Select Upper Peninsula streams no longer have increased brook trout daily possession limit

An experimental regulation that allowed for 33 streams in the Upper Peninsula to have a 10-fish daily possession limit for brook trout is no longer in effect. During its regular meeting Thursday in Lansing, the Michigan Natural Resources Commission voted to return the five-fish daily limit to those streams, effectively immediately.
The regulation expired Oct. 1, 2019, and the commission then voted in November to extend it.
Department of Natural Resources fisheries biologists had recommended against re-instituting the 10-brook trout daily possession limit on the select streams because of concerns based on biological and social science.
The newly approved regulation means all Type 1 streams, which are designated trout streams, in the Upper Peninsula are back to having a five-fish daily possession limit for brook trout. The streams with previously higher daily possession limit represented about 8% of the total mileage for Type 1 streams in the U.P.
The 2020 season on Type 1 trout streams will open April 25.
For more information on Michigan’s fishing regulations, check out the 2019 Michigan Fishing Guide at
Contact: Ed Golder, 517-643-6406