Senator Markey Announces Bill to Require Handguns to have Microstamp Technology

GW:  More of the continuing effort to legislate handguns from the hands of ordinary Americans, while spending our money on fruitless studies.  And, it’s so important that we should borrow $10 million from the Chinese.  The dream of Democrats is alive…

Joined by Rep. Maloney in calling for $10 million for gun violence research in President’s Budget

Boston (February 19, 2014) – Joined by clergy, local elected officials and gun control and community advocates, on February 19th, 2014 Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) announced new efforts to combat gun violence in Massachusetts and throughout the country. Senator Markey announced introduction of the “The Handgun Trigger Safety Act” to ensure that only authorized users can operate handguns. Rep. John Tierney (D-Mass.) introduced the same legislation in House last year.  Read more

Top Hunting and Shooting Equipment Brands for 2013

FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. — Southwick Associates has announced the brands hunters and shooters purchased most frequently in 2013. This list has been compiled from the 36,680 internet-based surveys completed by hunters and shooters who volunteered to participate last year in Southwick Associates’ and polls. In 2013, brands most frequently purchased included: Read more

Remington Outdoor Company Announces Expansion to Alabama

HUNTSVILLE AND MONTGOMERY, AL – Governor Robert Bentley on Monday announced Alabama has recruited the country’s oldest firearms manufacturer to Alabama.
Remington Outdoor Company (ROC) will expand to the old Chrysler building in Huntsville, and create more than 2,000 new jobs within the next ten years. Governor Bentley joined Remington Chairman and CEO George Kollitides and other state and local leaders for the official announcement. Read more

Michigan: Firearms Records Confidentiality Package Introduced in State House

Yesterday, House Bills 5324532553265327 and 5328 were introduced in the Michigan Legislature.  Collectively known as the “Firearms Records Confidentiality Package,” these bills seek to clarify current laws regarding the regulation and licensing of the selling, purchasing, possessing and carrying of certain firearms.  Specifically, these bills aim to rework the current regulations regarding how firearms records are collected, used and accessed.  Most importantly, they reiterate that information contained in a firearms record is confidential and not subject to disclosure Read more

Connecticut Creates Criminals

Dan Haar of Connecticut’s The  Courant newspaper points out, “No one has anything close to definitive figures, but the  most conservative estimates place the number of unregistered  assault weapons well above 50,000, and perhaps as high as  350,000.  And that means as of Jan. 1, Connecticut has very likely  created tens of thousands of newly minted criminals — perhaps  100,000 people, almost certainly at least 20,000 — who have  broken no other laws.  By owning unregistered guns defined as  assault weapons, all of them are committing Class D  felonies.”  More here…

Gun Toting Anti-gun Activist Closes School with Gun

A lockdown of Harvey Austin Elementary, in Buffalo, New York was implemented as police responded to a call regarding a man with a gun on school grounds.  Officers ended the search, when they found Dwayne Ferguson a black community activist and strong anti-gun campaigner who worked tirelessly for New York’s gun grabbing SAFE Act.  The two-faced hypocrite says he forgot about the gun.   Details here…

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