Minnesota Hunter Loses War of Words

Roger Schmid was cited for hunting without a license and even though he claimed not to be “pursuing” deer, officials pursued his attempt to skirt the law.  It seems that Schmid wanted to argue that sitting in a deer blind with a loaded firearm was not actually pursuit (statute language).   A judge disagreed and the wordsmith is now defined as a poacher.  Too bad for the cheater, but he rightfully earns a place in my poacher category, nonetheless.  Details here…

Thanks to the OutdoorPressroom.

Hunters in the Crosshairs

From USSA…

Posted on December 20, 2013

Recent studies show a steady increase of hunting and fishing participants since 2006.  Couple that with the public’s approval of hunting at 79 percent and wildlife populations abundant and growing, things seem to be looking up for sportsmen.  Unfortunately, these facts have not deterred the animal rights lobby and sportsmen are finding themselves in the crosshairs now more than ever.

Why are sportsmen facing more opposition considering these facts?

“It really comes down to some segments of the public not understanding why all hunting is important and key to conservation programs here and abroad.” said Nick Pinizzotto, USSA President and CEO. “Hunters are providing vital funds and services to protect wildlife globally and are also the most effective and efficient group to control burgeoning wildlife populations.  That fact has been lost to the general public to some degree.  Simply put, a lack of education is at fault.” Read more

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