Online map helps public explore, comment on forest road ORV opportunities

A new, interactive map available on the DNR website provides information on access to state-owned lands, while welcoming the public’s involvement in the management of state forest roads.
The map allows users to view state forest road locations, see which roads are open or closed to ORV use, and submit comments about specific roads.
It’s easy to navigate on the map to an area of interest, click to view a road segment, and then provide your comment on that segment. The current map accepts comments for the northern Lower Peninsula. Beginning Jan. 1, 2019, comments will be accepted for the Upper Peninsula and southern Lower Peninsula, too.
This new forest road inventory map is part of the DNR’s implementation of Public Act 288 of 2016, and it ensures continued public access and involvement in the forest road inventory process. PA 288 encourages more people to enjoy Michigan’s public lands by enhancing ORV opportunities in the northern Lower Peninsula and southern Lower Peninsula.
PA 288 also requires that state forest roads in the Upper Peninsula be inventoried and legally designated as open or closed to ORV use. The inventory and designation process is finished for the northern Lower Peninsula, but is still under way in the U.P. and southern Lower Peninsula. PA 288 requires a full, completed inventory by year’s end.
“This tool ensures easy access to important information for accessing and using public lands. It also facilitates involvement by interested members of the public in the forest road inventory process,” said Bill O’Neill, DNR natural resources deputy director.
Comments submitted via the forest road inventory map by Aug. 31 of each year will be reviewed to determine what, if any, action is needed. Proposed changes to state forest road status for ORV or conventional vehicle use will be available for public review and comment in the fall. After review, the DNR director will make a decision at a Natural Resources Commission meeting. New maps showing state forest roads and whether they’re open to ORV use will be published by April 1 each year.
The interactive map is available at Printable maps (updated annually) also are available at this website.
Learn more about designated trails in Michigan and sign up for email updates at For more on the forest inventory map, contact Kerry Wieber at 517-643-1256.