Whitetails Unlimited Grants $53,000 to Catch-A-Dream Foundation

Whitetails Unlimited recently completed the second half of the Dream Sheds V program which raised more than $53,000 for the Catch-A-Dream Foundation. That brings this year’s program total to over $110,000. Since the inception of Dream Sheds in 2012, Whitetails Unlimited has provided grants totaling just shy of $700,000 to the Catch-A-Dream Foundation.
The Dream Sheds concept began when Mark and Terry Drury, who have produced extraordinary hunting videos and television shows for over 30 years as Drury Outdoors, approached Whitetails Unlimited with an innovative idea. They had collected a large number of exceptional shed antlers from their properties in Iowa and Missouri and were willing to donate them to use as a fundraiser for a worthy cause. Working with WTU, the Catch-A-Dream Foundation was identified, and the program came together. This is now the fifth time Terry and Mark have provided the sheds that help make this program successful.
Catch-A-Dream is a national, charitable foundation, that provides once-in-a-lifetime dream hunting and fishing trips to children across the United States and Canada, age 18 and younger, who suffer from life-threatening illnesses. Through these adventures, and exposure to outdoors-minded people who care, the program instills in these children a message of encouragement at a time when they need to know that hope does exist. For more information about the Catch-A-Dream Foundation, visit catchadream.org.
About Whitetails Unlimited:
Since our beginning in 1982, Whitetails Unlimited has remained true to its mission and has made great strides in the field of conservation. Thanks to more than 475 chapters, 115,000-plus members, chapter volunteers, and corporate sponsors, Whitetails Unlimited has earned the reputation of being the nation’s premier organization dedicating its resources to the betterment of the white-tailed deer and its environment. Our mission is to raise funds in support of educational programs, wildlife habitat enhancement and acquisition, and preservation of the shooting sports and hunting tradition for future generations. To date, Whitetails Unlimited has expended more than $125.9 million on program services and activities that continue to enhance, and ultimately foster, our mission.
For more information, contact:
Russ Austad, Whitetails Unlimited
Program Services Director: (920) 743-6777, Ext. 102
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