Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Finds an Ally in its Fight Against Sunday Hunting: The Animal

  Rights LobbyPosted on August 12, 2011 by

By Rob Sexton, Vice President For Government Affairs

For many years,  the fight to prevent Pennsylvania sportsmen from having the same rights as sportsmen in 39 other states has been led by the Farm Bureau.  Which is ironic, of course, because their opposition means that they are actually asking the government to prevent their own members – farmers – from being able to decide how to use their own land. Read more

UK Mayhem Leaves Citizens Disarmed

This from the NRA about Britan’s recent rash of riots in gun-free zones…

 By now you have seen the headlines and images of destruction: the rioting, looting, violent assaults, and arson.  London and other UK cities look like war zones and their citizens are afraid to venture out, because the danger is very real.  It’s a view of the temporary breakdown of society.  It is gut check time; a time when the concept of being able to defend oneself gives way to the stark reality that few viable options to do so exist. Read more

Common Weeds and Uses

By Glen Wunderlich

This season’s brassica food plot is in the ground and with a little cooperation from Mother Nature, the wildlife is in store for some fine eating well into next year.  The seed blend from Ed Spinazzola ( contains a mix of purple top turnips, dwarf Essex rape, biologic maximum and canola and provides essential nutrients to ease stress when winter hits hard.  This annual blend supplements perennial stands of legumes which are available throughout the year.  Often overlooked, however, are natural-occurring plants that can be useful for six, four and two-legged critters alike. Read more

Dog Does Math

Finley Point, MT – Quick: What’s the square root of 64 minus the square root of 16 plus 2?

Don’t worry about whether you’re smarter than a fifth-grader. If it takes you longer to figure it out than it does to bark six times, we know a DOG that may be smarter than you.

That’s right, a dog.

Meet Beau, a 12-year-old black Labrador retriever and part-time mathematician.

Beau can do it all: Sit. Roll over. Add. Subtract. Multiply. Divide.

We swear we’re not making this up. He can even do algebra.

“If 3X equals 9, what does X equal?” Dave Madsen asks Beau.

“Arf arf arf,” Beau replies.

Read more:


VIDEO: Beau the Wonder Dog

“Gun-Free Zones” Abolition Proposed

Texas Congressman and GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul continues to champion constitutional rights. His latest endeavor is a bill that would abolish “gun-free zones,” ultimately permitting teachers to carry firearms on school grounds. Predictably, anti-gun groups are calling the legislation “extremist.”

CNS News reports, “H.R. 2613, the Citizens Protection Act of 2011, would repeal the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 and remove all federally created criminal safety zones.”  More here…

Wolves Head for 9th Circuit?

 This from the Outdoor Wire
Wolves seem to be headed for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals after Federal Judge Donald Molloy ruled in favor of the federal government’s having removed wolves from the endangered species list.

Molloy said in his written decision he would have ruled against the Congressional delisting had there not been “binding precedent from the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and other courts.” Molloy’s reluctant ruling scotched legal efforts by The Center for Biological Diversity and other groups to argue Congress had violated the separation of powers between the legislative and judicial branches by passing legislation delisting gray wolves.

They argued, unsuccessfully Read more

Doubling Up on Wolves

 Just as it looked like the growing, recovered population of Western Great Lakes (WGL) gray wolves was going to be taken off the federally endangered species list and returned to state management, a new roadblock threatens long delayed delisting.  This time the hurdle is the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) latest proposed Endangered Species Act (ESA) delisting rule inexplicably finding that there are now two separate wolf species roaming Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan.  U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance Director of Federal Affairs Bill Horn, who is a former Assistant Secretary of the Interior in charge of the FWS and ESA,  joined Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources’ Secretary Cathy Stepp at a press conference last week to challenge the FWS’s two species proposal. Read more

RADFORD, Va. – Alliant Powder introduces Black MZ™, an innovative black powder replacement that withstands moisture and greatly reduces cleaning time and intensity. Black MZ is designed for all black powder firearms and can be found on store shelves now.

Stay At-the-Ready
Muzzleloading takes a toll on black powder firearms. Alliant Powder’s new Black MZ helps maximize shooting performance by resisting moisture and adverse weather conditions. Hunters can stay loaded and ready in the field for days, Read more

Champion Announces Contest

ONALASKA, Wisconsin – Champion® announces the third annual Range Contest.

This promotion gives shooters a chance to win a fully-outfitted personal shooting range system worth more than $1,700-all with a 200-word online essay submission. Two additional prize packages are also up for grabs. Legendary exhibition shooter Tom Knapp will determine the finalists. Read more

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