Know Your Bullet’s Path

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association

Modern telescopic sights for archery and firearms have many features that can help hunters shoot better.  Aiming points – be they circles, crosshairs, or dots – on the vertical or horizontal axis of a scope’s reticle, can aid in longer shots; however, they must be understood relative to any arrow’s or bullets’ trajectory.

In one instance recently, one hunter in Alaska missed a black bear at relatively short range with a high-power rifle.  When we communicated what he thought had transpired in mere seconds before the shot, it was clear to me that his quick shot may not have been a clean miss like he figured.  In fact, I concluded that one of two possibilities existed:  Either he hit his mark or he flinched and the bullet landed in Russia.  In any event, he took a look around the scene of the bear’s exit, and determined he had missed.  He went home empty-handed.

In another recent example of misunderstanding the flight of a bullet, an experienced hunter didn’t realize that his scoped .22 rimfire would hit the bull’s eye at 25 yards but punched the target a bit high at 40 yards.  It seemed counter-intuitive to him.  However, it made perfect sense after a brief discussion.

Now, let’s get back to the fancy scopes with all the bells and whistles.  Scopes with graduations on the reticle have the advantage of giving shooters aiming points for longer shots, if a shooter uses them properly.  They will also allow a shooter a means to compensate for wind speed by choosing the proper aiming point along the horizontal axis of the reticle.  Most people know this, but do they really understand how their personal bow or firearm will perform relative to what they expect?

Without field testing, nobody can use the range-finding aspects of their optic to make accurate shots when tested afield, unless they are lucky.  Unfortunately, “unlucky” outcomes are often the result.

Those marks on the reticle are engineered to coincide with specific bullets or arrows at a given velocity; there is no “one size fits all.”  The answer comes in the form of practice afield.  It’s not that computer-generated charts and graphs won’t help, but we can’t assume our personal gear will match them unless tested.

Here’s what I do with any reticle’s design that incorporates these increments on the glass.  Once I get the firearm or bow precisely on target at a typical maximum range I will hunt, I begin the experiment to understand where that projectile will impact the target at close range and farther away by actual shooting.

Since any range-finding scope’s reticle has increments pre-set to match a specific projectile at a specific velocity, chances are your personal ammo or arrow will not match these parameters.  Using a chronograph to measure velocity is a great aid and matching your results will give predictable effects.

However, testing afield can produce the same results without a chronograph.  Doing so will also determine if advertised velocities match your equipment (and typically they do not).  Plus, even if you use a single-aiming-point optic such as a red dot or conventional scope with only one set of crosshairs, it’s best to dial it in at your chosen maximum distance and then to make note (either, mentally or better yet with a cheat sheet) of where the projectile impacts the targets at various ranges both long and short.

If you are after confidence afield, it’ll take some time, but confidence is gained through actual knowledge of your equipment.

Vista Outdoor Brands Donate Two Gearbox Giveaways, #RangeChallenge Prizes

NEWTOWN, Conn. – NSSF®, the firearm industry trade association, is pleased to announce that Hoppe’s, RCBS, Champion and Butler Creek have signed on as sponsors of two +ONESM Gearbox Giveaways in support of 2020’s National Shooting Sports Month®. All four companies are part of Vista Outdoor, a global designer, manufacturer and marketer of consumer products in the outdoor sports and recreation markets.

For the 2020 National Shooting Sports Month, these four brands created two Gearbox Giveaways, one for hunters and one for target shooters. Read more

Trick Shot Artist 22plinkster Featured on ‘It’s Federal Season’ Podcast

ANOKA, Minnesota – August 21, 2020 – Available resources dictated at an early age that Dave Nash, known as 22plinkster on social networks, got his practice with the affordable 22 long rifle. What he didn’t know at the time was his talents were not only exceptional but unique. 22Plinkster joins this episode of “It’s Federal Season” to walk through his journey as a trick shot artist and the ammunition he uses to execute some amazing shots.

