Democrat Strategy for 2014

Nancy Pelosi called Harry Reid into her office one day and said, “Harry, I have a plan to win back Middle America in 2014!”

“Great Nancy, but how?” asked Harry.

“We’ll get some cheesy clothes and shoes, like most Middle Class Americans wear, then stop at the pound and pick up a Labrador retriever.

Then, we’ll go to a nice old country bar in Montana and show them how much admiration and respect we have for the hard working people living there.”

So they did, and found just the place they were looking for in Bozeman , Montana. With the dog in tow, they walked inside and stepped up to the bar.

The Bartender took a step back and said, “Hey! Aren’t you Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi?”

“Yes we are!” said Nancy, “And what a lovely town you have here. We were passing through and Harry suggested we stop and take in some local color.”

They ordered a round of bourbon for the whole bar, and started chatting up a storm with anyone who would listen.

A few minutes later, a grizzled old rancher came in, walked up to the Labrador, lifted up its tail, looked underneath, shrugged his shoulders and walked out.

A few moments later, in came another old rancher. He walked up to the dog, lifted up its tail, looked underneath, scratched his head and left the bar.

For the next hour, another dozen ranchers came in, lifted the dog’s tail, and left shaking their heads.

Finally, Nancy asked, “Why did all those old ranchers come in and look under the dog’s tail? Is it some sort of custom?”

“Lord no,” said the bartender. “Someone’s out there running around town, claiming there’s a Labrador Retriever in here with two assholes!”

Michigan: Pro-Gun Bill Goes to Senate Floor This Week

Contact your state Senator TODAY in support of Senate Bill 610

On Thursday, the Michigan Senate is expected to vote on Senate Bill 610, legislation that would lift Michigan’s ban on the private ownership of short-barreled rifles and shotguns.  SB 610, sponsored by state Senator Mike Green (R-31), passed unanimously in the Senate Judiciary Committee last month.  It is important that you contact your state Senator TODAY and urge him or her to vote for Senate Bill 610.   Read more

Runner’s World Promotes Handgun Ban alongside Shoe Reviews, Training Recipes

One of the regrettable consequences of the political class’s obsession with gun control legislation (despite the American public not considering guns a significant problem) is that it encourages people and publications that otherwise aren’t political into sharing their oblivious opinions on the matter.  Such is the case with a November 5th column on the website of Runner’s World magazine.  Nestled on a front page that includes an article on “How Pumpkins Can Help Your Running” and a video titled “Power Yoga for Runners” is a piece by track athlete Nick Symmonds calling for a ban on handguns and popular semi-automatic rifles. Read more

Hunting for the Sake of Meat

A recent survey of American hunters by the Responsive Management organization asked the question “what’s the single most important reason you hunt?”. More than 35% of the responses indicated that they primarily hunted for the meat. While the responses might not seem unusual, only 22% responded that way in 2006. Trophy hunting came in dead last at 1%.

There’s a major misconception about the purpose of trophy hunting. B&C supports the taking of trophies as a matter of big game management and scientific record. B&C has long supported selective hunting for mature animals that have already genetically contributed to overall herd health. Selective hunting also supports conservation and game management efforts when a balanced age structure within a given big game population is an objective of State wildlife managers.

Our record books are a standing testament as to the success of the North American Model for Wildlife Conservation, which was the result of the Boone and Crockett Club’s early efforts to establish conservation on this continent.


PETA Slams Duck Dynasty Stars for Popularizing Hunting

duckDynPosted on October 23, 2013

The popular TV series, Duck Dynasty, has captured the attention of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), with the animal rights group criticizing the show for promoting hunting.    Photo credit

Duck Dynasty, a popular show on A&E, follows the lives of the Robertson family, owners of the Duck Commander duck call brand. Family members are seen sporting camouflage, building duck blinds, and often times follows the family into the field while hunting.

PETA’s Vice President Dan Mathews is speaking out against the show, claiming that hunting encourages would-be criminals. Read more

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