HSUS Bankrolling Maine Bear Hunting Ban

 “Calling themselves ‘Mainers’ is nothing more than a transparent marketing ploy.”

After failing to get legislation passed in Maine this spring, anti-hunting forces have begun work on a ballot initiative that would ban bear hunting over bait, with dogs and bear trapping.  If they collect enough signatures, the question will appear on the November 2014 ballot.

A disclaimer on their website’s homepage reads, “paid for with regulated funds by the committee of Mainers for Fair Bear Hunting, PO Box 15367, Portland ME.”   An examination of the campaign finance report filed by the group tells a different, and much more accurate, story. Read more

Looking ahead to Michigan’s firearm deer season

Antler Point Restrictions VideoFirearm deer season is right around the corner, Nov. 15-30. Are you ready? Here are a few tools you may find helpful as you plan your fall hunt!

Confused about the new antler point restrictions in the northwest Lower Peninsula? Whether you hunt with a firearm, muzzleloader or bow, these restrictions apply.

Watch a brief explanation of the rules

Michigan conservation officers stress safety when using a tree stand

The important things to remember when using a tree stand for hunting are:

  • Buy a safe and comfortable stand and harness that’s right for you. Safe and reliable equipment reduces your chance of injury.
  • Carefully read all instructions and warnings provided with your stand.
  • Practice setting up your stand and safety equipment at ground level first. Use all recommended safety straps and pins to secure the stand.
  • Wear the safety harness at all times when climbing, hunting and descending.
  • Choose a harness with a quick-release system that will hold you right-side-up and not restrict your breathing should you fall.
  • Maintain your equipment – look for wear, stress points and loose fasteners. Fix or replace worn equipment immediately.
  • Choose as straight a tree as possible, and watch for dead, overhanging limbs and rotten wood.
  • Use extra care when hunting from a smooth-barked tree (such as aspen, maple, hickory and beech) because if it rains, they get slippery.
  • Use extra care when hunting from a frozen tree. Avoid using elevated stands when it’s icy.
  • Always use a haul rope to bring gear, firearm or bow to and from the ground.
  • Always unload your gun before hauling.
  • If hauling a bow, tie your line to the top limb of the bow when climbing and the bottom when descending to avoid snagging arrows in tree branches.
  • Be extra alert when climbing or descending from the stand. These are when most tree-stand accidents occur.

HSUS and its Deception

Despite its name, the Humane Society of the United States only gives 1% of its budget to pet shelters, and the organization doesn’t run a single pet shelter. Last year The Center for Consumer Freedom polled over 1,000 self-identified donors to the Humane Society of the United States to figure out just what they knew about the group. As it turned out, many donors—like the general publichad a false impression about how their money was being used. They still do.

Pheasant hunting season kicks off in October

 With the opening of pheasant hunting season right around the corner, the Department of Natural Resources reminds hunters that there are a growing number of opportunities to take part in this treasured Michigan tradition. 

Pheasant hunting season is Oct. 10-31 in the Upper Peninsula in Menominee County and portions of Iron, Marquette, Dickinson and Delta counties; Oct. 20 – Nov. 14 in the Lower Peninsula and Dec. 1 – Jan. 1 in selected areas of Zone 3. The bag limit is two male pheasants daily, with four in possession. A small game license is required to hunt pheasants. Read more

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