Episode No. 11 – One Trick at a Time

As a brand ambassador for Federal and CCI, 22plinkster has more than 620,000 subscribers and his videos have millions of views. “If you can educate someone and entertain at the same time, that is a recipe for a good and successful video,” says Nash, who uses the social media platforms to release a constant stream of content for fans to learn from and enjoy. “Dave has a list of accomplishments that defy imagination,” says CCI’s Vice President of Marketing Jason Nash. “22plinkster is a great personality and paints a detailed picture on what it takes to pull off his innovative shots, how he got his moniker, and his ammunition of choice when shooting trophy class carpenter bees.” Read more

National Shooting Sports Month Gains +ONE Gearbox Giveaway from Browning

NEWTOWN, Conn. – NSSF®, the firearm industry trade association, is pleased to announce that Browning has agreed to sponsor a “+ONESM” Gearbox Giveaway in support of 2020’s National Shooting Sports Month®.

Founded in Ogden, Utah, by John Moses Browning in 1878, Browning continues its storied legacy today with an expansive lineup of firearms such as the X-Bolt, A5 and Citori lines, as well as knives, firearm safes, ammunition, lighting products and hundreds of accessories for both hunters and target shooters.

The 2020 National Shooting Sports Month Browning’s “+ONE” Gearbox Giveaway, valued at more than $3,000, includes:

1 Citori CX over/under 12-gauge shotgun

1 Second Chance stag-and-ebony knife

1 Black/Gold shotgun case

1 Rumble USB-rechargeable lantern

1 Stoke 2.0 USB-rechargeable flashlight

1 Browning hat in Trapper Grey

1 Browning hat in Slope Loden

1 Browning Pastime-Skull hat

1 $500 certificate for purchasing Browning ammunition Read more

SAF Joins Amicus Brief Challenging California Ammo Check

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation has joined four other gun rights organizations in an amicus brief supporting Olympic gold medalist Kim Rhode in her challenge of California’s onerous background check requirement to purchase ammunition.

SAF is joined by the Firearms Policy Coalition, Firearms Policy Foundation, California Gun Rights Foundation and the Madison Society Foundation. They are represented by attorney Joseph G.S. Greenlee. The case is known as Rhode v. Becerra.

Rhode, a world-renowned competitive shooter, is a California resident. She quickly challenged the California ammunition requirement, the first such background check mandate in the country, when it was adopted. According to the amicus brief, this scheme is “complex, deficient, and ineffective.” It places a burden on every law-abiding gun owner in the state and often requires people to make two trips to the store just to purchase ammunition, and it still refuses about 16 percent of lawful purchases. Read more

RCBS 6mm ARC SB T/C Die Set Now Available

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. – – RCBS, the leading manufacturer of ammunition reloading equipment for rifles and pistols, announced today that it has begun shipping the 6mm ARC SB T/C Die Set, a new addition to the AR Series Dies line for progressive reloaders.

The 6mm ARC SB T/C Die Set (#28007), is specially designed for the versatile 6mm ARC cartridge, which utilizes efficient, high ballistic coefficient (BC) bullets to deliver top performance from AR-15 rifles. Each set features a Small Base sizing die that sizes the case to slightly below minimum specifications to ensure each round chambers in an AR-style rifle, and a Taper Crimp seating die to put the correct crimp on the case. This combination helps make reloading easier for shooters and ensures the cartridge will rechamber properly.

“AR-15 fans are fired up about the versatility and performance of the 6mm ARC cartridge,” said Jason Slinkard, Director of Shooting Accessories for Vista Outdoor. “This die set is a great example of how we are always working to anticipate customer demand and bring new dies to the market as needed.” Read more

Federal Wins Ammunition Contract for US Army Next Generation Carbine Program

ANOKA, Minnesota –– Federal Ammunition is proud to announce a contract award to supply high-performance 7.62x51mm NATO and other novel ammunition for the U.S. Army’s Next Generation Carbine Technologies (NGCT) program. This suite of ammunition utilizes a specialized alloy cartridge case allowing for elevated chamber pressures and a reduction in ammunition weight as compared to legacy brass-cased ammunition. These performance benefits deliver a significant increase in overall weapon system effectiveness for the NGCT program.

