Michigan: Give us your input about managed waterfowl hunt areas

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is developing a recreation and habitat management plan for its seven managed waterfowl hunt areas across southern Michigan: Fennville Farm Unit of Allegan State Game Area, Fish Point State Wildlife Area, Harsens Island Unit of St. Clair Flats State Wildlife Area, Muskegon County Wastewater, Nayanquing Point State Wildlife Area, Pointe Mouillee State Game Area and Shiawassee River State Game Area.
While these areas are managed primarily for waterfowl habitat and waterfowl hunting, they also provide outstanding opportunities for other outdoor recreation such as wildlife watching, fishing, hiking, paddling, non-waterfowl hunting, and trapping.
As a part of this planning process, the DNR will hold several small focus groups of eight to 10 non-waterfowl hunters and other outdoor recreationists in southern Michigan to better understand use barriers and opportunities for hunters and nonhunting recreationists at the managed waterfowl hunt areas. Separate focus groups are being held for waterfowl hunters.
A focus group is a group of people brought together to talk about a topic. The discussion is led by a facilitator who makes sure all participants have a chance to contribute to the conversation. The goal of the focus group is not to reach an agreement on a specific issue, but to understand your thoughts about managed waterfowl hunt areas.
The DNR would like you to participate in an outdoor recreationist focus group and share your thoughts so we can understand the important issues related to these areas and to inform goals and objectives for the plan.
There are three outdoor recreationist focus groups planned, which will run from 6-8 p.m.:
• Southeast Michigan: Monday, April 25, in Harrison Township.
• Saginaw Bay Area: Wednesday, May 11, in Saginaw.
• Southwest Michigan: Monday, May 16, in Kalamazoo.
We have a limited number of slots available for each scheduled focus group and will be randomly choosing participants from the interest forms received. If you are willing to attend, please fill out a brief interest formby March 31. Submission of this form is not a guarantee of participation.?If you are chosen to participate in a focus group, the DNR will reach out to you via email or phone to confirm your continued?interest and provide more specific information on the session you signed up for.
Refreshments will be provided, and a $50 Cabela’s gift card will be provided at the end of the focus group. Depending on the focus group location, there may be COVID-19 protocols to follow. Selected participants will be notified of any protocols prior to the focus group date.
Questions about the focus groups? Contact Dr. Emily Pomeranz, human dimensions research specialist, at PomeranzE@Michigan.gov or 517-256-1788.
Questions about the managed waterfowl hunt area planning effort? Contact Barbara Avers, waterfowl and wetland specialist, at AversB@Michigan.gov and 517-930-1163.