Steyr L40-A1 Service Pistol Now Available to the American Market

TRUSSVILLE, Ala. (June 27, 2014) – Steyr Arms has announced the arrival of the .40 S&W version of its full-size L-A1 service pistol on American shores. Following last year’s introduction of the L9-A1, the L40-A1 pistol features a full-length slide, 4.5-inch cold-hammer-forged barrel and 12-round magazine capacity for .40 S&W. The Steyr L40-A1 was designed to serve the dual role of a duty and sporting handgun. Read more

Norman, Olkahoma Police Honor Pete Brownell for Contributions to Shooting Facility

Pete Brownell, CEO of Brownells Inc. (left), receives a plaque of appreciation from Norman (Okla.) Police Chief Keith L. Humphrey on Tuesday at the Royce O. Whettle Norman Police Department Training Facility.

NORMAN, OK – In an era of ongoing budget cuts and reduced city revenues, local police departments and other agencies are often asked to do more and more with less and less. These budget shortfalls can result in a range of consequences, including a lack of adequate training opportunities. Through an infusion of resources from the private sector in the form of a generous donation from a firearms industry leader, the Norman Police Department and personnel from 20 different local, state and federal agencies will now benefit from enhanced targeting systems on the shooting range.

This spring, Pete Brownell, CEO of Brownells Inc., received word from Gary Giudice, president and founder of Norman-based Blue Heron Communications, that the shooting target systems at the Royce O. Whettle Norman Police Department Training Facility were in desperate need of an upgrade. Brownell responded in kind, working with Giudice to coordinate a donation of more than $30,000 in advanced targeting systems that will be utilized by SWAT Teams, snipers and other law enforcement officers. Read more

Midway Announces Better Shipping Rates

There are no order minimums or small order fees and shipping costs are calculated ‘real-time’ as you add products to your shopping cart

Today, I’m very pleased to announce one of the most important improvements for Customers we’ve ever made — our new Nitro Express Shipping® system. We’ve spent several years and millions of dollars to develop one of the best, most efficient shipping systems in the country; and we’ve negotiated very hard with our freight partners — all to save our Customers money on shipping costs.

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Women and Guns – the New Normal

The number of women applying for concealed carry permits has continued to steadily increase as more and more of them have decided to take responsibility for their own safety, as well as the protection of their families. I recently had the opportunity to talk with Beth Alcazar, a freelance writer and editor, with degrees in language arts, communication and education. Beth currently teaches college-level English, speech and critical thinking classes. She is a wife and mother of three and writes for the USCCA Concealed Carry Magazine as well as having her own blog, “Pacifiers and Peacemakers” on the USCCA web site. She just took another step in her journey to become more proficient in self-defense by attending the fourth USCCA Instructor Certification training course. Read more

Supreme Court to Hear Case Regarding Facebook Threats


Many POMA members, outdoor industry professionals, and outdoorsmen have been the subject of threats on social media. Some so violent and graphic they make your skin crawl. The industry is so concerned that an impromptu meeting of industry representatives was held at the 2014 SHOT Show to discuss the situation and possible action. Now, the Supreme Court of the United States is involved. On June 16, 2014 the Supreme Court announced it would hear a case involving threats made over Facebook. Is this the case the outdoor industry has been waiting for to support? Read more

Survivalists vs. Preppers Highlighted in Tonight’s “America Unplugged”

NEW BERLIN, WI- “I’m a survivalist, not a prepper. Prepping is replacing one dependent for another,” states Robert Allen, U.S. Army Combat Engineer, owner of Sigma 3 Survival School and featured on this week’s America Unplugged, exclusively on Sportsman Channel, Thurs., June 12 at 8 p.m. ET/PT.

Imagine a world where Americans no longer rely on local government for electricity, water, sanitation, heating, and cooling. This lifestyle of living “off the grid” is how more than 180,000 Americans choose to live every day. Hosted by former U.S. Navy SEAL/Sniper Cade Courtley, America Unplugged continues its ground-breaking journey into the homes of survivalists and those who have successfully “unplugged.” Read more

SAF Seeks Injunction Against Mass. Handgun Sales Regulations

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation, joined by Commonwealth Second Amendment, Inc., two commercial dealers and six private citizens, filed a lawsuit yesterday in federal court in Massachusetts, seeking an injunction against the State Attorney General’s enforcement of state consumer protection regulations that prevent the commercial sale of certain semiautomatic handguns.

The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court, asserts that the regulation requiring a “load indicator” on a semiautomatic handgun is “unconstitutionally vague and ambiguous” because it does not define what this device is, or what it is intended to do.

“We’re asking the court to put a stop to what we believe is arbitrary enforcement of the regulation, because it deems 3rd and 4th generation Glock pistols lack an ‘effective load indicator’ device,” said SAF Founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “How can anyone design something when there is no description, or explanation of exactly what such a device is supposed to do and how it is supposed to do it?” Read more

HK Launches New Striker Fired VP9 Pistol

“Heckler & Koch’s reputation for producing superior quality, innovative, and reliable products is well established in the U.S. and international markets. The new VP9 is just such a product. It’s been through just about every test possible – NATO and U.S. NIJ drop tests, extreme environment testing, durability shooting, and the most comprehensive ammunition testing with the widest variety of 9 mm imaginable. It came through those trials with flying colors,” said Wayne Weber, President of HK-USA. Read more

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