PETA Slams Duck Dynasty Stars for Popularizing Hunting

duckDynPosted on October 23, 2013

The popular TV series, Duck Dynasty, has captured the attention of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), with the animal rights group criticizing the show for promoting hunting.    Photo credit

Duck Dynasty, a popular show on A&E, follows the lives of the Robertson family, owners of the Duck Commander duck call brand. Family members are seen sporting camouflage, building duck blinds, and often times follows the family into the field while hunting.

PETA’s Vice President Dan Mathews is speaking out against the show, claiming that hunting encourages would-be criminals. Read more

Service Extends Comment Periods for Gray and Mexican Wolf Proposals, Reschedules and Adds Public Hearings

As a result of delays caused by the lapse in federal appropriations, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Thursday announced rescheduled dates for the remainder of a series of public hearings on two proposed rules-one to list the Mexican wolf as an endangered subspecies and delist the gray wolf elsewhere, and the other to improve recovery efforts for the Mexican wolf in the Southwest. Comment period deadlines also are extended until December 17 to allow these hearings to take place within the public comment periods on the proposed rules. Read more

MI property on Bois Blanc Island available at auction

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is offering more than 100 parcels of state-owned land on Bois Blanc Island, Mackinac County, for sale by sealed-bid auction. The auction began Oct. 23, and will run through Nov. 20, 2013. This is the first time the state has offered these island properties. Details about each property are available by visiting and clicking on Fall Land Auction. See minimum bid amount, photos, map, property descriptions and conditions of sale. Instructions to submit a bid can be found on the printable bid form. Read more

Squirrel Migration Raising Questions In North Georgia

ARMUCHEE, Ga. – Recent reports of squirrels, large numbers of squirrels, on the move has created quite a bit of interest, according to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division.   “Our offices have been taking reports and noting unusually high numbers of road-killed squirrels for weeks, especially in the mountains.  We also have received several reports of squirrels seen swimming in Lake Blue Ridge in Fannin County, with one particular angler reporting 10 or more in a day,” said wildlife biologist Adam Hammond.  “What we are observing this year seems to be above and beyond the typical ‘fall shuffle’ that occurs each autumn when squirrels, especially young males searching for their own territory, are on the move.” Read more

Garmin Introduces tactix GPS Navigator and ABC Watch

OLATHE, Kan./ October 22, 2013-Garmin International Inc., a unit of Garmin Ltd. (NASDAQ: GRMN), the global leader in satellite navigation, today announced tactix, a rugged high-sensitivity GPS navigator and ABC watch inspired by the requirements of Law Enforcement and Police Special Operations.

Built for training, exploring, and more, this field-ready wristwatch boasts an altimeter, barometer, 3-axis compass, and extensive tracking capabilities for precise navigation in the field. tactix is waterproof to 50 meters, and can run up to 50 hours in GPS mode on one charge. It comes preloaded with tide data (U.S. units only) and Jumpmaster software, which could prove invaluable for amphibious and airborne operations. It has a stealth, matte black design with a curved lens and green backlight, so it won’t flare out with night vision devices or compromise the user’s position. tactix can withstand even the most extreme elements and situations, but is sleek enough to be worn as an everyday timepiece. Read more

Women in the Outdoors: Numbers on the Rise

FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. — The traditional image of men escaping for the weekend to experience the thrill and challenge of outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing and shooting may be as antiquated as the gender make-up in the boardroom in scenes from television’s Mad Men. Annie it seems has definitely got her gun, and hunting license and fishing rod and reel. In fact, according to Women in the Outdoors in 2012, an in-depth report on women’s participation in outdoor recreation compiled by Southwick Associates, women now make up more than a quarter of all anglers and represent the fastest growing segment within the hunting and shooting communities making up as much as nearly 11 percent of all hunters. Read more

New Powerful Headlamp From Alpha-TAC’s ExtremeBeam Outshines the Competition



The precision engineering found in ExtremeBeam’s tactical lights has set them far and above other flashlights on the market. Now, the company has used the same lighting technology of its exceptionally crafted handheld flashlights to create one of the world’s brightest and farthest reaching 3.5 ounce quick-focusable headlamps.   The OSR-800, attached to a fully adjustable elastic headband, is fitted with a 180-lumen LED bulb and masterfully engineered lighting amplifier that work together to throw light to distances beyond 550 feet. Read more

Wolf advocates: Hunters may have killed 5 wolves in well-known Yellowstone pack

Wildlife officials have indicated that it is impossible to determine if five wolves recently killed are members of a certain pack.  Meanwhile, and totally predictable, Wolves of the Rockies President Marc Cooke says he believes the five wolves killed were from Yellowstone.

Of course, no supporting documentation is provided to help us understand Mr. Cooke’s perspective, other than the fact that he adores wolves.

Anyway, wolf seasons are aimed at controlling the burgeoning wolf populations throughout their range.

No animal-rights organization will ever go along with any type of managed hunt; they’re anti hunters!  They never agree on population numbers or goals being met.  If it’s hunting, they don’t agree.  And, that may explain Mr. Cooke’s feelings.

More here…

A Helping Hand for Old Apple Trees

By Glen Wunderlich

A sure sign that deer season is upon us becomes obvious each year:  bags of bait at every corner store and gas station.  High on the list of preferred foods is apples and this year Michigan has them in record numbers.  While I’m not into hauling buckets of bait to the field, I am well aware of where the wild apple trees are growing; so are the opportunistic deer.

To begin, I am not an expert on the subject of growing fruit trees, but I am smart enough to know where to turn for advice.  In Ed Spinazzola’s book, Ultimate Deer Food Plots, an entire chapter written by Charlie Morse ( is devoted to the subject.  Also, on the website provided, a forum is available for those that have specific questions.

Charlie describes how to choose trees for planting and how to protect them from damage in the wild.  All good stuff, but what if you already have some established fruit trees that have been neglected over the years?   Here are some tips to bring them back. Read more

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