Turkey Hunting Ammo Options: Good and Expensive

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)

The turkeys are back!  In my neck of the woods turkeys are numerous – that is until late fall when they perform their disappearing act.  I don’t know why they leave (or, where they go for that matter), but leave they do.  In any event, the generous hunting seasons begin in three weeks.

For most hunters it means shotguns with tight chokes and heavy payloads.  Traditional ammo has been improved immensely over the years.  In the ‘70s copper-plated lead pellets were the go-to choice in shotshells and still work well today.  In fact, the 12-gauge Winchester Long Beard shells in No. 4 to No. 6 shot with its unique buffering was and has been my chosen loads for years never having let me down.  And, I’m talking legitimate 50-yard lethality and beyond.  What more could a hunter desire?

Ammunition manufacturers have stepped up their offerings to include tungsten alloy shot.  In so doing, they’ve also stepped up the cost of drumsticks to some $10 per shot!  That’s right.  One 5-round box of Federal Premium Heavyweight TSS turkey ammunition in 12-gauge, non-toxic tungsten is going for $47.23.  Good thing my friends at Midway USA have marked it down from a list price of a whopping $74.99.  Step right up!  And, no wonder it’s available, too.  I’m wondering if solid gold might be more affordable.

It’s hard to argue with results, however.  Per pellet size, tungsten is heavier than lead and does not deform like lead.  These factors allow manufacturers to fill the hulls with much smaller shot which translates into more shot on target.  The baseline for performance in TSS shot is that 50-percent of the shells’ payload is within a 10-inch circle at 40 yards.

To effectively take a gobbler at a given range, a good load of anything must deliver at least 7 pellets in the head and neck region of a turkey; tungsten can do this easily at 40 yards, but how much energy will the tiny pellets produce when they arrives?  That is the question.

On a recent crow hunt, I carried a 12-gauge shotgun afield stoked with traditional 1 1/8-ounce of lead shot in No.9 size.  At one point in the hunt I took 5 crows in 5 shots with the tiny pellets, but some birds needed follow-up shots beyond 40 yards.  The energy simply was not sufficient at moderately long range.

The small pellets will naturally shed velocity quicker than larger pellets; as with any ammunition, there are trade-offs for every variation.  Even though pattern density is impressive for the smaller TSS shot, energy is questionable and may not be sufficient to be ethical beyond 20 yards.

In fact, Bryce Towsley in writing for American Hunter magazine points out the conundrum of the lighter TSS shot relative to turkey hunting.  He states, “My limited experience supports this with the TSS, as turkeys shot at distances beyond 40 yards with No. 9 TSS were not 100 percent kill rate and had to be dispatched.”  In conclusion, he states No. 7 TSS loads would be a better choice, but the best bet is to get closer.

At $6 to $10 per shot, I find TSS ammo cost prohibitive, when less expensive ammo can get the job done in fine fashion.  Availability is still an issue, so make sure to check retailers before assuming they’ll have whatever your preference is.

APEX Turkey Ninja TSS Named Best .410 Turkey Load

Columbus, Miss. – APEX Ammunition’s Turkey Ninja TSS has been named Best .410 Turkey load by Outdoor Life. In their recent test, Outdoor Life focused on Tungsten Super Shot (TSS) loads in .410 because of the density of tungsten pellets, and APEX’s Turkey Ninja TSS shotshells by far delivered the best performance.

The test was conducted at 40 yards using three of the most popular .410 turkey guns. The number of pellet strikes within the 10-inch diameter target circle was then measured. For each load, two patterns were shot with each gun, and then all six patterns were averaged.

“APEX is largely responsible for the popularity of TSS in turkey hunting, which also bolstered the popularity of turkey hunting with .410 shotguns. So it’s fitting that APEX’s Ninja would win our Editor’s Choice pick,” said Alex Robinson, Editor-in-Chief, Outdoor Life. “The load produced far denser patterns than others in the test……With the Mossberg 500, the load patterned phenomenally averaging 154 hits inside a 10-inch circle. For reference, in our review of the best 12 gauge turkey loads, there were a couple TSS loads and lead loads that didn’t print as good of patterns. Remember, we’re talking 12 gauge rounds with significantly higher payloads.”

The 3-inch Ninja loads contain 403 No. 9.5 TSS pellets with a payload of 7/8 ounces and velocity of 1060 fps. Read more

NBEF’s Black Bear Shot Placement Aids Reduce Game Recovery Time

Reduce game recovery time

RAPID CITY, SD (– The National Bowhunter Education Foundation (NBEF) offers informative items to increase success and safety for bowhunters. Bear hunters can learn how to improve shot accuracy for a quick harvest and game recovery.

