A Legal Double Standard?

By Jim Shepherd

It’s becoming more and more apparent that when it comes to guns- and especially gun rights- there’s a legal double standard.

For instance, if you’re an “average” Washington, DC resident who happens to own a “high capacity” magazine for a modern sporting rifle, you can expect to find yourself in legal trouble. If, however, you’re an NBC news reporter trying to make a point – on television- by having the exact same object with you while you’re live on national TV, the same illegal object apparently morphs into an “illustration of an illegal object” and the old “No harm, no foul” law comes into play.

Over the past week, I’ve done my best to keep my opinions to myself regarding Katie Couric’s involvement in – and defense of- a so-called gun documentary “Under the Gun”. There are several reasons why I’ve done that.

Most importantly, I haven’t seen it. And I don’t plan to. I’ve been around enough to know that documentaries -especially when they’re hot-button issues- will always be seen as having an innate bias. Which brings me to a second reason why it wasn’t on my viewing list: it’s not exactly a secret where either the producer or the host stand on guns. They don’t like them.

To me, that’s the end of objectivity in journalism. Having seen promising reporters’ careers ended because they monkeyed with the facts in “investigations” it’s a point where I don’t grant leeway. Facts aren’t pro or con; that’s why they’re called “facts”.

Facts simply are .

Now, however, there’s a troubling fact coming out about the documentary. It seems that Stephanie Soechtig, the film’s director, knowingly sent a producer to Arizona for the specific purpose of purchasing firearms illegally. It seems he achieved the goal – and in the process committed as many as four felonies.

If that’s the case- and it’s pursued as it would be if it were a pro-gun “documentary” Ms. Soechtig is guilty of conspiracy to commit felonious acts. Either that or she’s guilty of “embellishment” of her story. To me, either are punishable acts.

The gun purchase is punishable under federal firearms laws. The act of “embellishment” should get her banished from any future work in journalism.

Having been a street reporter, producer and investigative reporter, I know there are times when you skirt the edges of the law in order to do your job. As a journalist, you try to protect your confidential sources. But you can’t hide under the protection of the so-called shield laws if you know a crime’s going to be committed, especially if you -acting in your role as producer- are responsible for initiating the act.

Here’s now the NSSF’s explains the problem:
“Journalists and filmmakers investigating what they see as shortcomings in laws are not absolved of their responsibility both to gain the requisite understanding of how those laws work and to abide by them.”

That’s why the NSSF and most other Second Amendment-conscious groups are so inflamed at an interview Soechtig gave where she acknowledged sending a producer to Arizona to purchase firearms. As a non-resident, those purchases were illegal.

Now, the NSSF is calling for- justifiably, it would appear to me- for a federal investigation into the matter.

The NSSF’s call for an investigation isn’t based on fairness in the documentary, it’s based on the fact that laws are supposed to apply -equally- to all citizens.

It’s no secret that several of the “celebrities’ in the outdoor industry have been burned because of stupid things they did in the making of their TV shows. Granted, their explanations have at times been on the far side of lame, but they have all generally taken their medicine and owned up to their acts.

It’s the same point federal officials roll out at every opportunity, if there’s a pro-gun person involved in anything that even hints of a conspiracy. “The law,” we’re reminded, “is the law- and it’s supposed to apply to everyone equally.”

And it’s true. That’s the reason the lady holding the scales of justice is wearing a blindfold.

The NSSF’s right when they write that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) should open a criminal investigation into the whole matter.

If they don’t, the case could be made -again- that there are two classes of citizens.

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Duh! Gun Prohibitionists Endorse Clinton

BELLEVUE, WA – Today’s endorsement of Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton by two major gun prohibition lobbying groups should come as no surprise, considering her highly-publicized attacks on the Second Amendment, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said in response.As reported by the New York Times, Everytown for Gun Safety President John Feinblatt declared in a prepared statement, “Gun Sense Voters have a champion in Hillary Clinton. Our litmus test is simple: does a candidate side with the public or with the gun lobby? Hillary Clinton passes that test with flying colors.”