“We are a company committed to providing ammunition support to the U.S. military, as defined through our mission statement to ‘Build better ammunition in America, to create community, power defense, and conserve our heritage’,” said Jason Vanderbrink, President of Federal Ammunition. “We are extremely pleased with this prestigious contract award, as it validates the high level of trust the U.S. military has with our new and innovative products.”

“Our use of a proprietary high-performance alloy cartridge case will provide the U.S. Army NGCT Team with an excellent ammunition platform for evaluation of advanced Next Generation weapon concept performance. Program results will serve to inform the direction of future Next Generation weapon technology decisions for the U.S. Army,” said David Leis, Federal’s VP of Law Enforcement, Government and International Sales. “Ammunition products utilizing this specialized alloy cartridge case technology will be made available for commercial and foreign sales in the near future.” Read more

CCI Introduces MeatEater Series Rimfire Ammunition


LEWISTON, Idaho –– MeatEater’s Steven Rinella relies on high-quality rimfire ammunition to put small game on his plate. That’s why CCI partnered with this renowned conservationist, author and hunter on an exclusive new line of ammunition, featuring CCI’s proven Copper-22, Mini-Mag and Maxi-Mag loads. Shipments of these new products have begun to arrive at dealers.

Copper-22 is constructed from a unique mix of copper particles and polymer compressed into an accurate, potent, 21-grain hollow-point bullet. The time-tested and proven Mini-Mag 22 LR offers peak velocities, and a proven, accurate copper-plated hollow point bullet design. CCI Maxi-Mag is one of the most accurate and fastest 22 WMR cartridges on the market. Its jacketed hollow-point bullet design transfers tremendous energy to the target on impact. All loads feature clean-burning propellants and reliable CCI priming to ensure the most consistent ballistics. Read more

Federal Ammunition Awarded $13.8 Million Order from the U.S. Army

ANOKA, Minnesota – July 29, 2020 – Federal Ammunition was recently given a new $13.8 million delivery order based on its contract awarded in 2017 by the U.S. Army. The order is for 5.56 NATO MK311 Frangible Ammunition, which is better known by ordnance code AA40. This military-grade, training ammunition has a 50-grain frangible bullet comprised of a non-toxic, copper and tungsten powder matrix core, and a gilding metal jacket. It disintegrates into small fragments on impact, minimizing over-penetration and ricochet hazards.

“One of the differentiators of AA40 is the use of Federal’s exclusive Catalyst primer. It’s a lead-free technology that provides the most reliable, consistent ignition possible,” said VP of Law Enforcement, Government and International Sales David Leis. “Unlike many other lead-free primer formulations, Catalyst primers have unique properties that allow them to be effectively and safely used in service ammunition. Catalyst primers have been used in hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition delivered to military, law enforcement and commercial customers to-date.” Read more

Fiocchi Announces Major Industrial Expansion in Arkansas

July 2020 – Fiocchi, a global leader in defensive, target, and hunting ammunition, is pleased to announce plans for a significant investment in a new, independent manufacturing facility in Little Rock, Arkansas. This plan is part of an ongoing strategic initiative by Fiocchi of America and the Italy-based Fiocchi Group to expand its U.S. and international operations.

Establishment of the new industrial platform follows Fiocchi’s recent infrastructure and proprietary technology acquisitions — all of which are intended to significantly broaden the company’s manufacturing capabilities in response to increased demand and projected growth trends.

“We are excited to start this new chapter of Fiocchi’s history here in Arkansas,” said Anthony Acitelli, President and CEO for Fiocchi of America. “The plant is a state-of-the-art production facility that will be instrumental in offering our customers premium products and unparalleled service levels.” Read more

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