Wolf Control Debate in Montana Continues

Ravalli County, Montana residents have urged their commissioners to  allow shooting wolves on sight and to listen to science rather than  anecdotes as they write a countywide predator control policy.

“The policy has become too extreme,” said Dan Kerslake, a rancher from  Stevensville. “I think it should be based more on science instead of politics.  Implementing a ‘kill all the wolves’ policy is too extreme, but you also can’t  just let wolves run wild in your backyard.”

Read more: http://missoulian.com/news/state-and-regional/predator-policy-divide-ravalli-county-residents-urge-shooting-wolves-heeding/article_a3ecb2e0-5396-11e1-ab48-0019bb2963f4.html#ixzz1lz523qqC

Invisible Flashlight Leads The Way

Mansfield, TX- Combined with any night vision riflescope or monocular, the Sightmark Infrared Illuminator acts as an invisible flashlight during night vision use. Great for indoor and outdoor use, where there is low ambient light, such as during a SWAT raid in a dark warehouse or varmint hunting out on a moonless night, the IR Illuminator can illuminate the target without detection. Read more

No Business Like Crow Business

L-R: Matt Arnold, Glen Wunderlich, Shawn Weaver

By Glen Wunderlich

What’s this business of groundhogs predicting weather anyway? They don’t know beans! Wait a minute; beans are something they do understand. In any event, here’s a forecast for this weekend: It’s going to rain. Not cats and dogs, but crows!

February Crows

The long-awaited, no-limit season of crow hunting began February 1st and continues through March 31st and that means it’s time to test new guns, loads, and wing-shooting skills. And, this season, we’ve got a few new tricks up our sleeves, including a new apprentice hunter, Mike, whose technique will be challenged by the aerial antics of the high-flying, menacing marauders.

Mike has never hunted before. His 20-gauge scatter gun Read more

Fishing and Hunting Protection Bill Introduced in the U.S. Senate

(Columbus, OH) – Protection of fishing, hunting, and shooting on national forest and public lands has taken a step forward with the Senate introduction of the Recreational Fishing and Hunting Heritage and Opportunities Act.  Introduced by Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia), the measure is backed by the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance, American Sportfishing Association, National Rifle Association, Safari Club International, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, and others in the angling, hunting and wildlife conservation community. Read more

Conservation Town Hall Meeting

State Senator Phil Pavlov will be hosting a conservation town hall meeting on February 27th, 2012 at the Donald E. Dodge Auditorium in Port Huron beginning at 7:00p.m. The Senator is pleased to host Rodney Stokes, Director of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, as well as members of his staff to provide insight into the Department and hear your concerns regarding conservation issues in our state. Please forward this e-mail to anyone whom you know would be interested in attending this meeting. More details to follow. Read more

Michigan Hunters’ Rights Protected in Huron-Manistee Case

January 31, 2012

LANSING, MI — On September 29, 2010, Kurt Meister, a southeast Michigan attorney won a case against the USDA Forest Service claiming that his right to enjoy public lands in Michigan were being infringed upon by noisy firearms hunters and folks using snowmobiles on designated trail. His solution? Ban guns and snowmobiles on almost 70,000 acres of the Huron-Manistee National Forest. Read more

Trophy Whitetails Up 400 Percent Over 30 Years

MISSOULA, Mont.Trophy whitetail entries from 2011 hunting seasons are beginning to pour into Boone and Crockett Club headquarters. But while the sporting world waits to see which states are hot or not producers of giant bucks, North America’s overall robust trend in whitetail entries is a story for all conservationists to celebrate.

B&C historical records show that trophy whitetails are Read more

MDNR Statistics on Deer Kill in Southern Michigan

MDNR Deer Harvest Reports from the Southern Lower Peninsula  (2007-2010) which indicated that …
64% of the antlered deer harvested was comprised of 1.5 year old bucks
75% of all 1.5 year old bucks killed , had 6 or fewer total points (avg. 3/side)
40% of all 1.5 year old bucks killed, had 4 or less total points (avg. 2/side)

I still support only one deer kill per hunter per year with antler point restrictions until such a time as the herd becomes “balanced.”

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