Hunting and Fishing Excise Taxes: Big Benefits for American Business

Imagine a business investment that yields a return of more than 1,000 percent. If you were to guess the industry where such a return on investment (ROI) was possible, most people would guess energy, technology, defense or medical industries or even that historic standby, real estate. But they would be wrong. Such investments are a reality, however, in the sportfishing, hunting and shooting sports industries courtesy of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration programs. Thanks to those programs, hunting manufacturers have enjoyed a 1,100 percent return on funds invested in generating improved hunting opportunities, while sportfishing-based companies have witnessed an amazing 2,157 percent. Read more

Sportsman Channel to Debut Hour-Long Special: Fred Bear – The Father of Bowhunting

New Berlin, WI (June 19, 2013) – In the burrows of Detroit rose up a young man with a passion for bowhunting, and specifically bow craftsmanship, who quickly ignited the industry with his eye to detail, unique designs and desire for the best. Sportsman Channel, the leader in outdoor TV for the American Sportsman, is proud to premiere the hour-long special Fred Bear: The Father of Bowhunting presented by Bear Archery on Friday, June 21 from 7 to 8 pm ET. This film was produced in association with Rusted Roosted Productions and Sportsman Channel. Watch a sneak peak preview here: Read more

Upgrade to DNR’s license sales system to create better customer experience

The Department of Natural Resources will be upgrading its license sales system, both in the stores and online, effective Thursday, June 20. These upgrades will streamline the buying process; customers will be able to make their purchases in fewer clicks, and new safeguards will be in place to prevent mistakes. Customers and sales agents are advised that in order to perform the upgrade, a system shutdown will take place on June 20 from 7 to 10 a.m., after which time the upgrades will be in place and the system will be back online. Read more

Antler Point Restrictions Meetings Set

GW:  As an unabashed supporter of the vision of Quality Deer Management primciples, this proposal is a must, if we want to improve the health and quality of our deer herd.  For the naysayers, this is your chance to participate in transparent policy making.  If you’ve something to say, show up – or shut up.

An organization known as the Lower Peninsula Deer Management Initiative (LPDMI) will hold informational meetings regarding deer antler point restriction (APR) proposals at a number of locations in June 2013. Individuals are invited to attend a local event to learn more about the APR process and the specific proposals currently under consideration. Read more

Zero Tolerance for Zero Tolerance

GW:  This from the NRA and I couldn’t agree more…

We’ve been reporting very regularly on ridiculous cases involving over-zealous school officials misinterpreting and wrongly enforcing “zero-tolerance” rules.

In March, we reported on an outrageous case of a seven-year-old Baltimore, Md. student who, according to a March 2, Daily Caller article, was suspended for two days for the nefarious act of shaping a breakfast pastry into what his teacher thought looked like a gun.  Yes, a breakfast pastry. Read more

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