Senator Markey Announces Bill to Require Handguns to have Microstamp Technology
GW: More of the continuing effort to legislate handguns from the hands of ordinary Americans, while spending our money on fruitless studies. And, it’s so important that we should borrow $10 million from the Chinese. The dream of Democrats is alive…
Joined by Rep. Maloney in calling for $10 million for gun violence research in President’s Budget
Boston (February 19, 2014) – Joined by clergy, local elected officials and gun control and community advocates, on February 19th, 2014 Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) announced new efforts to combat gun violence in Massachusetts and throughout the country. Senator Markey announced introduction of the “The Handgun Trigger Safety Act” to ensure that only authorized users can operate handguns. Rep. John Tierney (D-Mass.) introduced the same legislation in House last year. Read more