Native American Participation in Hunting, Trapping and Target Shooting Research Available from Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation

Albuquerque, NM – Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation (OSCF) is proud to release a comprehensive research study that provides quality insights into Native Americans’ Participation In, and Perceptions Towards Hunting, Trapping and Target Shooting.

On Tuesday, May 23rd, OSCF’s Executive Director, Jim Curcuruto, presented key findings from the study to more than 200 attendees at the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports R3 Symposium in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

With more than 500 federally recognized tribes containing more than seven million members, Native Americans play a large role in outdoor activities. With limited data available on this segment, it was important to learn about barriers, understand traditions, and establish a baseline of current participation in hunting, trapping and target shooting among Native Americans. Read more

Burris Optics Presents Cowboy Insurance Monday, May 29

Greeley, CO – “The whole purpose of family-owned ranching is just having the ability to stay in business.” – Jim Butcher, Cowboy Insurance

The business of veteran and multi-generation ranchers goes far beyond the P&L sheet. It is an all-consuming job and lifestyle—a 24/7 responsibility that doesn’t stop for rain or snow or dark of night. And at no time is that truer than during calving season.

Cowboy Insurance is a Burris Optics original film that draws viewers into the Gateway Simmental Ranch, a fourth-generation cattle concern in Lewistown, Montana. Run by Jim Butcher and sons Logan and Brock, the film is an in-the-mud portrait of the ranching lifestyle and the never-ending challenges of livestock management. Spring, in particular, requires these ranchers to dig deep as they work the critical and often chaotic two-month calving season, combating unpredictable weather and predators to ensure their calves make it to the summer pastures. Read more

June 6: Deadline to apply for 2023 Arizona fall hunts

PHOENIX — There’s not a better time than right now to apply for 2023 hunt permit-tags issued through the fall draw process for deer, turkey, javelina, bighorn sheep, bison, and sandhill crane.

To apply, visit and click on “Apply for Big Game Draw.” For an overview of the application service, including license requirements, applying for bonus points and payment information, see Page 26 of the “2023-2024 Arizona Hunting Regulations” booklet. The booklet can be viewed at

The deadline for the department to receive all applications is 11:59 p.m. (Arizona time) Tuesday, June 6, 2023. Read more

Leupold’s ‘Project Hunt’ Returns

BEAVERTON, Ore. — Leupold & Stevens, Inc., provider of the world’s most rugged, lightweight, and clear sport optics, is pleased to announce the return of its ‘Project Hunt’ contest, which offers hunters across the United States the chance to have their next hunt filmed and shared across Leupold’s digital media platforms.

It’s your tag, your hunt, and your story. Leupold’s ‘Project Hunt,’ presented by GOHUNT, is offering contest entrants the chance to be the star of a Leupold digital series. You plan the hunt; you call the shots–Leupold’s videographer/photographer will be with you the whole way to capture the story. A short film or digital series will be produced by Leupold and released digitally across the Leupold and GOHUNT networks in 2024.

“Since launching ‘Project Hunt’ in 2021, we’ve been incredibly impressed by the submissions we’ve received,” said Bruce Pettet, President and Chief Executive Officer for Leupold & Stevens, Inc. “They’ve reminded us just how dedicated the Leupold Core is, and some of our past winners showed that not every story has to be a once-in-a-lifetime draw, and that over-the-counter tag can lead to epic moments. Whether your 2023 includes moose hunting in Alaska, mule deer in the west, or whitetails in Iowa, it’s your story, your passion, and your grit that matters most. Send us an application and hopefully we’ll see you in the field this fall.” Read more

Whitetails Unlimited Grants $11,000 to Harold Hoey Memorial

Whitetails Unlimited recently granted more than $11,000 to the Harold Hoey Memorial Fund located in Nelson, Missouri. The fund focuses on helping outdoor-centered endeavors in Saline County, Missouri such as hunter safety, youth shooting sports, and local youth deer hunts. They also help local chapters of nationally based organizations like NWTF and the NRA.

The fund was named after deceased Missouri Conservation Officer Harold Hoey. Harold’s grandchildren started the memorial fund honoring their late grandfather in 1998. Since then, the fund has contributed more than $150,000 to conservation in Saline County. Read more

National Deer Association Awarded $200,000 Grant from the Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s Outdoor Fund to Improve Public Hunting Land

May 17, 2023 – The National Deer Association’s Public Lands Conservation Initiative has received a significant boost in the form of a $200,000 grant from the Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s Outdoor Fund. The Fund has now contributed a total of $350,000 to the effort, which NDA launched in 2021 and which is ahead of pace to reach the goal of improving 1 million acres of public hunting land by 2026.

