SilencerCo’s American Gun Campaign Reveals Diversity of American Gun Owners

West Valley City, UT — SilencerCo launches “American Gun,” a series of videos featuring vastly different kinds of gun owners around America that will illustrate the commonality of firearms among people from all walks of life. The first video, “American Gun: The Realtor,” was released, July 14th, 2021. A series of videos will follow on a monthly basis.

In the premier video, JoAnna, a single mother and real estate professional from North Carolina, tells SilencerCo why she carries concealed. As the youngest of 28 kids, she is the first entrepreneur and first girl in her family to own a gun. When a wave of rape incidents started occurring with real estate agents in her area, JoAnna decided it was time to learn how to protect herself.

“Feeling the power that you have in your hand and what you can do with it is going to make you more of who you already are,” said JoAnna. “It’s not a weapon against someone, it’s protection for myself.”

In a time when conversations surrounding firearms are very contentious, SilencerCo has taken it upon themselves to illustrate the true story of the American gun owner. “American Gun” is an intimate look at the foundation of American Freedom, focusing on the right to bear arms and the vast diversity of people that exists among those who support the second amendment across this country. Read more

Bond Arms’ Backup Pistol

Granbury, TX – Bond Arms builds the smallest, most powerful personal protection pistols in the firearms industry. The Texas gun maker loaded the Backup, its powerful yet ultra-compact derringer, with concealability and personal defense features that have quickly made it one of the company’s best-selling models.

There are many reasons why the Backup is the perfect choice for a secondary weapon. The Backup weighs only 19-ounces and is a mere 4.5-inches long—ideal for all-day carrying comfort. Its 2.5-inch barrels shortens the overall length for ultra-concealability. Read more

Armed American News Media Platform

Gives Audience Freedom to Choose

ATLANTA, GA -– CCW Broadcast Media LLC proudly announces the launch of a new and unique media platform, Armed American News™ (AAN). AAN separates news from supposition and allows the audience to decide if they want opinion-based journalism in addition to the factual headline stories. The pro-Second Amendment news outlet is free to everyone and boasts a heavy emphasis on issues relevant to patriots and the right to keep and bear arms. News, opinions, and reviews are separated, enhancing the integrity of the stories.

Mark Walters, co-founder of Armed American News, said, “AAN is a rebellious new media outlet built upon the ideals of truth and choice. I have told my radio audience for years not to be ‘headline surfers’ as the mainstream media outlets use their headlines to mislead. That changes today. Americans are hungry for headlines they can trust without the rhetoric or assumptions we’ve become accustomed to. We don’t want to deal with media personalities who continuously attempt to sway our opinions under the guise of honesty. People are tired of reading headlines filled with speculation and conclusions that have no factual basis,” he said. “The mainstream media have shown their hand, and we don’t trust them.”

Armed American News disrupts the typical news cycle by offering a contemporary outlet distinctly different from the familiar mainstream sources. “Our site is staffed by professional pro-gun journalists who keep their opinions where they belong – on the opinion page,” said Walters. “This way, you don’t have to decipher truth from sentiment. It is deliberately separate.” Read more

Blackhawk’s Carry Positions Guide Offers Tips for Concealed Carry


New Guide and Videos Provide Answers for CCW in Casual, Athletic and Business Situations

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. –– Blackhawk®, a leader in law enforcement and military equipment for over 20 years, is once again helping to educate new and experienced gun owners alike on the various carrying positions and products needed to conceal carry in casual, athletic and business environments. As part of the brand’s Your Right 2 Protect (YR2P) initiative, Blackhawk has released three new videos and a downloadable carry positions guide which explains common terminology, holster options and tips.

Available for viewing on its website or on the Blackhawk’s YouTube page, the three newly released videos are designed to assist gun owners with carrying on the go. Hosted by Blackhawk product manager Justin Hoffman, the videos provide instruction and product suggestions for three of the most common carrying situations – casual, athletic and business. Whether dressing for a causal trip to the grocery store, exercising or your next business meeting, Blackhawk offers a wide variety of holsters to help accommodate your specific needs. Read more

SAF Files Legal Challenge to Minnesota Ban on CCW by Young Adults

The Second Amendment Foundation today filed a federal lawsuit in Minnesota, challenging that state’s ban on concealed carry by young adults between the ages of 18 and 21, alleging the ban violates the Second and 14th Amendment rights of those citizens.

The lawsuit was filed in U.S District Court for the District of Minnesota. The case is known as Worth v. Harrington.

Joining SAF are the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus, Firearms Policy Coalition and three private citizens in the affected age group. Defendants are John Harrington, commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, plus three county sheriffs, Mille Lac County Sheriff Don Lorge, Douglas County Sheriff Troy Wolbersen and Washington County Sheriff Dan Starry, in their individual and official capacities.

“We recognize the rights of law-abiding young adults to vote, join the military, sign contracts, start businesses, get married and do other things,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “but when it comes to exercising one of the most basic fundamental rights protected by the Constitution, suddenly we treat them like children. You shouldn’t be able to have it both ways. Read more

TOP STORY: Judge Says California “Assault Weapon Ban” Unconstitutional

BELLEVUE, WA — The Second Amendment Foundation has won a significant court ruling in the case of Miller v. Bonta , which challenged the constitutionality of California’s ban on so-called “assault weapons,” with U.S. District Court Judge Roger T. Benitez declaring the state’s statutes regarding such firearms to be unconstitutional.

