Brownells’ New Firearm Maintenance Videos; A Great Resource For All Gun Owners

Brownells – The World’s Largest Supplier of Firearms Accessories, Ammunition and Gunsmithing Tools™ – is proud to announce that its new series of firearms maintenance videos is now available on and the Brownells YouTube channel.
Designed to help gun owners get top performance and a long service life from their firearms, these thorough how-to videos guide viewers through the steps of proper disassembly, cleaning, lubrication, reassembly and function testing of some of today’s most popular firearms. Read more

The New Mauser – M12

Eagerly awaited – finally launched: The new M12 will feature the Mauser’s acclaimed quality at an affordable price. The rifle is available with a wood stock as well as the M12 Extreme which will feature the synthetic stock. Both provide the proven Mauser features of solid steel construction with a smooth trigger pull and interlocking barrel. Read more

Handloading Ammo to Beat the Supply Dilemma

By Glen Wunderlich

The ongoing ammunition shortage has many shooters rethinking their supply strategies.  Much like finding a generator in the aftermath of a hurricane, finding ammo or handloading components in today’s marketplace continues to be sporadic and expensive at best. People are settling on whatever they can get their hands on.  Forward-thinking handloaders on the other hand are weathering the storm much better, because of the inherent nature of loading their own.

A recent poll from indicates that the art of handloading may be on the rise.  Although cartridge component availability remains scarce today, many do-it-yourselfers have been able to dodge supply issues with components from their shelves.  Read more

Gun Rights Scores Win in South San Francisco

SAN CARLOS, CA and MADERA, CA – After considering the letter of opposition sent by The Calguns Foundation and California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees, the City of South San Francisco prudently rejected an outrageous gun control measure that would have banned hollow point ammunition and subjected gun owners to serious privacy risks. The ordinance was backed by anti-gun San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, who is working to have other Bay Area cities to adopt the highly-flawed ordinance that his city did earlier in March. Read more

CCRKBA Says “Shame On You, Mr. President, Not the Country”

BELLEVUE, WA – President Barack Obama told White House reporters that the nation should be ashamed if it has forgotten the Newtown tragedy, but the real shame is that the president and other anti-gunners have exploited that crime to push a gun control agenda that has nothing to do with Sandy Hook, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. Read more

NSSF Objects to Government Position On UN Treaty

NEWTOWN, Conn. — The National Shooting Sports Foundation has strongly objected to the last-minute reversal of the U.S. government position regarding the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. In the closing hours of negotiations on Thursday, March 28, the government abandoned its previous insistence that the treaty be approved only through achieving “consensus” of all the member states. Requiring consensus had been the United States position going back to earlier administrations. Read more

The Straight Scoop on Ammo Shortages

Brownells Gunsmith Corner – March 2013

Shortages – They’re Not A Conspiracy By Jim Shepherd

Wherever you’re accustomed to getting your shooting news these days, chances are you’re hearing – repeatedly – that the industry is suffering from chronic shortages of guns, ammunition, and components, most particularly those designed to be used on the modern sporting rifle.

Over the past six weeks, I’ve been across the country, and I can tell you from talking with retailers in big cities like Phoenix, Atlanta and Houston to small gun shops in Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Mississippi, Arizona, Georgia and Texas that the shortages are real. I’ve also spoken at length with manufacturers, and they’re all telling me the same thing: the shortages aren’t driven by a government conspiracy or hoarding. They’re being driven by demand. And a lot of that demand is fueled by new shooters, despite some politicians who would like you to believe that the number of U.S. households with guns is dropping. Read more

The Sauer 101: The New Benchmark in Bolt Action Rifle

For years now, J.P. Sauer & Sohn’s SAUER 202 has played a major role in the premium bolt action rifle market segment. Germany’s oldest gun manufacturer is now pleased to introduce the brand new SAUER 101, a bolt action rifle, in the mid-class price range. “It was our goal to set a new standard for bolt action rifles and the S 101 is exactly that standard against which all others must be measured”, says Sauer CEO Matthias Klotz.



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