CCRKBA Says Obama Tells Mexicans “Half a Story on Guns Used in Crime”

BELLEVUE, WA – President Barack Obama was right when he told a Mexican audience Friday that many of the guns used in crime south of the border came from the United States, and he should know since his administration allowed thousands of those firearms to walk during Operation Fast and Furious, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms observed. Read more

Federal Premium® Ammunition and CCI® Allocate .22 LR Ammunition for Youth Shooting Sports Programs

ANOKA, MN – Federal Premium® Ammunition and sister company CCI® have dedicated 20 million rounds of rimfire ammunition to youth shooting sports programs. The Boy Scouts of America will receive 10 million .22 LR shells, and another 10 million will be sent to other organizations. This product sold at a discounted price will ship directly to the Boys Scouts of America, 4-H Shooting Sports and other qualified youth organizations. Read more

Gun Control Measures Defeated – for Now

On Wednesday, the Senate rejected a gun control agenda that President Obama has adopted as his own over the last few months, but to which other gun control supporters have bitterly clung for years: banning an ever-lengthening list of semi-automatic firearms, banning magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, and expanding background check requirements to require government permission for many transfers of firearms among private citizens. Read more

NSSF Urges Calls to Senators to Oppose Manchin-Toomey

Later today, the U.S. Senate is expected to begin debate on gun-control legislation including The Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act, S. Amdt. 715, proposed by Sens. Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Toomey (R-Pa.) that will hurt our industry and infringe upon your Second Amendment Rights. Your senators need to hear from you now!
The Manchin-Toomey Amendment, which is co-sponsored by anti-gun Sens. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Kirk (R-lll.), would effectively shut down all storefront National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) checks on weekends by requiring that gun show checks must be COMPLETED before any store check can be completed. Read more

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