Michigan Offers Free Kayaking Clinics

You’ve probably heard that Michigan has over 11,000 inland lakes and 36,000 miles of rivers and streams…but have you thought about how to explore them?
Spend a couple of hours learning to kayak, and you’ll be able to get off the shore and into adventure. Practice getting safely get into and out of a kayak, learn paddling techniques and lots more at a Kayaking 101 class at one of the following parks:

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Browning Introduces Crossfire Flashlight

Light up the darkness with the new Browning Crossfire Flashlight. This powerful little flashlight has the same power and distance as a flashlight that uses 2-CR123 lithium batteries but uses two standard AA batteries. Housed in a rugged lightweight polymer body and unbreakable LED bulb, the Crossfire Flashlight is ready for any outdoor adventure. Read more

Obama’s Answer to Our Debt: Keep Spending!

No doubt, the Obama administration will criticize Paul Ryan’s budget, but does America think we are on the right track now?  Too bad the Republicans caved, too, after getting elected in 2010.  Do we have the courgage to stop the madness for the sake of this country’s future?  No wonder the U.S. Senate keeps stonewalling the budget and hasn’t passed one under Obama’s tenure.

When Democrats rob from Peter to pay Paul, they can always count on the support of Paul.

Based on recent estimates: U.S. Tax revenue:  $2,170,000,000,000 Fed budget:  $3,820,000,000,000 New debt:  $1,650,000,000,000 Nation debt:  $14,271,000,000,000 Recent budget cuts:  $38,500,000,000

Let’s now remove 8 zeros and pretend it’s a household budget: Annual family income:  $21,700 Money the family spent:  $38,200 New debt on the credit card:  $16,500 Outstanding balance on the credit card:   $142,710 Total budget cuts so far:  $38.50

Michigan Foresters Harvesting Ash, Beech to Prevent Timber Loss

Emerald ash borer, beech bark disease infecting hardwoods…

Foresters from the Department of Natural Resources and Michigan Technological University are examining more than 30,000 acres of state forest land for signs of emerald ash borer (EAB) and beech bark disease (BBD). The process of harvesting ash and beech from identified areas is ongoing in an attempt to recover timber value before the resources are killed by the two exotic forest pests. Read more

Democratic Natiional Convention Schedule 2012

Democratic National Convention Schedule — Charlotte ,   N.C.

4:00 PM – Opening  Flag Burning Ceremony – sponsored by CNN

4:05 PM – Singing of “God Damn America ” led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright

4:10 PM – Pledge of Allegiance to Obama.

4:15 PM – Ceremonial ‘I hate America’ led by Michelle Obama.

4:30 PM – Tips on “How to keep your man trustworthy & true to you while you                      travel the world” – Hillary Clinton

4:45 PM –Al Sharpton / Jesse Jackson seminar “How to have a successful career without   having a job.”

5:00  PM – “Great Vacations I’ve Taken on the Taxpayer’s Dime Travelog” – Michelle Obama.

5:30 PM – Eliot Spitzer Speaks on “Family Values” via Satellite

5:45 PM – Tribute to all 57 States – Nancy Pelosi

6:00 PM – Sen. Harry Reid – 90-minute speech expressing the Democrat’s                       appreciation of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and George Soros for sparing no expense, for all that they have accomplished to unify the country, improve employment      and to boost the economy.

8:30 PM – Airing of Grievances by the Clintons

9:00 PM – “Bias in Media –  How we can make it work for you” Tutorial – sponsored by      CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times

9:15 PM – Tribute Film to Brave Freedom Fighters incarcerated at GITMO – Michael Moore

9:45 PM –  Personal Finance Seminar – Charlie Rangle

10:00 PM –Denunciation of Bitter Gun Owners and Bible readers.

10:30 PM – Ceremonial Waving of White Flag for IRAQ , & Afghanistan

11:00 PM – Obama Energy Plan Symposium / Tire Gauge Demonstration / You too can      get rich with Green Investment bankruptcies

11:15 PM – Free Gov. Blagovich rally

11:30 PM – Obama Accepts Oscar, Tony and Latin Grammy Awards

11:45 PM – Feeding of the Delegates with 5 Loaves and 2 Fish Obama                       Presiding

12:00 AM – Official Nomination of Obama by Bill Maher and Chris “He sends a                    thrill up my leg”  Matthews

12:01  AM – Obama Accepts Nomination as Lord and  Savior

12:05 AM – Celestial Choirs Sing

3:00 AM – Biden Delivers Acceptance Speech

Don’t lose your kids

J. Wayne Fears’ Latest Outdoor Book


Each day in the United States, over 2000 children get lost, some in the woods, some in malls. Most lost child situations last only a few terrifying minutes until the child is found; others may take hours or days. The Center to Prevent Lost Children states that 7 out of 10 children will get lost at least once and that less than 9% of parents are prepared for a lost child situation. In his new e-book entitled LOST-PROOF  YOUR CHILD survival expert J. Wayne Fears prepares parents and child caregivers of children how to prevent losing a child and what to do if it happens. He teaches:

* How to lost-proof children in any situation from a shopping mall to thewilderness and everything in between. * How to create a plan that will keep your child from becoming lost.

* How to teach children what to do if they become lost. * What steps you should take if your child becomes lost.

* How to deal with childrenproperly when they are found Read more

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