Michigan: small game opportunities continue through winter

Hunters, did you know that your base license lets you pursue cottontail rabbit, snowshoe hare, fox and gray squirrel statewide through March 31? These seasons offer plenty of time and opportunity to make the most of winter.
Need more details? Check the 2021 Hunting Digest, available at Michigan.gov/DNRDigests, for season dates, bag limits and other regulations.
Looking for places to hunt? Find public hunting lands at Michigan.gov/MiHunt. The interactive MiHunt map shows lands open to public hunting, as well as topography, cover types, trails and other recreation amenities, and more.
Still need to get your 2021 base license? Buy online at Michigan.gov/DNRLicenses or anywhere DNR licenses are sold through Feb. 28.
Questions? Get more information at Michigan.gov/SmallGame or contact the DNR Wildlife Division at 517-284-9453.