LaPierre Blasts Mainstream Media and Obama Administration at CPAC

“A little over a year ago, I offered the answer for school violence,” said the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre, “and the media elite called every nasty name imaginable. Fortunately, Americans disagreed.”   That was the opening shot, and LaPierre never stopped firing at the “media elite” and the political figures he says are dedicated to “fundamentally changing America” as he addressed the attendees of the National Conservative Political Action Conference outside Washington. Read more

NSSF Issues Statement on Facebook Firearms Policy

Facebook today acted to provide clarification to its policies on postings concerning firearms and agreed to provide educational messaging on its platform. We are in agreement that all applicable laws should be observed in the private transfer of firearms. We would have welcomed the opportunity to provide our industry’s perspective, however, and regret that we were not consulted. Facebook’s clarification will not affect the lawful commerce in firearm and ammunition products for NSSF members and their customers.

Save the Date – 2014 Demonstration Days for Mentored Youth Hunters

The Department of Natural Resources will once again offer Demonstration Days for mentored youth hunters at its shooting ranges in July and August. This fun event gives young hunters – and would-be hunters – an opportunity to shoot various firearms, crossbows and archery equipment. If you have children under 10, this is a great opportunity to familiarize them with firearms that are just their size.

The Demo Days events will be held: Read more

At least 33 dead, 130 wounded in train station ‘knife’ attack in China

GW:  OK, so we got rid of all the guns in China – at least among the commoners.  Now whoever wields the longest blade wins.  Gun Control means that at least none of the law-abiding citizens were killed with guns.  Ah, but they’re stone dead, nonetheless.

The killers stormed the Kunming train station in Yunnan province and started attacking people in the late evening.   See the results of complete gun control here…

FAB Defense Offers Magazine Couplers for Shooters in Restrictive States

FAB legal* high-capacity magazine performance improves tactical readiness even where a 10-round magazine maximum is law.   One reason for civilians to own an AR platform is to be able to deliver 20, 30, 40 or more rounds downrange fast, when a maximum tactical response is necessary to protect life and limb in an extreme emergency. Where high-capacity magazines have been banned, the new FAB Defense OMC or PMC Couplers can restore a civilian’s high-capacity safety edge…legally.* Read more

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