Michigan Youth Pheasant Hunt in Shiawassee County, March 24

Sunday, March 24 at 8 a.m. and noon

Muzzy Pheasant Farm in Corunna

This pheasant hunt is open to any youth ages 12-17. Participants can choose to hunt the morning session (8-11:30 a.m.) or the afternoon session (noon-3:30 p.m.). The day will start with an introduction to shooting safety and end with a guided, three-bird pheasant hunt.

Participants are required to have hunter safety certification and hunter orange (at least a hat) and be appropriately dressed for the weather. A parent or guardian must also be in attendance. Participants are encouraged to bring their own shotgun (no hammer guns, please).

Cost is $45, which includes ammo, dogs and dog handlers, a meal and an annual youth Pheasants Forever membership.

Register for 3/24 Hunt

Delta Waterfowl’s University Hunting Program Delivers Record-Setting Year

UHP teaches the importance of hunting to wildlife management students at 103 colleges across North America

Throughout the 2023-2024 school year, Delta Waterfowl’s University Hunting Program spanned the continent from the University of Northern British Columbia to Maryland’s Bowie State University down to the University of Florida and Texas A&M, and 99 more schools. Delta’s UHP continued its trend of rapid growth since its formal inception in 2017, achieving a record of 103 universities this year, with a total of 447 students in the program.

During the past 25 years, the backgrounds of most college students seeking degrees in wildlife management and biology have shifted. Previously, the majority of students seeking those degrees grew up in hunting and fishing families, or at a minimum, had exposure to outdoor pursuits. Today, however, it’s estimated that 70% of students pursuing these career paths have little or no prior exposure to hunting. Read more

California Gets $1.28 Million to Support Elk, Wildlife Habitat, Hunting Heritage Efforts

Help is on the way to bolster habitat for elk, mule deer, black bears, turkey, quail and other wildlife in California.

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and its partners allocated $1,283,263 for 20 different projects ranging from habitat stewardship and wildlife management work to hunter education and mentored youth hunts, as well as youth trap shooting, air rifle and archery teams. RMEF allocated $331,132 that leveraged $952,131 in partner funding.

“Among other things, we’re excited to support two research projects to further scientific elk knowledge. One of them places GPS collars on tule elk to monitor their movement and challenges with road barriers north of Sacramento,” said Blake Henning, RMEF chief conservation officer. “The other focuses on bull elk population dynamics, habitat use, migration corridors and survival in northern California just south of the Oregon border.” Read more

Learn to Hunt Wild Turkey

man and woman in hunting garb walking across field with harvested turkeys


New Adult Hunter Weekend: Learn to Hunt Spring Wild Turkey

Pierce Cedar Creek Institute in Hastings 
Optional range day  at DNR Rose Lake Shooting Range in Clinton County

The Michigan State Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation presents this event for new adult hunters to learn to hunt wild turkey.

Cost is $200, which includes two nights’ lodging at Pierce Cedar Creek Institute (Meadow Lodge Housing Unit), evening dinner, breakfast snacks, lunch and evening wild game sampling. Pierce Cedar Creek Institute has 740 acres of prime habitat, managed for all sorts of wildlife.

This event will be limited to 10 new hunters (two hunters per mentor) and is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

For questions, contact Jen Davis at 734-680-6049 or

Register for event ?

This event is presented as part of a partnership agreement between the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the National Wild Turkey Federation, with DNR funding support.


Warne Scope Mounts Introduces Shotgun Rib Mounts for Red Dot Optics

Warne Scope Mounts, a pioneer in the shooting accessories industry, proudly unveils the Warne Shotgun Rib Mount. Designed and manufactured entirely in the USA, this revolutionary mount offers unprecedented versatility and ease of use, catering to the needs of shotgun enthusiasts across various disciplines.

Crafted from lightweight aircraft-grade aluminum, the Warne Shotgun Rib Mount features an adjustable design that seamlessly fits most shotgun vent ribs. The proprietary clamp ensures effortless installation, securely attaching directly to vented rib barrels without the need of drilling or tapping the shotgun. This innovative mounting solution provides a low-profile universal mounting plate compatible with most popular red dot sights, including reflex, MICRO® and ACRO® interfaces. Read more

TWN Industries and Dark Systems Team Up to Decorate American Flag K9 Helmets

This innovative project features man’s best friend. For people in the armed forces, not only do K9 units play a crucial role in helping them accomplish their mission, but they also become an important support system almost like family.

Dark Systems has developed a protective helmet for K9s in military, hunting, and police applications. They are designed to protect from excessive UV light, dense brush, smoke inhalation and can be used after eye surgery.

The helmet shown above is their Fourth of July special edition DarkFighter helmet, which showcases TWN’s WTP-1079 Battle Worn Color pattern. Dark Systems is also using our camo patterns for mission-critical tactical operations.

