suspect planting food plots on state land at two different locations and placing bait before season. CO Shively attempted to locate the suspect but was unsuccessful, and waited for him near his vehicle. After hunting hours the subject, carrying a bow, returned to his vehicle where CO Shively contacted him. While they were walking back to his vehicle the suspect denied planting any food plots. As CO Shively was asking to see his licenses, the suspect was securing his bow in a case on the passenger side of the vehicle. As CO Shively was watching the subject he observed an uncased revolver in the mesh storage pocket behind the passenger’s seat. CO Shively quickly placed the subject into handcuffs and secured the .357 revolver. The suspect stated that he did not have a Concealed Pistol License but carries the revolver for protection. CO Shively called for backup and secured the firearm and the suspect. When deputies arrived, a search of the vehicle was done and a canister of pepper spray was recovered from the driver side door that exceeded the legal percentage allowed by non-law enforcement personnel to possess. A LEIN check on the revolver found that it had never been registered. Warrants will be sought for concealed weapon violation, unregistered handgun, and possession of personal defense spray greater than allowed.

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