Ruger Gunsite Scout Rifle Now Available with a Lightweight Composite Stock

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE-RGR) announces that the popular Gunsite Scout Rifle is now available with a lightweight, black composite stock. The composite stock reduces the rifle weight to 6.25 pounds, ¾ pounds less than the popular laminate wood stock version. This new version features a forward aluminum bedding block and rear aluminum pillar that positively locate the receiver and free float the 16.1″ barrel for outstanding accuracy. Read more

Benneli ETHOS Demonstration by Ron Spomer

Benelli’s ETHOS has been on the market for just a few months, and rave reviews are coming in as fast as the shotgun swings on a game bird or target. The latest report by noted outdoor personality and author Ron Spomer on his Ron Spomer Outdoors YouTube channel spells out in no uncertain terms the superb functionality and shootability of the brand’s newest semi-auto.

Calling the ETHOS “the ultimate refinement” of the renowned Benelli Inertia system, he goes on to illustrate its compatibility and flawless interchangeability with virtually any 12 gauge 2 ¾” and 3″ ammo from light to heavy loads. Ease of loading and unloading, assembly and disassembly and even some select footage of Spomer’s trademark field marksmanship highlight the short video.

Already named shotgun of the year by both Petersen’s Hunting and Guns and Ammo, the ETHOS continues to grow its fan base of hunters and shooters, from professionals like Ron Spomer to tried-and-true sportsmen and women in the field and at the range. The ETHOS represents years of research and development-it cycles anything and everything in 2 ¾ or 3″, from 7/8 ounce to magnum loads flawlessly-and interchangeably. With other features like reduced weight, enhanced sights and shim-adjustable comb and drop for the perfect fit, the ETHOS is available nationwide at dealers carrying Benelli shotguns and products.

Optical Issues for Hunters

By Glen Wunderlich

The end of regular firearms deer season signals a more normalized routine for deer that had become almost invisible to the throng of orange. It’s almost incomprehensible how even an abundant population present in much of Michigan’s southern zone seems to vanish totally when all those crunching boots march into their habitat. We wonder: Where did they go?

Obviously, some have been stowed into freezers and canning jars; the most fortunate of the herd receives a crash-course in survival and dwells in cover so thick the average hunter dares negotiate. However, in the two weeks that have passed, deer sightings in the open have increased.

What is different, though, is how little shooting time is left in a given day when deer become active. Prime time is concentrated into about 30 minutes of waning daylight that presents a challenge to the human eye: available light.

Without good optics a hunter is at the mercy of his naked eyes. Younger hunters, however, have the advantage of eye muscles that allow the eyes’ pupils to be held open at a larger diameter than older folks. In fact, by age 60 a person’s eyes have lost over 40 percent of their ability to access available light; by age 70, the decrease is over 50 percent, as explained in Modern Hunting Optics by John Barsness.

Binoculars and firearms scopes also have “pupils” referred to as exit pupils. And, here’s where the older generation can regain the advantage of youth. The larger the exit pupil of an optic is, the more light it can produce to the eye. Applying a simple formula, based on a given optic, indicates the level of light being presented by dividing the size of the objective lens (the forward lens of an optic) by the magnification. For example, my compact Leupold Katmai binoculars are 8 power with 32mm objective lenses, giving an exit pupil value of 4. Yet, the scope on my muzzleloading rifle is a variable power from 2.5 to 10 power with a large objective lens of 50mm.

Even at full-power magnification, the scope’s exit pupil is larger than the binoculars The science of mathematics was revealed to me, as I glassed a number of deer in the last 10 minutes of legal shooting time on an overcast afternoon stand a few days ago. I had learned first-hand the disadvantage of compact binoculars. Sure they are convenient to carry, but when deer activity begins to pick up in the twilight, the smaller lenses can put a hunter out of business before the final bell tolls.

There’s more to the equation than the size of the glass and it comes in the form of quality and coatings. And, this all comes in the form of cash, although the amount required is far less today than it was some 25 years ago, because of advancements in technology.

You won’t see a difference peering through scopes in the bright lights of any retail outlet, but the advantage of superior optics becomes clear as day when light is fading to nothingness. In summation, when you are shopping for optics, understand that better glass will pay dividends in the form of prime time afield.   It’s your choice to be thoroughly involved when the action picks up or to pack up.

