Hornady Announces New Subsonic 7.62×39 Ammunition

(Grand Island, Nebr.) — Hornady® Subsonic Ammunition — designed for accuracy and performance below the speed of sound. The Sub-X® bullet used in Subsonic rifle ammunition features a lead core and utilizes long grooves in its gilding metal jacket that combine with the bullet’s flat profile and the patented Flex Tip® insert within its hollow cavity to help it expand reliably at low velocities.

·#80787 7.62×39 255 gr. Sub-X® Subsonic

For a full list of 2023 new products visit: https://www.hornady.com/new-products/

Beretta Holding S.A. Commits to Invest $60m in US Manufacturing Facility – Norma

Dott. Pietro Gussalli Beretta (center) signing the memorandum of understanding with Bryan County and Georgia State representatives.

LUXEMBOURG –– Dott. Pietro Gussalli BerettaPresident and CEO of Beretta Holding S.A., today announced the plans of Beretta Holding Group to further increase its strong presence in the US, through its recent acquisition of Norma Precision, investing $60 million in a state-of-the art manufacturing and distribution facility for ammunition to be located in Savannah, Georgia.

Beretta Holding Group already employs close to 1,000 employees in the US through Beretta USA, Benelli USA, Burris, Steiner eOptics and Norma Precision. The Group also operates famous flagship stores in Dallas and New-York. This new facility offers a significant opportunity to the Group to further increase its already extensive footprint in US adding ammunition to its US operations. Read more

Winchester Awarded $9 Million NGSW Tracer Manufacturing Study Contract

EAST ALTON, IL — Winchester, the largest manufacturer of small caliber ammunition for the U.S. military, announced that the U.S. Army has awarded the company a $9 million cost-plus contract to complete a manufacturing study in support of tracer projectile production for the 6.8mm Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) program.

Work will be performed at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant (LCAAP) in Independence, Missouri, the United States’ only government-owned, contractor-operated small caliber ammunition production facility.

“Winchester is very excited to begin executing this critical 6.8mm NGSW trace ammunition study at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant,” said Brett Flaugher, President of Winchester. “With the goal of improving soldier capability, this groundbreaking work will utilize new tracer technology to create robust production processes and enable the transition of prototype trace technology into fielded NGSW tracer ammunition. This NGSW tracer ammunition produced at Lake City will equip the future American Warfighter and help maintain the safety and defense of our nation.”


Know Your Point-Blank Range

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)

Hopeful hunters will be sighting in their firearms during the next two weeks in preparation for the big event:  opening day of regular firearms deer season November 15th.  Assuming we’ve settled on a firearm and ammunition and that reasonable accuracy has been achieved at the firing range, we must understand the flight of the bullet to maximize its potential.

One term loosely tossed around in today’s vernacular is point-blank range.  We may think of the term as being extremely close to given target – a can’t-miss proposition.  However, the point-blank range of any firearm’s chosen ammo is the distance out to which a hunter can hold right on the center of the kill zone and be able to hit within the vital zone.  This means, if you set up your gun properly, you won’t have to guess whether to hold high or low on the deer at a particular range, as long as you are within your maximum distance, as determined by the following example.

It is strongly suggested to assume a six-inch kill zone, rather than the actual dimension of a deer’s kill zone of some nine inches in diameter.  Doing so provides the hunter with a margin of error for shooting in conditions that are less than ideal in comparison to bench testing.

A lot of hunters make the mistake of sighting in dead on at 100 yards.  That’s fine if you are hunting in thick cover or a cornfield, where maximum shooting distance doesn’t require much contemplation.  However, if there is the possibility of shooting at longer ranges, a basic understanding of ammunition ballistics can deliver a distinct advantage to the thinking hunter.

A 30-06 with a 180-grain spire point bullet traveling 2700 feet-per-second (FPS) at the muzzle, with a 100-yard zero puts the bullet three inches low at 175 yards.  Using the 6-inch kill zone, 175 yards becomes your limit, because the bullet is at the bottom of the vitals.