“We are incredibly appreciative of the generous support of Johnny Morris and the Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s Outdoor Fund, which will help us accomplish important work on the ground for deer and hunters,” said Nick Pinizzotto, President and CEO of NDA. “The Fund and the organizations it has helped over the years have had immeasurable positive impacts on fish and wildlife conservation, and we’re proud to be part of it.”

NDA’s initiative – entitled Improving Access, Habitat and Deer Hunting on Public Lands – addresses landscape-level access and forest health issues nationally. By the end of 2022, NDA and our conservation partners, including the Outdoor Fund, had invested $2,164,206 into the initiative. In addition, NDA matched $335,000 in funding against the original $150,000 Outdoor Fund grant, as well as secured an additional $1.5 million in federal funding through stewardship agreements and appropriated funds, creating a total funding leverage of 12-to-1 for conservation. Read more

Delta Waterfowl’s University Hunting Program is Flourishing for Wildlife Students

BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA — Delta’s University Hunting Program, which had its genesis at Louisiana State University in the late-1990s when Dr. Frank Rohwer organized hunts for his wildlife students, has grown exponentially since becoming a formal Delta program in 2017.

Many of today’s wildlife management students do not come from families with hunting backgrounds. UHP introduces these future wildlife management professionals to waterfowl hunting so they understand the important role it plays in conservation. In addition, UHP aims to recruit students to become lifelong waterfowl hunters who will introduce their families and friends to our world.

In 2021, Delta held UHP events at 36 universities with 222 students despite COVID-19 challenges. The program doubled in 2022, with 415 students from 72 universities taking part throughout North America.

“We met all of our UHP goals for 2022,” said Jacob Bushaw, Delta’s R3 coordinator for the United States. “We had great events at so many universities, including Cornell University, Ohio State University, and the University of Florida. We had 20 wildlife students at the Florida UHP, and most of them had never held a gun before that event.” Read more

North American Deer Hunter Releases Inspiring May Issue  

“Outdoor Industry Gives Back” theme highlights people making a positive impact in the hunting and fishing industries

Cazenovia NY – Outdoor Specialty Media Group announces the publishing of the May issue of North American Deer Hunter digital magazine. This issue features Larry Weishuhn as the cover story talking about mentoring the next generation of hunters and news on launching his latest TV Show “The Journey”. He uses his 60+ years of experience as an outdoorsman and conservationist to provide advice on brining the next generation into the outdoor world, and to pass along his vast experience.

Read his amazing story here: Hunting with My Boys – Teaching the Next Generation How To Hunt Read more

Garmin’s New Alpha Series Handheld and Dog Collars

Next-generation sporting dog devices provide Garmin’s most comprehensive tracking and training solution

OLATHE, Kan./Outdoor Wire – Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) today announced the Alpha® 300 series and Alpha TT 25 and T 20 collar series, the newest generation tracking and training system for hunters and canine companions. The Alpha 300 series now provides nearly three times the battery life as its predecessor; a bright 3.5” vivid touchscreen display; inReach® satellite technology on certain models1; and new features to streamline users’ in-field experience. Customers can pair their Alpha 300 series handheld to existing Alpha ecosystem collars or the new TT 25 or T 20 dog collars for an unparalleled tracking and training experience. The new universally sized collars fit large and small breeds, offer an up to nine-mile range, and can provide optimized battery life through Dynamic Tracking, as well as user-replaceable battery packs and GPS flex bands. Read more

John Burrell’s High Adventure Company Partners with Beretta to Offer Premium Georgia Quail Hunting

Kennesaw, GA (May 9, 2023) – Slow steps forward, and then it holds. Locked in, the right leg curls up, the tail stiffens straight out, and the entire body goes rigid. The bird dog points, and hunters ease in for the flush. The adventure reaches a fever pitch. It’s the moment upland bird hunters live for.

John Burrell’s High Adventure Company has partnered with Beretta to offer a premier Georgia quail hunting and outdoor experience. These award-winning and highly-reputable companies combine their expertise for the ultimate upland hunting experience. It’s a quail hunt all hunters should experience. Habitat consists of loblolly pines and native warm-season grasses.

You can also enjoy incredible pheasant tower shoots, turkey, or white-tailed deer hunts here. And don’t forget the astonishing setting of the Beretta Shooting Grounds. It won the 2020 Sporting Classics Award of Excellence for Shooting Sports. A 28-station sporting clay course is on campus for tune-ups and recreation. Some guests might also enjoy the Swarovski 1,000-yard challenge and UTV rides around the property. Read more

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