“It’s no surprise that the gun prohibition lobby has a litmus test based on erosion of the Second Amendment, and it is less of a surprise that Hillary Clinton passed it with flying colors,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “If there were any remaining doubts among American voters about Clinton’s intentions if she wins in November, these endorsements make it clear that she is determined to rip the right to keep and bear arms from the American fabric.”

Early last fall, Clinton was caught on audio at a private fund raiser declaring that “The Supreme Court was wrong on the Second Amendment.” Gottlieb said today’s endorsements by Everytown and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America – two organizations supported by anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg – amount to “damning proof” that a Clinton presidency would pose a direct threat to the individual right to keep and bear arms. Read more

The Illusion of Gun-Free Zones

BELLEVUE, WA – Wednesday’s tragic shooting incident on the UCLA campus in California serves as yet another reminder that restrictive gun control laws and so-called “gun-free zones” provide a dangerous illusion, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

“California has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, including universal background checks, and state lawmakers are presently working to add more,” noted CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “But those laws, and the fact that firearms are not allowed on California college and university campuses, has once again provided a false sense of safety to the thousands of students and faculty affected by Wednesday’s crime, which appears to be a murder-suicide.

“While authorities are still sorting out what happened,” he added, “it is clear that simply writing a law or adopting a rule is not going to deter someone bent on committing a violent act. It should have been abundantly clear after San Bernardino that pursuing a policy of restrictive gun control has been a failure in the Golden State.

“Sadly,” Gottlieb observed, “too many lawmakers in Sacramento are deliberately blind to this fact, and their likely reaction to the UCLA incident will be to propose still more laws that only restrict the rights of law-abiding California residents. That’s not common sense, it’s nonsense.” Read more

John Lott, Jr. on Clinton’s Gun Control Ideas

President Obama is taking a big step towards creating a national gun registry.  Hawaii looks like it is about to provide the federal government with the list of all the gun owners in the state.  Supposedly, keeping a list of gun owners’ names will enable the FBI to tell police if a gun owner ever gets arrested.

But a national gun registry isn’t necessary to do this check.  The FBI isn’t the only organization that can do background checks on already existing gun owners.

Hawaii already has a gun registry, and can regularly run its list of names to see if people have gotten arrested.

Some concealed carry states do that for their concealed handgun permit holders.  For example, Kentucky checks its list of permit holders every month.

Hawaii is going to pay for entering the names in the new federal registry by charging gun owners a new fee.  But, even if this registration reduced crime, it would hardly be just the gun owners who have registered their guns who would be the only ones who benefit.  Economics would indicate that the people who benefit from this proposal should be the ones to pay for it.

If Hawaii officials really think that this will reduce crime for everyone and they aren’t just pushing this as a way to reduce gun ownership even further, they can pay for these checks out of general revenue.

This will undoubtedly be a waste of money. Out of all the guns owned in the US, just hundredths of one percent are used in committing crimes, and the rate that registered guns are used in crimes is a tiny fraction of that.  For concealed handgun permit holders the revocation rate for any firearms related violation is thousandths of one percent, and almost all of those are trivial, nonviolent offenses.

Gun control advocates have long claimed that gun registration will help solve crime. Their reasoning is straightforward: If a registered gun is left at a crime scene, it can be used to identify the criminal.
Unfortunately, it rarely works out this way. . . . .

The rest of the piece is available here.

Voters Do Not Support Lawsuits Against Firearms Manufacturers, Retailers, Poll Finds


NEWTOWN, Conn. – Seven of 10 American voters do not support allowing crime victims to sue firearm manufacturers and retailers when firearms they made or sold lawfully after background checks are used illegally in crime. Instead, voters from across political parties and geographic regions back the defense that the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) provides the firearms industry.More than 70 percent of voters disagree with a position one presidential candidate has made a centerpiece of her campaign. Like that candidate, others running for federal office have chosen to run against and misrepresent this decade-old law that prevents crime victims from suing firearm manufacturers and retailers who have not broken any laws.

