NSSF Urges Calls to Senators to Oppose Manchin-Toomey

Later today, the U.S. Senate is expected to begin debate on gun-control legislation including The Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act, S. Amdt. 715, proposed by Sens. Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Toomey (R-Pa.) that will hurt our industry and infringe upon your Second Amendment Rights. Your senators need to hear from you now!
The Manchin-Toomey Amendment, which is co-sponsored by anti-gun Sens. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Kirk (R-lll.), would effectively shut down all storefront National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) checks on weekends by requiring that gun show checks must be COMPLETED before any store check can be completed. Read more

Gun Policy Survey Results

Police officers were asked questions relative to gun control proposals and how they would affect crime.  The results are here…

Late word yesterday that the American Wildlife Conservation Partners (AWCA) has
decided not to hold its 2013 meeting in Colorado. The decision to relocate was
prompted by “concerned messages” from the National Shooting Sports Foundation
and others regarding Colorado’s anti-gun legislation aimed at criminalizing
law-abiding gun owners.

Animal Rights Groups Owe $Millions

Remember the legal odyssey involving Feld Entertainment, owner of the Ringling Bros. circus, and a cabal of animal rights groups? If you don’t, here’s the summary: Animal rights groups sued the circus alleging elephant abuse and lost. The court concluded that their key witness was a essentially a “paid plaintiff and fact witness” who was “not credible.” Feld countersued under federal RICO statutes, alleging racketeering, fraud and witness bribery.

The second case is ongoing, but it is in the first lawsuit that there is news.  Lots more here…

Handloading Ammo to Beat the Supply Dilemma

By Glen Wunderlich

The ongoing ammunition shortage has many shooters rethinking their supply strategies.  Much like finding a generator in the aftermath of a hurricane, finding ammo or handloading components in today’s marketplace continues to be sporadic and expensive at best. People are settling on whatever they can get their hands on.  Forward-thinking handloaders on the other hand are weathering the storm much better, because of the inherent nature of loading their own.

A recent poll from www.ShooterSurvey.com indicates that the art of handloading may be on the rise.  Although cartridge component availability remains scarce today, many do-it-yourselfers have been able to dodge supply issues with components from their shelves.  Read more

Gun Rights Scores Win in South San Francisco

SAN CARLOS, CA and MADERA, CA – After considering the letter of opposition sent by The Calguns Foundation and California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees, the City of South San Francisco prudently rejected an outrageous gun control measure that would have banned hollow point ammunition and subjected gun owners to serious privacy risks. The ordinance was backed by anti-gun San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, who is working to have other Bay Area cities to adopt the highly-flawed ordinance that his city did earlier in March. Read more

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