Michigan CPL Holder Thwarts Attack

A man legally carrying a concealed handgun thwarted an apparent assault early Saturday morning in Jackson by a woman armed with a tire iron.

The woman, 19, called 911 to report that a man pulled a gun on her, but she ended up going to jail instead, said Jackson police Sgt. Robert Jenks. Read more…

J&G Sales Files Suit Against ATF

J&G Sales, Ltd. of Prescott, Arizona filed suit in Washington, DC federal court yesterday challenging the “demand letter” requirement placed on firearms dealers in Arizona, New Mexico, California and Texas by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE). The letter requires the names and addresses and serial numbers of all purchases of more than one semi-automatic rifle, with a detachable magazine, over .22 caliber, within a five-day business period.

Set to go into effect on effective with any purchase made on August 14, 2011 and “going forward” the regulation requires new ATF form (3310.12) be completed and returned to the ATF. The lawsuit challenges the regulation on the grounds that the ATF and the Justice Department have no authority to institute regulations without Congressional authorization. J&G Sales has been joined in the suit by the National Rifle Association.

Win a Ruger M77 at NRAhuntersrights.org

FAIRFAX, Va.-During the month of August, visit www.NRAhuntersrights.org for a chance to win a Ruger M77 Hawkeye-embellished with the NRA logo in 24k gold.

Marrying function with classic style, this Ruger M77 Hawkeye in 7mm-08 Rem. incorporates a 22-inch, high-luster blued barrel; four-round magazine; and upgraded American black walnut stock. Each stock comes with a checkered cut grip and wrap-around checkered fore-end. Other features include integral scope mounts, a three-position safety and the LC6™ (“light-crisp”) trigger. Overall weight is just seven pounds; length is 42 inches. Read more

ThermaCELL Announces Appliance-A-Day Giveaway


ThermaCELL®, manufacturer of the only portable, butane-operated, area mosquito repellent will give away one Realtree® APG™ appliance each day in the month of August. Each daily winner will also be entered for a chance to win the grand prize of 10 ThermaCELL products and 200 hours of refills. Read more

Obama/U.N. Gun Control Treaty Headed for Defeat

By Glen Wunderlich

When the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that the Constitution protects an individual’s right to keep and bear arms in the historic District of Columbia v. Heller case, President Obama was on the wrong side of history, when he supported the self-serving “collective-rights” argument. Even though he had stacked the court with left-leaning likenesses in his image, the 5-4 decision came in favor of an individual who only wanted the right to defend himself. And, last year Obama and his Supreme Court puppets lost another battle against the common man, when the Supreme Court ruled that the federal right to keep and bear arms applies to states and local levels of government. But, these conclusive results are not about to stop the Obama administration from its quest to subvert the Constitution via a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty designed to trump our rights. Read more

Brady Bunch Against Montana Firearms Freedom Act

The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence joined law enforcement in filing a “friend of the court” brief asking the court of appeals to strike down the Montana Firearms Freedom Act.

A Missoula District Court judge ruled this law as unconstitutional last September and the Brady Center’s attorneys say the Montana Shooting Sports Association is pushing “for” this law and appealed the decision the the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Brady Center Senior Attorney Daniel Vice says this law allows Montana-made guns to evade federal firearm laws.  More here…

Idaho Wolf Hunt Details

Idaho’s new wolf hunting season rules have finally been approved.

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission adopted the rules on Thursday while meeting in Salmon. This season will run from Aug. 30 until March 31, 2012. .

This will be Idaho’s second wolf hunt since the animals were reintroduced to the state in 1995. The first ran from fall 2009 to spring 2010 with 188 of a limit of 220 wolves killed.

Also new this time: a trapping season with details at the link below:
Read more: http://magicvalley.com/news/local/the-wolf-hunt-is-on/article_d7dd549c-b9a9-11e0-ae0f-001cc4c002e0.html#ixzz1TW1y61l0

12 Democrats Oppose Obama’s U.N. Gun Control

GW:  This gun control effort by the U.N. and Obama seems to be headed for defeat, because 2/3 of the Senate must vote in favor of the treaty for it to become law. 

Twelve Democratic senators have joined 45 Republicans in a fast growing movement to halt progress on an Obama-backed United Nations effort that could bring international gun control into the United States and slap America’s gun owners with severe restrictions.

[Read more about gun rights and gun control.]

Montana Democratic Sen. Jon Tester’s office today provided Whispers with their letter, signed by 11 other Democrats, urging the president to press for significant changes in the treaty. Their major concern: that domestic manufacture, possession, and sales of firearms and ammo will be included,  read more here…

Mountain Lion Killed in Connecticut Originated in South Dakota

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) said today that results of genetic tests show that the mountain lion killed in Milford, Conn. in June made its way to the state from the Black Hills region of South Dakota and is an animal whose movements were actually tracked and recorded as it made its way through Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Genetic tests also show that it is likely that the mountain lion killed when it was hit by a car June 11 on the Wilbur Cross Parkway in Milford was the same one that had been seen earlier that month in Greenwich, Conn. Read more
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