Oklahoma Coyote Control with Highly Trained Decoy Dogs

By Glen Wunderlich

When John Glynn goes hunting, he means business.  He and his decoy dogs, Nuts and Scrap, are the primary protectors of 1800 head of cattle in S.E. Oklahoma, which roam freely on his 10,000 acres.  So do the coyotes.  Lots of them.

John manages his livestock so that his cows give birth at the same time.  And, with myriad calves being born simultaneously, the coyotes can smell the “dinner bell”.  Most of the time, however, they’re coming for the afterbirth.  But, sometimes they’ll tear a newborn calf to shreds before it hits the ground.  He’ll lose about 200 calves with some 25 to 30 percent related to predation.  And, at a future value of over $1000 per animal, that’s bad business. 

And, that’s why he and his two dogs work as a team.  Read more

Making the Connection with Youth

By Glen Wunderlich

Early in life each of us develops our “likes” and “dislikes” – and, I’m not talking Facebook.  For example, I don’t know why, but I never was able to stomach lima beans regardless of my father’s fruitless attempts to get me to eat them. Of course, he knew what was good for me, but I never allowed one bean down my throat.  Nice try, Dad.

And, that’s the way it is with all of us.  We evolve through trial and error and naturally gravitate to things we like, which explains how the Mid-Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association show makes it to the top of my priority list each August.

My first show over 20 years ago was an eye-opener.  When my friend, Charley Coston, introduced me to the event, I was flabbergasted by the tons of ancient iron, which had been preserved, protected, and converted to “wow” status in many cases.  Count me as a lifer now.

And, so it is with our children.  Schools do a good job of exposing youngsters to a wide variety of subject matters.  Teachers become tool makers filling students’ tool boxes with knowledge – some will become useful, and some of it will be discarded out of hand.  But, it is the wise teacher that bridges the gap from the knowledge to possible end-use – the missing link, if you will. Read more

Lawmakers Ignore Constituents but not the Boot

The following was written by Lawrence Keane of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), relative to Colorado with State Senate Majority leader John Morse’s facing a recall election.

Like members of Congress, state legislators are elected to represent their constituents and vote on the laws that affect them. When legislators fail to represent the will and beliefs of their constituents and become beholden to outside influences, it is up to their constituents to fire them.

This is exactly what’s happening in Colorado with State Senate Majority leader John Morse facing a recall election starting on Aug. 20. Sen. Morse forgot about his constituents who elected him when he started taking his legislative orders from Mayor Bloomberg and the Brady Campaign, hastily ushering through a series of anti-gun laws in the wake of the tragedies in Aurora and Newtown. Read more

Bushnell Announces $30 Mail-In Rebate on Trophy XLT Binoculars and Riflescopes

Overland Park, Kan. – Bushnell Outdoor Products, an industry-leader in high performance sports optics for 65 years, has introduced a $30 mail-in rebate on Trophy XLT binoculars and riflescopes. Available on purchases from August 10 – October 19, 2013, the rebate is available on six binoculars (rebate excludes 10x 28mm compact models) and 16 riflescopes from the Trophy XLT product line. Read more

Natural Resources Commission sets 2013-14 waterfowl hunting season

Michigan hunters will once again enjoy 60-day duck seasons this fall, as the Natural Resources Commission set waterfowl seasons Thursday at its regular meeting in Muskegon.

Waterfowl hunting starts with the early Canada goose season beginning Sept. 1 statewide. The season is Sept.1-10 in the North Zone and Sept 1-15 in the rest of the state except in Saginaw, Tuscola and Huron counties, where the season is Sept.1-10. The daily bag limit is five. Read more

Out-of-State Animal Rights Groups Bankroll Michigan Ballot Issues

This from the USSA…

Posted on August 8, 2013

According to the Associated Press, an anti-hunting group has raised more money this year than any other entity working to pass a ballot issue in the state of Michigan.  Other issues heading for the 2014 ballot include abortion funding, hydraulic fracturing or “fracking,” and changes to Michigan’s ballot qualification process.  Yet when combined, those issues still don’t come close to the amount of money that has poured into Michigan to overturn legislation that would allow for a wolf hunt. Read more

Antlerless deer license applications on sale until Aug. 15

The Department of Natural Resources reminds hunters that the application period for antlerless deer licenses ends Aug. 15. Hunters can apply for a quota-limited license online at E-license, at any authorized license agent or at a DNR Customer Service Center. A nonrefundable $4 fee is charged at the time of application. Hunters may only apply for a single public-land or private-land license. Read more

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