McLaughlin Poll Shows Strong Support for 2A After Ukraine Invasion

BELLEVUE, WA – A new survey by the nationally-recognized polling firm of McLaughlin & Associates shows strong public support for the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms in the wake of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Second Amendment Foundation commissioned survey said 66.1 percent of the respondents agreed with the statement posed by the McLaughlin poll stating, “When you see what is going on with Vladimir Putin and Russia’s military invasion of the Ukraine, it is more important than ever for Americans to defend their 2nd Amendment Constitutional freedoms for law-abiding citizens to continue to have the right to own guns for their personal protection.” Only 25.7 percent disagree, and only 8.2 percent had no opinion. The survey may be read here.

“This should send a message to the Biden administration that Americans by a large majority fully understand the Second Amendment is about defending liberty and not about duck or deer hunting,” said Alan Gottlieb, SAF founder and executive vice president. “The new McLaughlin data shows how out-of-touch Biden and his fellow Democrats are about the right to keep and bear arms.” Read more

Indiana “Permitless Carry” Law Signed

Indiana acknowledges right to bear arms applies to all peaceable adults by enacting 18 and older permitless carry legislation

Today, Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb signed the Firearms Policy Coalition-supported House Bill 1296 into law, making it the 24th state to enact permitless carry legislation. Under the law, peaceable adults, 18 years of age and older who are not otherwise prohibited from carrying or owning a firearm, will no longer need a license to carry either open or concealed in the Hoosier state. The law will go into effect July 1.

FPC applauds Gov. Holcomb for honorably siding with the constitutions of both Indiana and the United States.We also wish to thank the bill’s author, Rep. Ben Smaltz, as well as the Indiana state senators and representatives who actively supported H.B. 1296’s passing, despite multiple efforts to derail and gut the bill by amendment from the Republican Chairwoman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Liz Brown. Read more

U.S. LawShield to Address Road Rage & Self-Defense

Houston, Texas –– U.S. LawShield®, industry leader and America’s largest provider of Legal Defense for Self Defense® coverage, announces a live YouTube event on Tuesday, March 22 at 11:00 AM CT to address road rage & self-defense.

According to U.S. LawShield CEO P.J. Hermosa, “Road rage is a serious problem plaguing drivers across the country. When an incident turns deadly in the blink of an eye, you need to know how to handle the situation safely and responsibly. U.S. LawShield hosts these events on YouTube as a way to educate the population on all matters of self-defense—in this case, to educate drivers on how to avoid road rage incidents while remaining safe and law-abiding.”

The U.S. LawShield YouTube event Fast & Furious: Road Rage & Self-Defense will give viewers answers to questions like:

·What should you do in a road rage shooting?

·Is road rage a criminal offense?

·How do you handle a road rage incident?

·Can you avoid road rage violence? Read more

Ohio: DeWine Signs BFA-Supported Permitless Carry Bill

At approximately 4:50 p.m. on Monday, March 14, 2022, Gov. Mike DeWine signed Senate Bill 215, which will make it legal to carry a concealed handgun without a license in Ohio 91 days after signing.

“This is a day that will go down in history,” said Dean Rieck, Executive Director of Buckeye Firearms Association. “It has been about 18 years since Ohio enacted HB 12 to bring licensed concealed carry to the state.

“However, the brass ring has always been to eliminate the licensing mandate, which people refer to as permitless carry or Constitutional Carry. And now, finally, that day is here. This is a great moment for Ohio and for those who wish to more fully exercise their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Read more

CCRKBA: Russian Outrages in Ukraine Prove Need for Armed Populace

BELLEVUE, WA. – Newly-revealed Russian outrages including the attacks on a maternity hospital and innocent women and children further reinforces the necessity for all European nations to have an armed and trained populace, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

“Several news agencies are reporting these barbaric attacks,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “which should erase any doubt about the intent of the Russian invaders, and the need for every able bodied citizen to have the tools to fight back. This is not a game of hypotheticals. Innocent women and children are being targeted.

“Other European nations should take a lesson from what is now unfolding in Ukraine,” he continued. “In this country, our founders wisely included the constitutional protection of the fundamental right to keep and bear arms, but nations in Europe have no such provisions. Still, we believe it is incumbent upon all nations to adopt a proactive stance, considering what we’ve seen unfolding over the past three weeks.

“An armed and trained population can defend their homes and their homeland,” Gottlieb observed. “Right now, other countries should be promoting private gun ownership rather than preventing their citizens from having firearms and being well-trained in their use.

“We’ve read and heard criticisms from the gun prohibition crowd about stressing the importance of our Second Amendment to the security of a free state,” he added, “but those critics are speaking from the comfort of a currently safe nation. While they seem content to discuss the Ukraine tragedy from an academic perspective, the people actually living through that horror have no such luxury, nor do citizens of adjacent nations who are justifiably concerned about their own safety with each passing day of conflict. Read more

Meprolight Back-Up Sights – to Stay in The Fight

Things don’t always go according to plan, especially in combat. Gear and equipment will malfunction or break. Meprolight’s engineers, having served in the Israel Defense Forces, knew first-hand the value of having a go-to-back-up plan. Out of their experience, they designed a pair of back-up sights, giving shooters the option of selecting the one that keeps them in the fight in case their optic goes down.