These findings were among the results of a national scientific poll of 1,000 registered voters conducted in mid-April by Harper Polling and released today by the National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), the trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry.

Some 72 percent of those surveyed agree that the PLCAA “should be kept and we should punish the criminals who commit these acts not the law-abiding manufacturers and retailers of lawful products which get misused” instead of “this law should be repealed because the current protection enables manufacturers and retailers to sell guns to people who shouldn’t have them, because they know they cannot be sued and don’t face any consequences” (26 percent). Only 4 percent were not sure. Read more

Tennessee legislature makes major moves to get rid of gun-free zones at public universities and businesses

From John Lott, Jr.

By overwhelming votes, the Tennessee legislature passed two bills that get rid of gun-free zones at public universities and provides immunity to businesses if they don’t post ban.  CPRC’s John Lott testified on both bills when they started in the state Senate Judiciary Committee.
The gun-free zones at public universities allows “full-time employees of state public colleges or universities to carry a handgun while on property owned, operated, or used by the employing college or university if the employee has a valid Tennessee handgun carry permit.”  This bill passed by a 28 to 5 vote in the state Senate and 69 to 24 in the state House.  Republican Gov. Bill Haslam might veto the bill because it didn’t give the institutions the power to opt out, but with a 85 to 15 percent vote in the Senate and a 74 to 26 percent in the House, there are more than enough votes to over ride a veto.  It was the Senate version of the bill that was passed.
The other bill “provides immunity to the business/entity if the business doesn’t post” signs banning permitted concealed handguns.  This bill passed by a 26 to 4 vote in the state Senate and by 77 to 12 in the state House.  The governor hasn’t spoken out on this bill, but even if he were to veto it, it looks as if it would be easy to override the veto.
Taken together these two bills will make a major difference in eliminating gun-free zones in the state.  Tennessee will be the 13th state that is ending gun-free zones on college campuses.  The immunity bill appears to be the first one in the country.

The Top 5 Media Misrepresentations Of Gun Ownership (That Are Actually Totally Normal)

GW:  All good information at the link below, but what I never hear about why someone would want particular guns and particular ammo relates to the real reason for the Second Amendment:  It’s there to protect citizens from tyrannical rule, which by the way, we get closer to with each passing day.  Certainly, government officials avoid such talk at any cost.

“Nobody needs thousands of rounds of ammunition in their home.”

“Nobody needs armor-piercing bullets.”

“Nobody needs a stockpile of guns.”

“Nobody needs assault weapons.”

“Nobody needs…”  You finish the statement.

The logical responses to these bogus questions are here…

Should the Capitol Remain “Gun-Free”?

From John Lott, Jr…

Like so many mass public shootings, the gunman who attacked the U.S. Capitol on Monday first tried shooting a uniformed officer.  Fortunately, the lone gunman was quickly subdued and no one other than the attacker was seriously injured. But it raises questions of what would have happened with a more coordinated terrorist attack.

With terror attacks occurring regularly around the world, we can’t ignore the fact that the Capitol would provide a primary target for terrorists.  Indeed, an FBI informant foiled such an attack in January.

Police are crucial – probably the single most important factor in reducing crime. But uniformed police have a tough job stopping terrorists since they are often the first targets in any attack.

In late 2013, Ron Noble, who at the time was secretary-general of Interpol, Europe’s version of the FBI, noted two means of protecting people from mass shootings:

“One is to say we want an armed citizenry; you can see the reason for that. Another is to say the enclaves (should be) so secure that in order to get into the soft target, you’re going to have to pass through extraordinary security.”

But with terrorists planning these attacks many months or even years in advance, Noble warned that his experience taught him it was virtually impossible to stop killers from getting weapons.

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