TenPoint Announces Rebate

The rebate applies to the following Stealth NXT crossbow packages:
? CB18019-3817 (w/ACUdraw 50 SLED) ? CB18019-3812 (w/ACUdraw) ? CB18019-3813 (w/ACUdraw PRO) ? CB18019-3493 (w/ACUdraw PRO, EVO-X Marksman Scope & STAG Hard Case)
All packages include a TenPoint 3-Arrow Instant Detach Quiver and three EVO-X CenterPunch Premium Carbon Arrows with Alpha-Nocks.
To receive the $200 rebate, customers are required to enclose the following in an envelope:
1. Complete rebate form (form can be found on www.tenpointcrossbows.com/shop/stealth-nxt-crossbow-package/ or can be printed by you and given to the customer) 2. Original cash register receipt with the date and product number circled
Mail to:
$200 TenPoint Crossbows Rebate Dept 12398 PO Box 5018 Stacy, MN 55078-5018
Limit one rebate per household.
Please allow 6-8 weeks for rebate check delivery.
Click Here for Rebate Form Click Here for the Official Terms and Conditions
For more information, contact Keith Arnold, TenPoint National Sales Manager, by email at karnold@tenpointcrossbows.com.