Hodgdon Introduces CFE™ PISTOL Powder

Shawnee Kansas  Hodgdon® announces a new addition to the CFE™ family of propellants called CFE™ PISTOL.  Just like its rifle powder counterpart, CFE™223, CFE™PISTOL greatly deters copper fouling round after round! CFE™, which represents the proprietary chemistry named “Copper Fouling Eraser”, was developed for U.S. rapid fire military systems. Whatever your game is as a top gun competitor or target plinker you will benefit significantly with longer periods of top accuracy with less barrel cleaning time and minimal muzzle flash. Read more

Get Ready for Archery Season at DNR Shooting Ranges

Fall is officially here and archery deer season begins in a week, so stop in at the DNR shooting ranges to perfect your aim for a clean shot. The Ortonville range features a 9 station, 3-D archery range that varies from 12 to 26 yards, with elk, various deer, bear, turkey and coyote targets. We also opened the new 3-D archery range at Sharonville on August 17. Rose Lake and Pontiac Lake ranges have bulls-eye targets as well as 3-D targets. Read more

What Barry Sanders Could Teach Hunters

By Glen Wunderlich

Years ago, Detroit Lions fans and fans throughout the NFL, were treated to one of the most creative and celebrated running backs of all time.  His name was Barry Sanders, and although he was widely known for record-breaking performances, it was what he didn’t do and how it relates to hunters. 

Barry Sanders didn’t toss the ball into the crowd, nor did he invent a new dance for the world to critique.  He didn’t spike the ball.  He didn’t jump into the stands after a single touchdown.  Barry Sanders never rubbed his greatness in the faces of those who may not have appreciated it.  He would tap-dance his way into the end zone enroute to yet another 100-yard day and politely hand the ball over to the nearest official.

Barry had no need to boast with antics designed to draw attention.  He was the best.  Period.  His actions proved it.  And, sportsmen would do well to take a page from Barry’s book. Read more

NSSF Launches New and Improved Website

NEWTOWN, Conn. — The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) has launched an improved, redesigned website at www.nssf.org — the organization’s hub for providing timely news and educational materials to industry members and consumers.   The new site features improved navigation, better search functionality and quick access to news and information about the industry and hunting and the shooting sports. Read more

Questions Emerge Over HSUS and the IRS Scandal

The ongoing IRS scandal that is hitting Washington has yet another twist with new questions surrounding the number one group on our Dirty Dozen List, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).  The latest twist comes after the person at the heart of the IRS scandal, Lois Lerner, was found to have ties to this anti-hunting organization.

Lerner is the Director of the IRS’s tax-exempt organizations division, which has come under investigation for improperly targeting conservative groups.  Lerner’s involvement might not stop there, however.  Now questions are being raised as to whether the IRS ignored accusations regarding HSUS’s tax exempt status because of Lerner’s active membership with HSUS. Read more

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