Want to stay ahead of the competition just like Dark Systems? Give us a call to customize your products in Battle Worn today! Read more

Late Winter Mallard Estimates Remain Lowest in 15 Years

In the final aerial survey of the 2023-24 waterfowl season, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission biologists estimated a Delta mallard population that was more than a half-million mallards below the 2009-2024 late January long-term average and the lowest late January survey estimate on record since the 2010 start of transect-based surveys. Also, total duck population estimates were nearly 480,000 birds below the long-term average, largely due to the low number of mallards.

On average, mallards account for about 55 percent of all ducks in the Delta during late January surveys. During this survey period, however, mallards made up only 33 percent of the total duck estimate. Read more

Chris Dorsey Discusses Threats to Hunting Rights in Hunting Matters Podcast

Dorsey Television –

Chris Dorsey appears as a guest in the latest episode of the award-winning Hunting Matters podcast to discuss myriad topics including the state of outdoor media, problems with ballot box biology, threats to hunting rights, and how to get hunting into mainstream media. Hunting Matters is presented by the Houston Safari Club Foundation whose mission is to preserve the sport of hunting through education, conservation and the promotion of the hunting heritage.

The Hunting Matters podcast is hosted by Houston Safari Club Foundation Executive Director Joe Betar and co-host Ramon Robles. Betar and Robles engage with guests from various backgrounds who have a passion for hunting and conservation. The show airs on KPRC AM 950 – Houston’s longest running radio station, and as a podcast on the KPRC website, apple/itunes, iHeartMedia, Googe, Overcast and Spreaker. Read more

ScentLok’s New Insulated Bomber Hat

Infused with technology, ScentLok’s new Insulated Bomber Hat modernizes the classic bomber style.

MUSKEGON, MI – The ubiquitous “bomber hat” was an invention of necessity in the early 20th century. Airplane cockpits were open, exposing pilots to whichever way the wind blew. The bomber hat maintained popularity amongst World War II pilots flying at high altitudes to combat the cold in unpressurized cabins. The functional style eventually gained favor with outdoor enthusiasts like hunters and ice anglers and remains with us today. Read more

The Taxman Lurks Behind Government Giveaways

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)

We Michiganders love our parks – both state and local.  In addition, we also enjoy those fishing piers and boat ramps that allow outdoors-minded individuals opportunities to get out on our magnificent waterways of the Great Lakes systems.  To fund these public facilities’ associated expenses takes a lot of tax dollars beyond user fees.   Here, we’ll review two of the funding mechanisms employed and their stark differences.

First, to fund conservation efforts of our waterways, the Sport Fish Restoration Act authorizes a federal excise tax on certain items: 10 percent on fishing equipment; 3 percent tax on electric boat motors, tackle and fly boxes; import duties on tackle, pleasure boats and yachts; and a portion of the federal gas tax that is attributable to motorboats and small engines. Since 1952, these excise taxes have contributed and distributed more than $11.3 billion to individual states.

Michigan’s share of distributions in year 2023 was $12,913,189 and has been at least $10 million for last 16 years.  Kathy Hollar, Division Manager, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, explained it this way:   “Our industry manufacturers are vitally important to the Sportfish Restoration Program. Without their federal excise tax contributions, we wouldn’t have had seven decades of fish restoration and boating access projects across the country for all of America to enjoy.”

Contributions is a cleverly disguised term for the reality of extractions. This hidden tax, however, is not, in effect, paid by anyone other than us consumers with costs of goods and services inflated to cover the built-in taxes.  They’re not seen, but certainly felt.  With that said, at least the money has been raised in advance of any project expenses.

Compare that pre-paid method with federal grants such the Biden Administration’s American Rescue Plan passed in 2021, whereby the federal government provided Michigan with $6.5 billion termed flexible state fiscal recovery funds.  Of that total, Michigan’s DNR has been appropriated $498 million with 89 percent dedicated to local and state parks’ trails and infrastructure.  Wow!  That’s a tremendous infusion of cash for upgrades – and, heartaches down the road; it’s all part of a borrowing mindset.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, annual interest payments on America’s debt will reach $1.6 trillion by year 2034 and will continue to grow from there. By comparison, interest costs on the nation’s debt were $879 billion in fiscal year 2023 and recent increases in interest rates are poised to exacerbate the issue.

And, that’s merely the interest on the roughly 34 trillion-dollar debt that continues its upward spiral to future generations’ ultimate despair.   To put this incomprehensible figure into perspective, it works out to over $100 million per hour right now!

The elephant in the room that nobody has been willing to acknowledge amid the hoopla of government “giveaways” is the perpetual increase of taxation on current and future citizens.  Yes, our officials have perfected the art of can kicking.

Since politicians have no control over spending and borrowing, it appears the Beatles had it right all along with lyrics from their song Taxman and what it portends for us all:

If you drive a car, car, I’ll tax the street
If you try to sit, sit, I’ll tax your seat
If you get too cold, cold I’ll tax the heat
If you take a walk, walk,  I’ll tax your feet
Should 5 percent appear too small, be thankful I don’t take it all.

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