SAF was joined in this action by the Firearms Policy Coalition, California Gun Rights Foundation, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, Poway Weapons and Gear, Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, and several private citizens including James Miller, for whom the case is named.

“In his 94-page ruling, Judge Benitez has shredded California gun control laws regarding modern semi-automatic rifles,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “It is clear the judge did his homework on this ruling, and we are delighted with the outcome.”

In his opening paragraph, Judge Benitez observes, “Like the Swiss Army Knife, the popular AR-15 rifle is a perfect combination of home defense weapon and homeland defense equipment. Good for both home and battle, the AR-15 is the kind of versatile gun that lies at the intersection of the kinds of firearms protected under District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008) and United States v Miller, 307 U.S. 174 (1939). Yet, the State of California makes it a crime to have an AR- 15 type rifle. Therefore, this Court declares the California statutes to be unconstitutional.”

Later in the ruling, Judge Benitez observes, “The Second Amendment protects modern weapons.” A few pages later, he adds, “Modern rifles are popular. Modern rifles are legal to build, buy, and own under federal law and the and the laws of 45 states.” Perhaps most importantly, the judge notes that California’s ban on such firearms “has had no effect” on shootings in the state. “California’s experiment is a failure,” Judge Benitez says.

“There is not much wiggle room in the judge’s decision,” Gottlieb stated. “Today’s ruling is one more step in SAF’s mission to win back firearms freedom one lawsuit at a time.”

The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.

U.S. LawShield, Virginia Citizens Defense League File Suit Against City of Winchester, VA

Houston, TX – U.S. LawShield®, the leader in the Legal Defense for Self-Defense industry, has recently filed a joint lawsuit with the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) against the City of Winchester, Virginia for violating articles of the Constitution of Virginia.

“Our mission is based on preserving and protecting our members’ Constitutional right to bear arms—particularly in order to defend themselves and their loved ones,” says Randy Macchi, COO and General Counsel for U.S. LawShield. “We have filed this lawsuit to protect the rights of our 10,000+ members in Virginia and to stop the unconstitutional infringement of those rights. U.S. LawShield and the VCDL are requesting that temporary and permanent injunctions be filed against recent implementations of city and state codes.”

Currently, there is no Virginia statute that prohibits a person from openly carrying a firearm. Virginia code does state that a person is prohibited from carrying a concealed handgun in public unless that person is issued a Concealed Handgun Permit. Virginia, like many other states, has what is known as “preemption” laws, which prevent localities from creating a patchwork of gun laws across the Commonwealth that are difficult or burdensome for otherwise law-abiding gun owners to navigate. Recent city ordinances in Winchester and several other Virginia jurisdictions have begun to implement these types of firearms restrictions. Read more

USCCA Forms New Super PAC

West Bend, WI – As part of its continued leadership to grow support for national concealed carry reciprocity and responsibly armed Americans broadly, the U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) announced today it is launching a new Super PAC. The U.S. Concealed Carry Association For Saving Lives political action committee will help educate more Americans on their right to self-defense, support Members of Congress who are working to ensure law-abiding Americans can exercise their natural-born right to protect themselves and their families, and help serve as a counter-balance to the extreme anti-gun interest groups that are working to erode that right.

“On behalf of our almost 600,000 members nationwide, the USCCA is excited to broaden its efforts to help ensure all Americans can protect themselves and their families, anytime, anywhere. With over 100 million gun owners across the nation and climbing, there is an incredible demand among law-abiding Americans for Congress to finally pass the National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, so they can protect themselves and their families at all times,”said Tim Schmidt, President and Founder of the U.S. Concealed Carry Association. “It is our hope that by expanding our support of those leading the fight for national reciprocity for concealed carry permit holders, we can better protect law-abiding Americans from being criminalized.” Read more

Galco’s Day Planners for Hidden Open Carry

Galco’s iDefense™ carries not only a defensive handgun, but also accommodates a tablet computer! The iDefense safely secures a compact or full-size defensive handgun and spare ammo with an elasticized nylon holster concealed within a zipped compartment. The tablet is held in place outside the gun compartment on a sturdy backing plate that’s fully adjustable for tablet angle.

The Hidden Agenda™ is a handgun carrying case that is also a fully functional day planner. The separation of holster compartment and business tools puts it on the self-defense agenda in settings that require complete discretion. It comes with a Day Runner calendar and pad of ruled paper. Read more

USCCA: President Biden’s “Wrong Path” on Firearms Regulation

CONTACT: Keeley Christensen

The Path Forward Should Be Focused on Supporting and Protecting Responsible, Law-abiding Americans — Not More Failed Regulation

West Bend, WI – The U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA), which is one of the fastest-growing organizations in the country advocating for responsibly-armed Americans, said today that the new gun control measures proposed by President Biden would do virtually nothing to actually reduce crime or help more Americans keep their families safe.

Pointing to the record national gun sales over the last year and the explosion in demand among Americans of all backgrounds for firearms education and training, the USCCA said the President should be focused instead on supporting and protecting responsible, law-abiding Americans.

“Organizations like the USCCA exist to help responsible Americans avoid danger, save lives and keep their families safe, and our elected leaders in Washington have an incredible obligation to pursue those same goals,” USCCA President and Founder Tim Schmidt said today. “That is why it’s deeply troubling to see the President and others in Washington calling for more failed laws and regulations. We need common-sense reforms, like national concealed carry reciprocity, that are grounded in reality rather than anti-gun political ideology, and a new path with the goal of keeping Americans safe by ensuring they can protect their families and loved ones at all times. Today’s announcement falls woefully short of meeting that goal.” Read more

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