Feeding Station Photography

The Birding Wire has provided a number of general information articles about how to get the most out of photographing at your feeders in earlier issues, and we will continue to share similar articles in the future. This week, we had a chance to provide a little different twist to winter birding and feeder photos by offering a unique insight to an exciting mixture of backyard birding, field birding, and birding travel that emphasizes these activities are merely elements of the overall activity we all enjoy so much – Birding!
Therefore, in this issue we are presenting a unique feature that combines our regular Backyard Birding article with the Bird Photography feature in a way that provides a look into photographing birds at and near feeders and feeding stations. To do this best, we are re-directing you to the Bird Photography feature at the end of this week’s issue for an interesting look into some photo methods you can use out your windows and in your yard. We hope you enjoy the combination Backyard Birding article this week, and hope you photograph birds at and near feeders as a part of your regular birding activities.
Share your backyard birding experiences and photos at editorstbw2@gmail.com