The Mepro FRBS with Hyper-Bright™ front sight incorporates tritium in the sights to improve the sight picture day or night. Meprolight® upgraded the FRBS by offering it with a Hyper-Bright™ front sight featuring an extremely bright colored ring with tritium illumination in your choice of green, yellow, or orange. The contrasting sight color enables shooters to acquire the front sight faster and improves target acquisition in all lighting conditions. Choice of two dot or four dot rear sight is available in black or tan. The night-time illumination is designed bright enough to see the sights but not too bright to impact sight picture. Read more

Ukraine Support

From Jim Shepherd

The industry is continuing to step up its support of the Ukrainian people and their battle to repel a Russian invasion. For many, the fact the fight continues is surprising. Standard Russian military doctrine calls for overwhelming force mercilessly applied.

Instead, they’ve looked surprisingly ineffective. Despite the apparent reluctance to really apply their overwhelming force they continue slowly working their way across the country. They’re also destroying nearly everything in front of them.

Last week, Ammo, Inc. used board of directors member Richard Childress to publicize their support of one million rounds of ammunition to Ukrainian forces. It was the first public industry initiative to support the Ukrainian people. According to Childress, he was motivated after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told UN officials he “didn’t need a ride, he needed ammunition.”

No word on whether Ammo, Inc.’s followed through on the pledge, but others are joining in.

Remington, CCI, Speer and Federal (top) have joined the Ukrainian support movement, pledging one-million rounds of ammunition. Adams Arms (bottom) is building rifles for the Ukraine in addition to selling support shirts via their website. Proceeds of the sale are going to the Ukrainian National Bank’s war fund.

Vista Outdoor’s Remington, CCI, Speer and Federal have now joined the support efforts, stepping up to donate a million rounds of ammunition to the Ukraine Armed Forces. That’s in addition to the ammunition already sold to the Ukrainian forces. They’re also selling tee shirts to support the Ukrainians with proceeds going to the Ukrainian Crisis Relief Fund of the Global Giving organization.

Ammunition, however, isn’t all the Ukrainian government’s hoping for. I have a copy of a “shopping list” sent from the Ukrainian State Border Guard on 24 February. It lists grenade launchers/grenades, projectiles for their RPG-7 rocket launchers, more vehicle-mounted automatic grenade launchers and millions of rounds of ammunition in 9×19, 7.62×54, 23x152mm and 5.45x39mm. Read more

ATN Adds Link for Ukrainian Support

ATN demonstrates solidarity with the Ukrainian people with generous donations. ATN efforts on the ground in Bulgaria are now moving much-needed shipments of humanitarian and defensive supplies through Ukraine’s border into fighting zones.

Doral, Fla. (March 2022) – ATN, Corp., an industry leader of innovative optics for civilian, law enforcement, and the military, announce it has opened a site on the ATN website for direct donations to help the Ukrainian people receive humanitarian supplies and equipment for their fighting forces against the unjust actions of the Russian tyrant, Putin, and his forces. Read more

Ohio: Constitutional Carry Bill Headed to Governor’s Desk

Constitutional Carry Bill Headed to Governor’s Desk!

COLUMBUS – On Wednesday, March 2, 2022, the Ohio House voted 57-35 to pass Senate Bill 215, sponsored by Sen. Terry Johnson.

About an hour later, the Senate concurred with a vote of 24-8. This means the bill now moves to the Governor’s desk.

The bill seeks to make a concealed handgun license optional in Ohio. It also clarifies how and when a person must notify law enforcement about carrying a firearm.

“We are at a historic moment in Ohio legislative history,” said Dean Rieck, Executive Director of Buckeye Firearms Association. “This is the closest we’ve ever been to passing a bill to make the licensing process optional for concealed carry of a firearm. Read more

SAF Urges Support of Ukrainian Gun Owners

“The whole world is watching, but gun owners around the world can actually be helping,” said Alan Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation. “We’re calling on our fellow gun owners and rights activists to support Zbroya, the Ukranian Gun Owners Association (UGOA).

UGOA is a member organization of the International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights(IAPCAR), which SAF spearheaded and helped organize more than a decade ago. Now, more than ever, gun owners in Ukraine are in dire need of support, because civilian arms rights has never been more important in that nation.

“Our brother and sister gun owners in the Ukraine are fighting for their lives,” Gottlieb said, “and now is the time for gun owners across the country and around the world to step up and help them in their hour of need.”

Contributions may be made directly to UGOA by visiting the Zbroya page at the IAPCAR website, Gottlieb noted. Open the page and in the upper right hand corner, click on the red “Donate” icon, and follow instructions. Read more

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