Share your opinions on future Michigan bear management

Michigan is home to an estimated 12,000 adult black bears. To guide bear management throughout the state, the DNR, with assistance from tribes and many others interested in maintaining a healthy black bear population, developed the state’s first bear management plan in 2009.
Now, the DNR is working to revise that plan and is encouraging the public to help. A questionnaire (available at has been developed to capture opinions, which will be accepted until July 31, 2018.
“The plan we have been operating under for almost 10 years has been a great tool,” said DNR bear specialist Kevin Swanson. “We want to make sure that the plan is still meeting the state’s and others’ needs, or determine if changes are needed to ensure a thriving bear population for future generations.”
The current plan’s objectives include:
- Maintaining a sustainable black bear population.
- Providing hunting opportunities.
- Minimizing bear-related conflicts.
This questionnaire is one piece of the larger engagement process. Once all comments are received, the DNR will evaluate possible modifications and then provide a draft updated plan for review and feedback, too. The DNR hopes to have a final plan available in 2019.
For more information, contact Kevin Swanson at 906-458-1889.