Tucson’s Gun Buy-Back Plan Almost Makes Sense

Just what we need:  More symbolism over substance.  Another gun buy-back program with a sensible twist covering what happens to firearms after they have been turned in.

“The police would have to take the guns and run them through the national database. If they are stolen, they are returned to the owner,” said Todd Rathner, a member of the National Rifle Association’s board of directors . “If they are not stolen, the police department is mandated by state law to sell them to the public.”

This sure sounds like a reasonable approach, but when does reason win over emotion and feel-good showmanship in the eyes of liberal gun grabbers?

Details of the scheme are here…

Feinstein IS Coming for Your Guns

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)—author of the federal “assault weapon” and “large” ammunition magazine ban of 1994-2004—has announced that on the first day of the new Congress—January 3rd— she will introduce a bill to which her 1994 ban will pale by comparison. On Dec. 17th, Feinstein said, “I have been working with my staff for over a year on this legislation” and “It will be carefully focused.” Indicating the depth of her research on the issue, she said on Dec. 21st that she had personally looked at pictures of guns in 1993, and again in 2012. Read more

Indoor Gun Range Protested by Worry over Nothing

How can an indoor gun range cause safety concerns for anyone outside the facility?  Got me!   I always notice when sources exclaim “Some parents…” or in other instances, “A lot of people…”

Ever notice how the news depicts protesters as some type of majority.  What we will never see are the millions of people that are not protesting – the silent majority.

A lame story from Ohio about a new indoor gun range is here…

Who Pays for School Guards?

Just read this lead-in to a piece in a local newspaper:  School officials have one response to the National Rifle Association’s call for armed police in every school: Who’s paying?  My question is rhetorical:  Who has paid so far?

There is a price to pay for everything.  So, the answer is in one’s priorities.

Here is one solution.  Remember when Obama visited his friend Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela and committed billions of our tax dollars to pay for his oil production efforts?  Then Obama remarked that the U.S. would be his best customer?

Let’s start right there by putting that cash toward school security.  Want more ideas?  More Read more

The NRA Speaks for Change

The National Rifle Association’s 4 million mothers, fathers, sons and  daughters join the nation in horror, outrage, grief and earnest prayer for the  families of Newtown, Connecticut … who suffered such incomprehensible loss as a  result of this unspeakable crime.

Out of respect for those grieving families, and until the facts are known,  the NRA has refrained from comment. While some have tried to exploit tragedy for  political gain, we have remained respectfully silent.

Now, we must speak … for the safety of our nation’s children.   Here is the plan in their own words:  http://nranews.com/pressconferencereplay.html Read more

Associated Press Clouds the Gun Debate with Its Ignorance

By Glen Wunderlich

There are so many opinions about “doing something” about guns, I’ve purposely avoided comment to date.  But, after reading an AP piece, it’s easy to see why people become confused.

It begins by stating that the previous “assault weapons” ban was considered imperfect by many.  Then it starts the misinformation indicating that if the ban had been in place during the Sandy Hook killings, it would have been illegal for the gunman to use the 30-round magazines…

First of all, Read more

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