Michigan: Facebook Live Wednesday at Oden fish hatchery

“We typically spawn 3 1/2 million brown trout eggs per year. Some of those will be the fish reared and stocked from the Oden and Harrietta state fish hatcheries, and some are future broodstock – the mature fish we use for breeding,” said Elyse Walter, a communications specialist with the DNR Fisheries Division, who will participate in the Facebook Live from Oden.
The Oden hatchery and the Wexford County-based Harrietta hatchery together stock more than a million brown trout per year, with just over half of those coming from Oden. These fish will be stocked in the Great Lakes and inland waters.
Questions? Watch Wednesday, or contact Elyse Walter, 517-284-5839, for more information about the state’s fish hatcheries and production.