California Gun Group Delivers 65,000 Letters to Governor Brown Urging Gun Control Vetoes

Brandon Combs, managing director of the Firearms Policy Coalition, left, and Craig DeLuz, legislative advocate for California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees, deliver about 65,000 petitions urging the governor’s veto of 14 gun bills. Credit: The Sacramento Bee/Christopher Cadelago.

SACRAMENTO, CA — Earlier this morning, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) Managing Director Brandon Combs, joined by California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees (CAL-FFL) Legislative Advocate Craig DeLuz, delivered 65,000 letters from individuals urging California Governor Jerry Brown to veto the 14 gun control bills currently on his desk. Read more

Government Shutdown and NICS

As of this morning, there was no deal in place to avert the impending government shutdown. In the event of that shutdown, the FBI says their NICS Section is set to remain fully operational and maintain normal business hours. However, the National Shooting Sports Foundation reports the ATF’s Office of Enforcement Programs and Services (EPS) would effectively be shut down, operating with minimal staff.

SAF Sues New York Over SAFE Act

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation filed suit Friday in federal court seeking to enjoin the State of New York from enforcing provisions of the so-called “SAFE Act” that limit the use of gun magazines containing more than seven cartridges.
SAF is joined in the lawsuit by the Shooters Committee for Political Education (SCOPE) and Long Island Firearms LLC. They are represented by New York attorneys David Jensen and Robert P. Firriolo. Read more

NRA Calls Treaty Blatant Attack on Citizens Rights

Obama Administration Signs United Nations Arms Trade Treaty
Fairfax, Va. – Today, Secretary of State John Kerry signed the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty on behalf of the Obama administration. The National Rifle Association strongly opposes this treaty, which is a clear violation of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
“The Obama administration is once again demonstrating its contempt for our fundamental, individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action. “This treaty threatens individual firearm ownership with an invasive registration scheme. The NRA will continue working with the United States Senate to oppose ratification of the ATT.” Read more

Hodgdon Introduces CFE™ PISTOL Powder

Shawnee Kansas  Hodgdon® announces a new addition to the CFE™ family of propellants called CFE™ PISTOL.  Just like its rifle powder counterpart, CFE™223, CFE™PISTOL greatly deters copper fouling round after round! CFE™, which represents the proprietary chemistry named “Copper Fouling Eraser”, was developed for U.S. rapid fire military systems. Whatever your game is as a top gun competitor or target plinker you will benefit significantly with longer periods of top accuracy with less barrel cleaning time and minimal muzzle flash. Read more

NSSF Launches New and Improved Website

NEWTOWN, Conn. — The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) has launched an improved, redesigned website at — the organization’s hub for providing timely news and educational materials to industry members and consumers.   The new site features improved navigation, better search functionality and quick access to news and information about the industry and hunting and the shooting sports. Read more

CalGuns Foundation Files Federal Lawsuit Against State AG Karris, DOJ Firearms Chief

SAN CARLOS, CA – The Calguns Foundation filed a new federal civil rights lawsuit this morning on behalf of three California residents, naming Attorney General Kamala Harris and DOJ Bureau of Firearms Chief Stephen Lindley as defendants. The case challenges the California Department of Justice’s practice of denying individuals’ fundamental rights protected under the Second and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. Read more

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