The Advanced Black Bear Anatomy and Shot Placement Guide is an informative shot placement training aid with full color 8.5″ x 11″ transparent overlays. The bear muscular system, skeletal system, circulatory system, and vital organs are illustrated on separate acrylic overlays. An accompanying booklet includes shot placement information and illustrations for both firearm hunters and bowhunters. Hunting guides, hunter education instructors and informed hunters will appreciate this useful information in a convenient format. Responsible hunting includes knowledge of accurate shot placement for a quick kill and game recovery. This is part of the International Bowhunter Education Program Hunter Responsibility Series which includes anatomy and shot placement guides for white-tailed deerturkey and elk. All guides are 3-hole punched making it easy to collect all four booklets. Suggested retail $12.50 each.

The Mini 3-D Durable Foam Bear Model is a helpful tool for hunter education classes and hunter certification courses. Made exclusively for the NBEF by Rinehart Targets, the realistic model is molded from high quality, durable foam and. The reverse side is cut away to show vital organs and major bones. Use the included stick pin to demonstrate best shot placement. The model is 12.5” long and 8.25” high. Suggested retail is $7,5 but the re-introductory sale price is $65.

“NBEF recommends that hunters use reference information and tools that can lead to safer and more successful hunts,” explained NBEF Executive Director Marilyn Bentz. “Hunters who want to refresh their memory and new hunters alike can benefit from these educational items.” Read more

Frantic Crow Action

Final week of the season for crows, so my pal, Joe and I headed deep into the woods with our scatterguns – both 12-gauge semi autos.  I favor number 9 shot with a modified choke, while Joe carried  7 1/2 shot.  This was my first venture with the Mojo Crow and it performed flawlessly and was sure to divert attention.  An old Fox Pro caller shouted out dying crow sounds and an equally well version of a crow fight.  I didn’t use any hand calls and had plenty to do without the added commotion.

I was fortunate to take out 5 in a row at one point, but some could not be recovered because they expired in an adjoining swamp.

Late season Michigan crows

They are sure to be recycled now that the turkey vultures have returned, thank you.  No crowquettes for me.


Arizona: leftover permit-tags remain for 2023 elk hunts

Applications will be accepted by mail beginning at 8 a.m. Monday, March 27

PHOENIX — Arizona hunters still have an opportunity to receive a hunt permit-tag for select 2023 elk hunts.

The Arizona Game and Fish Department has posted a list of leftover hunt permit-tags, as well as a printable paper application, on its website.

Leftover hunt permit-tags include:

  • 62 — limited opportunity (general) antlerless elk.
  • 9 — limited opportunity (HAM) antlerless elk.
  • 6 — archery-only antlerless elk.
  • 6 — youth-only (general) antlerless elk.
  • — archery-only bull elk.

The department will begin accepting paper applications for leftover hunt permit-tags on a first-come, first-served basis — by mail only — beginning Monday, March 27. All completed paper applications must be addressed to: Arizona Game and Fish Department, Attn.: Draw/First Come, 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85086. There is no “mini” draw. Allow 10 to 15 business days to receive a hunt permit-tag by mail.

Any remaining leftover hunt permit-tags will go on sale on a first-come, first-served basis beginning Monday, April 3, at all department offices. Some of the leftover hunt permit-tags are for Hopi hunt open areas and are available to everyone, both tribal members and non-tribal members, through the first-come, first-served process.

A number of leftover hunt permit-tags remain for military hunts at Camp Navajo, for those who qualify. For more information, visit https://dema.az.gov/army-national-guard/camp-navajo/garrison-operations/camp-navajo-hunting-information.

For more information, including license and hunt permit-tag requirements, view the “2023 Pronghorn and Elk Hunt Draw Information” booklet online, or call 602-942-3000.

Find your path with new handheld GPS devices from Garmin

OLATHE, Kan./March 15, 2023 – Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) today announced the GPSMAP® 67 Series and the eTrex® SE – the latest additions to its impressive lineup of outdoor navigation devices. Take on new adventures with these rugged GPS handhelds packed with tools to help find the way and enhanced battery life to support longer expeditions. Across the board, the new lineup features multi-GNSS for better coverage in challenging environments. The GPSMAP 67/67i takes it a step further with multi-band support that utilizes multiple frequencies further improving positioning accuracy. Additionally, the GPSMAP 67i with inReach® technology lets users stay in contact with friends and family even without cell service – and if needed, trigger an interactive SOS to the 24/7-staffed Garmin ResponseSM Center1.

