FBI Arrests Anti-Gun California Senator on Firearm Trafficking Charges

Being good Americans, we take the position that anyone who is arrested and charged with multiple crimes is innocent until proven guilty. That’s more than California state senator Leland Yee (D) has done for gun owners in the past. In August 2012, Yee said “no one will convince me it’s anything other than a joke to say that having multiple clips and semi-automatic weapons that can shoot 100 or more bullets at a time is necessary in this state or in this country, it’s ridiculous.”

Now, Yee has other things with which to concern himself, and none is a joking matter.

The San Jose Mercury-News reports that “Yee now is accused of consorting with notorious felons, accepting money for his cash-strapped political campaigns in exchange for favors and promising undercover FBI agents he could deliver connections to international gun runners.” Additionally, he “is depicted in a startling, 137-page FBI affidavit of repeatedly offering to broker illegal firearms sales in exchange for campaign contributions,” and he is “linked to a host of wrongdoing to pad his political war chest, charged with seven felonies in a case with two dozen defendants accused of everything from money laundering to murder-for-hire.”  Read more

Short-barrel rifle and shotgun bill becomes law

This from MCRGO

Senate Bill 610 has just been signed into law by Governor Snyder. The Prohibition era ban on short barrel rifles and short barrel shotguns in Michigan is over.

Here are the basics of obtaining federal approval for a SBR/SBS. We will have detailed information including a discussion of NFA Trusts in the Spring 2014 issue of MCRGO “On Target” magazine coming up in April.

The new SBS/SBR rules are as follows:

SBS/SBR weapons that meet the Michigan definition of a pistol are eligible for carry pursuant to a Michigan CPL. Read more

Idaho governor signs emergency legislation nullifying all future federal gun laws

This legislation is to protect Idaho law enforcement officers from being directed, through federal executive orders, agency orders, statutes, laws, rules, or regulations enacted or promulgated on or after the effective date of this act, to violate their oath of office and Idaho citizens’ rights under Section 11, Article I, of the Constitution of the State of Idaho.

Any official, agent or employee of the state of Idaho or a political subdivision thereof who knowingly and willfully orders an official, agent or employee of the state of Idaho or a political subdivision of the state to enforce any executive order, agency order, law, rule or regulation of the United States government as provided in subsection (2) of this section upon a personal firearm, a firearm accessory or ammunition shall, on a first violation, be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) which shall be paid into the general fund of the state…

Oppose the confirmation of Vivek Murthy, as Surgeon General

The National Rifle Association strongly opposes the confirmation of Vivek Murthy, as Surgeon General. Click here to see a recent interview with NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox on Fox News.

The Surgeon General has the important tasks of providing the American public with information to better inform decisions related to their health and directing much of the federal government’s public health efforts. In order for these roles to be carried out effectively, the public must trust that the Surgeon General’s actions are based on empirical and scientific evidence, rather than political or ideological motives. In this regard, Dr. Murthy’s record of political activism in support of radical gun control measures raises significant concerns about his ability to objectively examine issues pertinent to America’s 100 million firearm owners and the likelihood he would use the office of Surgeon General to further his preexisting campaign against gun ownership. Read more

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