Ruger Introduces BX Trigger for 10/22 and 22 Charger Pistol

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE-RGR) announces the launch of the BX-Trigger™: a light, crisp, “drop-in” replacement trigger assembly that is compatible with all Ruger® 10/22® rifles and 22 Charger™ pistols. The BX-Trigger is a Genuine Ruger Factory Accessory and is the perfect upgrade for all 10/22 rifles and 22 Charger pistol models because of the significantly reduced pull weight of approximately 2.75 pounds (versus 6 pounds on the standard 10/22 trigger).

“We have made continuous improvements to the 10/22 over the years, but the BX-Trigger is an exciting performance advancement,” said Ruger President and COO, Chris Killoy. “The BX-Trigger was designed for easy installation, superior performance, and legendary Ruger reliability.


Like the popular BX-25® magazine for the 10/22, the BX-Trigger will deliver the excellence and value that shooters have come to expect from Ruger.” The BX-Trigger is sold as a complete assembly that “drops in” to replace the existing trigger assembly, with no additional adjustment or “fitting” required. A video of the installation process can be found at Read more

NRA Warns of Confirmation Vote on Anti-Gun Surgeon General Nominee

President Obama has nominated anti-gun activist Vivek Murthy for the post of U.S. Surgeon General. Particularly given the president’s determination to reinvigorate taxpayer-funded gun control propaganda under the guise of public health research, confirmation of Dr. Murthy would pose a serious threat to the rights of gun owners. Dr. Murthy’s résumé of partisan activism on behalf of gun control, in which he specifically leveraged his status as a doctor, is detailed at length in a letter NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox sent on Tuesday to Senators Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Harry Reid (D-Nev.), reasserting NRA’s opposition to his nomination.

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Get in the Holiday Spirit with Trijicon’s ACOG Christmas Giveaway

Wixom, MI- Trijicon is going to give one of their Facebook fans a FREE 300 AAC Blackout ACOG, just in time for Christmas! To celebrate the 2014 holiday season, Trijicon’s Facebook sweepstakes will run throughout the month of December, and award an ACOG to ONE lucky Facebook fan. Registration for this giveaway can be completed through Trijicon’s Facebook page ( and requires no purchase or entry fee for participation.

To join us in the Trijicon ACOG Christmas giveaway, simply visit the Trijicon Facebook page or click on the following link In order to register for your chance at a free Trijicon ACOG, all you have to do is fill out the entry form to complete the submission. You will receive 2 bonus entries for each friend or family member who enters from your shared Facebook link.

Be sure to ‘LIKE’ us on Facebook for information and updates on our complete array of Brilliant Aiming Solutions™ for the hunting, shooting, military and law enforcement markets. Read more

CCRKBA Calls for Full Disclosure of ASLGVP Membership, Funding

When an organization consists of elected public officials, there must be complete transparency.

BELLEVUE, WA – In response to this week’s launch of a new gun control organization consisting of state legislators from all 50 states, plus Puerto Rico, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today called on the American State Legislators for Gun Violence Prevention to immediately publish a roster of their members, and disclose their funding sources.

“Private lobbying organizations might expect to have some degree of privacy,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan M. Gottlieb, “but when an organization consists of elected public officials, there must be complete transparency. The public deserves to know who belongs to this organization, and who is providing financial support.”

He noted that the group’s mailing address is at a Post Office box in New York City’s Madison Square Station.

Reuters reported that the ASLGVP had not released information on its preliminary donors, acknowledging only that fundraising efforts are in progress. Another report said that the group had not yet published a list of members, said to number around 200 lawmakers, over concerns about “political backlash.” The group was launched by Democratic New York Assemblyman Brian Kavanagh.

“If these state lawmakers are worried about political backlash back home,” Gottlieb observed, “they must have good reason for that. Reports say Kavanagh founded this group because Congress has not adopted certain gun control measures. This has become the argument of the gun prohibition lobby. They failed to pressure Congress, so now the strategy is to attack gun rights at the state level, where presumably members of this new anti-gun lawmakers’ group will push their gun control agenda through the state legislatures. Read more

Ohio Senate Passes Landmark Firearms Legislation

COLUMBUS, OH – The Ohio Senate passed substitute H.B. 234 by a vote of 8-2. The bill now heads back to the House for a concurrence vote and on to the Governor.

As passed by the Senate, Substitute H.B. 234 makes a significant number of changes, such as allowing the use of suppressors while hunting, aligning concealed carry with laws for firearm possession, allowing active military to carry handguns, correcting the definition for automatic firearms, and much more. Read more

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