“Whether you’re on an afternoon hike or climbing a mountain on an extended expedition, the eTrex SE and GPSMAP 67 offer adventure seekers the perfect navigation companion and peace of mind of having Garmin’s proven GPS technology. For those who prefer global communication and SOS capabilities, the GPSMAP 67i with inReach technology provides communication through the 100% global Iridium satellite network. We’re also excited about the improvements in battery life as well as the superior GPS technology that gives you all the information you need, including Active Weather, smart notifications, and more2 when exploring off-the-grid locations.” – Dan Bartel, Garmin Vice President of Global Consumer Sales

Explore confidently with premium GPSMAP 67 and 67i

The all-new GPSMAP 67 Series includes a pair of button-operated handhelds built tough for any adventure with a 3” sunlight-readable color display. Both are powered by internal lithium-ion batteries for extended life, boasting up to 180 hours in standard mode and up to 840 hours in expedition mode. Read more

Buck Knives Offers Turkey Hunting Tips

POST FALLS, ID— Gobble, gobble, gobble!!! Did you hear it?

Turkey hunters everywhere are scouting, patterning shotguns, and prepping gear. Gobbler hunting season is on the horizon! Along with that coveted turkey tag stashed into a hunting vest pocket, remember to pack a sharp knife. Success means filling your tag—and cutting up a turkey that will roost—or rest—on your table in the future.

From notching that turkey tag when success happens to removing the tasty turkey breasts and drumsticks, a knife—the right knife—makes your field and butchering chores much easier. The team at Buck Knives offers these tips: Read more

Essential Turkey Shot Placement Aids Available from National Bowhunter Education Foundation

RAPID CITY, SD (March 13, 2023) – The National Bowhunter Education Foundation (NBEF) offers educational items to increase success and safety for bowhunters. The shot placement guide can help wild turkey hunters improve shot accuracy for a quick harvest and game recovery.

The Advanced Turkey Anatomy and Shot Placement Guide is an informative shot placement training aid with full color 8.5″ x 11″ transparent overlays. Separate acrylic overlays feature the muscular system, skeletal system, circulatory system, and vital organs specific to turkeys. Accompanying text includes shot placement information and illustrations for both firearm hunters and bowhunters. Useful for hunting guides, hunter education instructors or today’s informed hunter. Responsible hunting includes knowledge of accurate shot placement for a quick kill and game recovery. Technical expertise and guidance for this booklet was provided by the National Wild Turkey Foundation. This is part of the International Bowhunter Education Program Hunter Responsibility Series which includes anatomy and shot placement guides for whitetail deer, bear and elk. All guides are 3-hole punched making it easy to collect all four booklets. Suggested retail $12.50 each. Read more

Shiawassee Conservation Association to host hunter safety field day

OWOSSO — The Shiawassee Conservation Association is holding a hunter safety field day course Saturday, April 22, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Students are required to complete and pass an online hunter safety course anytime prior to the event and to bring their online certificate for entry into the field day. In addition, students must register for the event. Information and instructions for both the online course and field day registration can be obtained at hunter-ed.com/michigan/hunter

There is a $10 facility charge for the SCA collected upon check-in the day of the event. The SCA is located at 4247 N. M-52 in Owosso. If further details are needed please call either (989) 725-7588 or (989) 627-6410.

Michigan: 2023 Spring Turkey Drawing Results Available

Check your spring turkey drawing results at Michigan.gov/DNRLicenses, through the Michigan DNR Hunt Fish app or by calling 517-284-9453 (WILD). Licenses can be purchased online or at any license retailer.

Hunters who were unsuccessful in the drawing can buy a leftover license starting Monday, March 13, at 10 a.m. EST.

Didn’t apply for a license? Remaining leftover turkey licenses will go on sale to everyone Monday, March 20, at 10 a.m. Licenses are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee that leftover licenses will be available for any hunt unit.

Hunt 0234 license

Would you like a license that offers flexible hunting options? Hunt 0234 might be for you. With the Hunt 0234 license, you can hunt on:

  • Both public and private lands in the Upper Peninsula (Unit M) and in the northern Lower Peninsula (Units A, B, E, F, J and K).
  • Private land only in the southern Lower Peninsula (Unit ZZ).
  • Fort Custer military lands with permission.
  • Season dates May 6-31.

Hunt 0234 licenses go on sale March 20 at 10 a.m. Learn more about this hunt and season dates in the 2023 Spring Turkey Digest.

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