However, if the same cartridge is set for a 215 yard zero, the bullet reaches its peak of three inches high at 130 yards and drops to three inches low at 255 yards.  As long as you know the deer is no farther than 255 yards, you can aim dead center for an ethical kill.  Just by changing the zero, you gain 80 additional yards.

There are several means of determining velocity, the best of which is through the use of a chronograph that measures the velocity of fired bullets.  If you don’t have access to a chronograph, many boxes of ammo have velocities printed on them.  If not, manufacturers have websites with the requisite information for given ammunition that can be used as guides.  Understand, however, that certain variables are at play such as barrel length that will affect outcomes to some degree.

Computers and associated graphs are great tools, but what if none is used?  Simple.  Get to a range where you can actually shoot at various distances and punch some paper.

Once you get sighted in, you can shoot from various positions and with rests you may use in the field.  As long as you can keep 9 out of 10 in the six-inch circle, you are shooting within ethical your personal limits.  If you fail the test, get closer until you pass the test.

When finished, don’t clean the gun’s bore, because a clean bore may change your point of impact.  Just unload the gun, wipe off the exterior, and put it away and it will be ready for action.

Ammo, Inc. to Export 2.5 Million Rounds of .50BMG

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — AMMO, Inc. (Nasdaq: POWW, POWWP) (“AMMO” or the “Company”) the owner of GunBroker.com, the largest online marketplace serving the firearms and shooting sports industries, and a leading vertically integrated producer of high-performance ammunition and components, is pleased to announce that its .50BMG manufacturing line is fully operational and supporting performance of an South American export transaction involving the delivery of 2.5 million rounds of .50BMG and other ancillary rounds representing an approximate total transaction value north of $15,000,000.00 (US).

With capacity being added out of the Company’s new Manitowoc, WI plant on a weekly basis, AMMO was excited to favorably respond to and be awarded a contract to manufacture and deliver 2.5 million rounds of .50BMG and 1.8 million rounds of 7.62×51.

The transaction will be fulfilled over the next several months and AMMO is fielding increasing international inquiries related to the capacity available from its new plant operation. Fred Wagenhals, AMMO’s Chairman & CEO, commented as follows: “With the full support of our entire Board, the team worked hard to position the Company in our new state-of-the-art Plant with the necessary increased capacity and technological capabilities to fully support not only the US commercial and military/law enforcement markets, but to also answer the bell for our allies across the globe. This order tells us the market has taken notice.”

About AMMO, Inc.

With its corporate offices headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, AMMO designs and manufactures products for a variety of aptitudes, including law enforcement, military, sport shooting and self-defense. The Company was founded in 2016 with a vision to change, innovate and invigorate the complacent munitions industry. AMMO promotes branded munitions as well as its patented STREAK ™ Visual Ammunition, /stelTH/ ™subsonic munitions, and specialty rounds for military and law enforcement use via government programs. For more information, please visit: www.ammo-inc.com.

Powder Valley Adds Top Brass

“Top Brass fills a key need in the market by providing high quality brass at great prices and with great availability. We’re proud to add the Top Brass brand to our growing product offering” said Bill Clinton, CEO of Powder Valley.

Top Brass purchases once-fired military brass from the Department of Defense and performs every step necessary to bring it back to ideal reloading condition. In addition to reconditioning various calibers of shell casings, Top Brass also provides new brass in a variety of calibers both mil-spec and commercial, as well as bullets and projectiles both new and military surplus for most calibers.

Visit https://www.powdervalleyinc.com/brand/top-brass to see Powder Valley’s offering of Top Brass products.

NSSF Denounces USFWS Settlement Proposal to Ban Traditional Ammo that Saddles Lawyer Fees on Taxpayers

NEWTOWN, Conn. — NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, denounces a joint motion for a continuance in Center for Biological Diversity v. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (CBD v. USFWS) that seeks to ban the use of traditional lead ammunition and fishing tackle. Both parties filed for a joint motion to stay proceedings until Nov. 2, but that settlement agreement now includes taxpayers paying the bill for legal and court costs. This settlement proposal is a textbook example of the “sue and settle” schemes brought by activist lawyers and agreed to by government bureaucrats to enact policies that cannot survive the lawmaking or rule making process while enriching special-interest groups at taxpayer expense.

“The notion that federal agencies would work hand-in-glove with anti-hunting activists to thwart hunting on National Wildlife Refuges is maddening enough. The proposal that taxpayer dollars will be used to line the pockets of these activist groups should be infuriating to all,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF’s Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “This is an egregious abuse of the courts and adds insult to injury to actual hunter-conservationists that fund and support those that actually fund wildlife conservation.”

The lawsuit seeks to expand the USFWS’s recent ban on the use of traditional ammunition that was finalized without a shred of scientific evidence. Instead, it was predicated on the theoretical possibility of detrimental population effects. It is obvious that wildlife populations are vibrant and healthy, a result of nearly a century’s worth of excise taxes paid for wildlife conservation. The firearm and ammunition industry has paid over $15.3 billion since 1937 – or over $23 billion when adjusted for inflation – that has made the North American Wildlife Conservation Model the envy of the world. Read more

Federal Ammunition 100-Year Celebration Sweepstakes Winner Announced

ANOKA, Minnesota – October 6, 2022 – As part of the 100-year anniversary celebration, Federal Ammunition partnered with the NRA to hold one if its largest sweepstakes in company history. Tom from Arkansas was awarded the massive prize package that included more than 54,000 rounds of Federal Ammunition valued at over $28,000.

“This sweepstakes was a great way to accentuate Federal’s 100-year anniversary celebration,” said Federal’s Director of Marketing, Brian Anderson. “The scope of the ammunition included in the prize package showcases the wide range of ammunition and innovation throughout Federal’s 100-year history. This was a fun sweepstakes event, and we congratulate the winner.”

The giveaway event ran during the spring and summer months of 2022. Ammunition included in the prize package highlights some of Federal’s most popular loads in the most popular cartridges.

“I give my sincerest thanks to Federal Ammunition for this undeserving prize,” said Tom. “This ammunition will be a blessing to both my family and friends. But beyond that, it will also be used by my son’s high school trap team.” Read more

Winchester Launches Fall Gear and Folds of Honor ‘Round Up’

EAST ALTON, IL — Winchester announces the launch of its fall gear collection on the recently redesigned Winchester Gear Store (Winchestergear.com). The fall collection includes a variety of pieces for men and women, including outerwear, shooting sports gear, home decor and a limited-edition T-shirt featuring Winchester and Folds of Honor.

Another new feature on the gear store is the ‘Round Up’ option, which all shoppers will have during the checkout process. Shoppers can round up to the nearest dollar or choose their own dollar value for a monetary donation in support of Folds of Honor and its mission.

The Folds of Honor Foundation provides educational scholarships to the spouses and children of fallen or disabled service members of the U.S. armed forces. Winchester announced their support of Folds of Honor in August 2022 with their pledge to the foundation through the USA VALOR™ collection of military-inspired ammunition. Read more

Winchester’s Educational ‘Introduction to Ammunition-Ammo 101’ Series

East Alton, IL — Winchester is launching its “Introduction to Ammunition-Ammo 101” series, a four-part series that includes custom illustrations and information in the following ammunition categories: rifle, pistol, rimfire and shotshell.

“The basics of ammunition, that is what we want to deliver with the Ammo 101 series,” said Matt Campbell, vice president of sales and marketing. “With millions of people across the United States starting their journey in the shooting sports as new firearm owners, providing easy-to-understand information on ammunition types is one way we can help educate our customers.”

The Ammo 101 series provides a basic overview of shotshell, centerfire rifle, centerfire pistol, and rimfire ammunition, showcasing ammunition construction, components, calibers and common usage.

The Ammo 101 resource is free to download and is especially valuable for the thousands of shooting ranges and instructors nationwide who are introducing new entrants to the shooting sports and hunting. It is available as a free download at Winchesters.mediaassets.com (click on “Sell Sheets”). Read more

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